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  • Users: StupidBird
  • Content: Threads
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  1. StupidBird

    Where are the bees?

    Maybe I am jumping the gun. We've had several lovely sunny days, weeds, early flowers and my plum trees are blooming and I have seen NO honeybees. In five minutes observation of one semi dwarf plum today, I saw one wasp, one carpenter bee, three at most of those little bitty waspish things and...
  2. StupidBird

    So my neighbors dog comes by today (tear jerker alert)

    So this vaguely familiar lab mix comes to our door today, whining and upset. No collar, but clean and well fed. Walks right into our house, giving little whines, a passing lick to my face as it looks me in the eye. Turns and searches our whole house quickly. DS puts a leash on her and walks...
  3. StupidBird

    Suddenly very ill Rooster

    One year old rir-bo cross very healthy rooster until last night; wasn't on the roost and just thought the hen he's in isolation with booted him off the roost (in isolation due to conflict with my big ol' head rooster) This morning, just now, all somewhat hunched but limp, not moving. Comb is...
  4. StupidBird

    Taught dog not to chase hens, now chases...

    the neighbor's horse. Rant. On the good side, the horse was cheerful and after running to the barn, ran right back up to the dog, and dufus dog was in play-chase mode. However, I would have shot the dog myself if that were my horse, play or not. And the horse might not be playing either, but...
  5. StupidBird

    Best Apocalyptic Movie for the Apocalypse

    So, I and some other warped-minded individuals want to have a little party on the next upcoming doomsday, December 21, 2011. Popcorn, cookies, all the junk food we can handle, and beverages, and a movie to mock ourselves silly with. Since it's a Wednesday night and we all need to go to work...
  6. StupidBird

    When disasters are a good thing

    How many times does this happen to you? A disaster turns out to be really good in disguise, although some are heavily disguised. For example, this morning DH cut up a pomegranate. I bemoaned the magenta spray of juice from cabinet to countertop and every item in between, from sink to stove. An...
  7. StupidBird

    Butter - now with "natural flavors"

    I just got back from the grocery store, restocking some things from the long weekend. Picked up the butter, and was looking at the label for something else when I saw it: "Ingredients: Cream (milk), natural flavors." I hastily grabbed every brand on the shelf and read the same thing. I...
  8. StupidBird

    Stupid Birds! Gah!

    Just Another Rooster Rant: Ok, I have two beautiful roosters (Feb hatch, from local breeder) that are stunning examples of Buff Orphington and Austrolorp breeds. Friendly with the hens, standoff-ish with people, protective of flock, got along with each other. Ideal, right? UNTIL last evening...
  9. StupidBird

    "Fixed" dog is in heat!

    The stray pup/dog adopted us in July this year. Vet #1 said it was a year old, may or may not be spayed. Vet #2 said she is 6mos to a year old, and see this scar? 99% certain she's fixed. Um, NOPE. Today the signs are unmistakable. It's only a matter of hours before every dog in the county...
  10. StupidBird

    Severe Weather Alert!

    Yes, there's a severe weather alert out since last night for the Atlanta area. OMG! It's actually gotten below the freezing point. It's NOVEMBER. Of course it's cold! Next thing you know, they'll be shutting down everything when it snows...
  11. StupidBird

    Advice for hen found near death Updates

    Found my pet silkie Tribble floating in a bucket when I came home. Thought the hen was dead, she was so stiff and cold. Actually brought inside to wrap for burial (it's the silkie, Tribble). ? Movement? So, warm baths, gentle warm blow-dry; increasing respiration, heartbeat and responses. An...
  12. StupidBird

    It's Monday again . . .

    can I just go back to bed until it's Tuesday? I have the anti-Midas touch today. It WILL be better tomorrow, right?
  13. StupidBird

    To nurse along or cull? please help decide

    can't photo - hen is in arm wrapped in bath towel . picked up one of the fugly sisters - problematic, 2 yo rescues - to see how doing. found 2-2,5 inch slash under wimg. no blood. dirt or scab and dirt. soaked with wet warm cloth and later as soft hosed gentle warm water. bird is very active...
  14. StupidBird

    Most Unusual/random thing chewed up by Puppy?

    The back door frame. All the way to the stud. You all have to have some good ones out there!
  15. StupidBird

    You know you're sick when...

    (((Deleting what I wrote about what happened Sunday, because I'm not as better as I thought and it was stupid....))) That was the high point on Sunday. I'm MUCH better today. But I'll spend all morning on BYC harassing everyone. hehehe.
  16. StupidBird

    Things Mom used to say...(or your Dad)

    Hey everyone, what are some unusual things your parents used to say? Extra points if you've caught yourself saying them! When asked "Where are we going?" Mom's reply "To h377 in a handbasket". On her defense, we were awful kids.
  17. StupidBird

    Over-educated housewife has foaming at the mouth rant

    I just got really, really speechless mad, Ya'll can just ignore this. Really. 6 years of college, twice delayed due to the finances and reality of small children/babies. Finally graduate, get a job 5 months later. 2 months shy of getting my state license, my health has a major meltdown. A...
  18. StupidBird

    Woman's equivalent to the Man Cave?

    Yes, I'm getting a recently vacated room as MINE all MINE. . . since the guys have the bonus room as the "man cave". Please dear BYC, help me come up with an equivalently cool name for the female version of this special place. No flowers and ruffles, but still. AND not "the laundry room"...
  19. StupidBird

    Craigslist trade - failure

    I'm an idiot! A soft hearted, spineless idiot! Well, the roosters had to go. But the hens in trade aren't moulting, they are rooster shredded and full of mites. And have some have spurs? I'm tempted to have someone dig a deep hole and end their misery. What a stench! I've bathed them, put them...
  20. StupidBird

    The Modern Hope Chest

    I put all the odds and ends of dishes and housewares in boxes and I hope the grown kids move out and I hope that they take all this junk with them.
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