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  1. Lil Chickie Mama

    First survivors :(

    I finally got the courage to breed my Californian doe (1 year old) and watched a bunch of bunny p*rn as my dh called it, otherwise known as informational youtube videos. I introduced her to the buck, they had a couple successful dates before I removed her about 10 minutes later. Then about 8...
  2. Lil Chickie Mama

    Chickens eating rabbit poop

    I just bought meat rabbits 2 weeks ago and the shed I built for them is open to the chicken run. The cages are hanging and the poop falls to the ground or onto the board hanging in between the top tier and bottom tier of cages. I was amazed at just how much output there was! I have 6 adults...
  3. Lil Chickie Mama

    Sunburned chicks? Uh-oh!

    So I thought I'd be a nice chicken-mama and bring the hutch full of chickies outside (they've been in the garage the whole month) since it was nice outside and they can see what real light and breeze and what not are. I cleaned out the hutch, put fresh hay in, cleaned the waterer and refilled...
  4. Lil Chickie Mama

    My New Brooder: Where to put lamps?

    I am just about done building my new chick brooder. They have to be outside this time but I also have 3X as many chicks as the first time. Sigh. Chickens are so addicting! The hutch I built is 8' long X 2' deep X 2' tall (inside chick room, but total height is about 4' 3"). the two 2' X 2'...
  5. Lil Chickie Mama

    Prevent Spraddle Leg

    How long should a non-slip cover be placed over the floor over shavings/straw/ect. before it's safe for the chicks to walk on? For instance, I'm getting baby chicks, standard 3-day old's, and I keep reading that paper towels or terry cloth towel be placed over substrate for a few days, does...
  6. Lil Chickie Mama

    Pinioning Chicks?

    Okay this may sound either weird or cruel, but it's just for curiosity sake I don't plan on doing it. My coop is 100% covered so don't worry I've read about people pinoning ducklings, other waterfowl, or baby quail, but I haven't seen it for chickens other than in the Storey's guide. I'm...
  7. Lil Chickie Mama

    I've got the fever!!!

    Oh I'm having one of those, "What the heck did I just do?!" moments! I just ordered 31 day old chicks from Welp to be here on March 8th. Hubbie only knows that he asked me to get one hen, teeheehee. I had 8 hens and 5 roosters as of Monday, but now I'm down to 2 roosters and 3 hens thanks to...
  8. Lil Chickie Mama

    How long will eggs be okay to eat when left outside?

    I found a hidden clutch of eggs today in a dog crate that I had "abandoned" in an area outside of tools and things I wont use until spring. I know...I stupidity for leaving something that they can get into, oops. Anyway there were about 15 eggs and I don't know how long they had been...
  9. Lil Chickie Mama

    Punksatony Phil may have competition...

    I don't know how accurate this may be, but Punksatony Phil may have some competition. He apparently predicted 6 more weeks of winter, and while that may be true up in Punksatony, I'm thinking that the California winter is coming to a close (possible?). I have two bantam hens that were laying...
  10. Lil Chickie Mama

    New smoker + Rooster = Yum?

    We just bought a new grill that also has a smoker function (don't ask me about it, that's DH's expertise, lol) I have 3 roos that I'm ready to do in and they are about 260 days now give or take. I haven't processed birds this old yet but I am assuming the meat would be tough from what I've...
  11. Lil Chickie Mama

    Sprouting Strawberries?

    I was in my garden yesterday and we were getting rid of weeds but we were confused about a small up-cropping of plant growth that look a LOT like small strawberry plants where my chickens used to be. I still have chickens but have moved their spot, don't worry I was feeding them quite a lot...
  12. Lil Chickie Mama

    An egg of a different color

    One of my banties has been laying a little white egg almost every other day for about a week and a half, she's the only of my 8 girls who is laying. This morning I went out to do some checks and I found a GREEN egg! WHOA! So one of my Ameraucana's is laying now and I lucked out that she is...
  13. Lil Chickie Mama

    Coca-Cola Cookies

    My friend who know I like to bake was raving about these cookies that his abuelita (grandma) used to make and he couldn't remember the name of them or what was in it other than Coca-Cola (I'm sure any cola would do) sugar, vanilla, and flour. I'd really like to make them for him, he just found...
  14. Lil Chickie Mama

    Psycho Pullet

    I have one pullet that is about 14 weeks. At this point she is with the rest of the flock but she's a psycho! She'll run if they come close to her even if they aren't after her which they aren't anymore. All this I can understand, she's the lowest in rank. The one thing I don't get though...
  15. Lil Chickie Mama

    Rice hulls in the winter?

    I have access to literally TONS of rice hulls (about 13 ton a year or so) and it's already on my property and for the nice price of free. I've loved using the rice hulls in the spring and summer months, and so far for the fall as we haven't had rain yet, but does anyone know how they will hold...
  16. Lil Chickie Mama

    Free eggs!

    So when perusing this site you often see people refer to the eggs they get from their backyard flock as free eggs while others say that it's very expensive (but totally worth it) to get the backyard eggs over store bought. Here's how I feel about it. I have received 3 eggs from my girls. Two...
  17. Lil Chickie Mama

    Second eggs?

    I know it takes a few months for egglaying to become regulated (or even a year eek) but I got my first egg a week ago and nothing since. All my girls are 23 weeks and I have 2 bantam mutts (same hatch) which the egg came from one of them I think, and 5 Lavender Ameraucanas which I don't expect...
  18. Lil Chickie Mama

    Toxic, Tolerable, or Treat?

    I was looking at the treat chart and 2 of my concerns are it says nothing salty and also no citrus. Salty: I love the sunflower seeds you can get for snacking, but I just like to suck on them then spit them out and not break them open or eat them (weird I know, and kinda gross) after that there...
  19. Lil Chickie Mama

    Oh, Gosh I think I may have a rat...

    So I go out this morning to let the chickens out and on the outside of the coop there is a pile of dirt. I raked and raked but didn't find a hole. I spied a little dirt underneath the nest box in the same spot as my suspicious pile just on the inside of the coop. I had to run to work as I...
  20. Lil Chickie Mama

    What a flighty bunch!

    I clipped wings 2 days ago and I knew I would have to do a little more, but ended up having to redo the entire flock. I knew because they were able to fly up and out of the 6' tall fence. So I re-did them and now 5 of them are out of the coop again. How far up do you go? Yes, I only did one...
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