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  1. HerbGir1972


    Didn't see one Thought with all the folks near me hatching soon, needed to be one thread
  2. HerbGir1972

    Newberry,SC ~ Poultry Event

    If you wish to attend in a seller capacity you must contact and let me know I have to have some clue as to the # wishing to sell so I can best situate us for selling. We will be in the parking lot I am hoping to have the space in front of the store. I require a list (and I know things change)...
  3. HerbGir1972

    2-3 Blue or Lavender Orphington 8weeks old

    I have one 7 week old Blue orphingtom roo desperately Seeking some buddies. Searching for 2-3 maybe 4 Blue or Lavender Pullets to keep him company. Would like to be a local person with in a reasonable distance to us for pick up or meet half way in South Carolina. My youngest daughter is...
  4. HerbGir1972

    Lavender Genetics Question

    our blue flock now consists of 5 lavender orphingtons (4 pullets & 1 cockerel) 1 blue (cockerel) & 1 BBS orphington(pullet) . if we have other breeds of lavender chickens, & they accidentally mate will this keep the resulting offspring lavender?? we are interested in getting a few lavender...
  5. HerbGir1972

    What does Female Line mean??

    My daughter won a pair of Brown Red Female Line Old English Game Bantams. The guy who held the drawing shows in Ga, lots of winners. He told us if she wanted to show the hen was show quality and rooster was not. Can someone give us a little heads up on what this means, or the name of a book...
  6. HerbGir1972

    Sucess with Hens First Eggs

    I have a young rooster who has made it his job this week to give each of my big girls Special together time....LOL (Girls who should be like a week away from laying their first eggs) Can first eggs from chickens be incubated successfully? The rooster is a Brahma/Seabright X Ameraucana Blend My...
  7. HerbGir1972

    Possible Red Shouldered Yokohama Mix???

    I was chatting with someone who has been raising Yokohama Chickens for quite some time. She mentioned our Gonzo looked like a Red Shouldered Yokohama Mix. What do you think?
  8. HerbGir1972

    Seed Robin ~ INterested ~ FREE SEED

    I was wondering if anyone would be interested in having a Seed Robin for those who don't know what they are they are really kinds fun. 1.)Put together a box of seeds 2.)get together a group of about 10 people in the USA, but each country could do their own 3.) get addresses, and make labels to...
  9. HerbGir1972

    Rough Rooster

    seems our Rooster is either getting his feisty on or is rough getting the gals back into line. I understand that there has to be a dominant male, my flock consists of 1 large rooster of unknown breed, 1 white crested black polish rooster, 2 partridge Plymouth rock hens, 1 silver Wyandotte hen...
  10. HerbGir1972

    Poop not right

    Well this evening we let the chickies out as we do every evening for a romp with the kiddos. Our largest bird had an awful looking stool, the stool itself look pretty normal but the watery bits we're quite bloody, it's acting a bit quiet (but the other 3 guys in the coop are all bumping chests &...
  11. HerbGir1972

    Boys or Girls???

    We know Japanese Bantams, 1 month 4 days old Gender ???
  12. HerbGir1972

    Did I do the right thing

    Our little Japanese Bantam silkie apparrantly got picked on did we do the right thing? These chickens have been getting along just fine until I guess sometime between 11am this morning & 2pm. 1.) I removed her from the pen, and separated the other chick of the same size from the other set of...
  13. HerbGir1972

    Fast Comb Growth ~ Butterscotch

    On 7/2 our Butterscotch looked like this (What kind of Comb???) this is Butterscotch's comb today 7/12 is it normal for the comb to grow so quickly, and be so floopy I see questions about comb's being rotty and getting frostbite... How can I make sure this guy stays beautiful?
  14. HerbGir1972

    Gender help plz...wing feather pics

    These my be helpful maybe not We're just trying to get a heads up in these bantam chicks.
  15. HerbGir1972

    New chicks on the way, Beautiful Black Bantams

    We have a Bantam hen setting on some eggs in a quite hard to get to place, so we're going to let her finish hatching the babes out, Then we're having a Chick catching party, so we can coop them up...We've got too many predators around that will snatch those chicks right up just like they did the...
  16. HerbGir1972

    Rescued today duckling about 1wk old

    Found this little critter hardly able to walk at the farm today there were 3 babies a week ago, The farmer was just about to finish the little duckling when I arrived today. But I have put it in the brooder box, but funny enough I brought it into the computer room with me and let it set in a...
  17. HerbGir1972

    Sarah & Kayce your breed is eluding folks are you... #SecretAgentChicks?

    Sarah and Kayce bought as pullets that came in the store owners Golden Comet box Apparently they are NOT Golden Comets. We took both in the bin because they we're the odd gals out. Can anyone help with what breed these two are. They were not very friendly at first but now that are mostly happy...
  18. HerbGir1972

    We now have a flock

    What started as a novelty idea has blossomed into something strangely addictive. We started with two unknown breed/gender chicks & now we have a flock I can't wait to see what my girls name the chicks. I purchased all as pullets but we will see. one oddball question mark is the bantam Polish...
  19. HerbGir1972

    Maybe too young but we're starting to try and ID

    We're trying to start trying to ID a possible Breed & Gender Someone told me you could help ID with wing feather and Tail Feathers. May have to wait but I wanted to start a thread to add to as Gonzo grows up. the cutest booty ever...LOL...
  20. HerbGir1972

    Butterscotch ~ It's A Girl

    Well Butterscotch has gone to live at our Grandad's farm and we're possibly starting over with a new chick this Friday. So Butterscotch will not be alone for long, We have had out some feelers at several outlets for folks who received Easter Chicks that they no longer wanted, Or school project...
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