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  1. slightlyscrambled

    portland/cement and peanut butter?

    I have read on here that using plaster of paris and PB mixed into a ball is a good "remedy" for rats, would portland and PB work as well. I have wondered for some time if we had rats in the barn b/c feed had gone missing and we had found the back end remains of a rat in the drive this summer...
  2. slightlyscrambled

    what to do with eggs after treating with wazine

    can I feed them to the barn cats or should I just throw them away?
  3. slightlyscrambled

    Is Penny the right name?

    I asked in a different thread about the sex of my six school chicks but I didnt get a good shot of this one, it is the only one that I think might be a girl. She has a flat comb (is that a rose comb?) and does not really have any wattles yet. What does every one else think? Is she a she or a...
  4. slightlyscrambled

    I hope SOME are girls?

    I was given six chicks from a school embryology hatch..... they are all "mutts" but thats okay, what I NEED to know is are they roos or hens? They are 8-9 weeks old I know the black one is a roo, hes been crowing since he was 4 weeks old. Thanks!!!
  5. slightlyscrambled

    Hatching ducks under chickens?.. Help!

    I have heard of people setting duck eggs under chickens. Is there anything different to do than with chicken eggs? I have set a total of 16 eggs under two different broodies. I just wanted to make sure this was gonna work. TIA for any help.
  6. slightlyscrambled

    So... please tell me!

    Got 6 cute little fuzz butts from the 3rd grade class. I think I know what they are but am not sure, any help would be great. They will be a week old on Monday. copper colored ones RIR? EE? cochin? sorry fixed my booboo!
  7. slightlyscrambled

    Name that duck....breed!

    Could any one tell me what breed I have? I think the drake is a rouen and the hens are rouenXcayuga. Am I correct?
  8. slightlyscrambled

    Please Pray **update....again

    Sadly Sam lost his fight and is now waiting at the Rainbow Bridge. I want to thank all who praid for him. Our beloved Sammy is fighting for his life right now. He suffered kidney damage due to a blocked urethra. His levels are off the charts. He has been with us for 9 yrs now and never once...
  9. slightlyscrambled

    goose eggs

    okay so my geese have picked up their laying again but it is still cold here. I would like to let them hatch a clutch this spring but I cant leave the eggs in the nest untill they actually stay on the nest, the eggs will freeze. My questions are... 1. How long can I store the eggs and how do...
  10. slightlyscrambled

    ganders fighting help

    I have what I think are 3 ganders - long story- and 2 geese. I went out to shut lights off tonight and two of the ganders are locked in a death grip with each other. I know it is mating season here and they are fighting for dominance, but I dont want ANY injuries to care for. Will it work if I...
  11. slightlyscrambled

    can I trim ducks "nails"?

    I have a sort of rescued drake that was kept with chickens for a year and a half. I brought him home yest. and let him settle in. Today I picked him up to really look him over and he seems okay, quite neglected but alright, except his nails are really long and kind of curved off to the side...
  12. slightlyscrambled

    to cold to let goose set?

    I have a mixed flock of geese, my two females have been laying sporadicly all winter. I am starting to worry that they will "run out of eggs" before spring. Is it to cold to let them set on a nest? If they dont set on the eggs they will freeze. They are in a barn with no "bath water" I do try to...
  13. slightlyscrambled

    wheres gopher boy?

    Has anyone heard from gopher boy lately? last I heard they recovered their rocket and........... havent heard anymore.
  14. slightlyscrambled

    how to contact administration

    There is a thread titled "show us your games" twice now I have opened it and twice now I have gotten an alert from norton that it contains a "trojan" Something should be done ?
  15. slightlyscrambled

    "swine" flu confirmed in cat

    can you believe this?!!!
  16. slightlyscrambled

    leaves for bedding?

    has any one used leaves over straw for bedding? Kind of in a financial pinch and was hoping to just supplement my bedding with leaves for a few weeks. Will this be okay?
  17. slightlyscrambled

    calling all rabbit experts

    I know apple wood is good for buns to chew on but would mullberry wood be okay? We have lots of mullberry trees and am always cutting something back or down. Just wanted to know if I should save some for our bunny. Thanks
  18. slightlyscrambled

    Got a free what?

    okay so we got a free bunnie from the farm store and shes doing some funny things that made me wonder if maybe she p.g. how can I tell. This is our first rabbit and...... dont know much. Any help would be great.
  19. slightlyscrambled

    mated pairs

    will ganders mate with more than one female or do they "pair" up?
  20. slightlyscrambled

    looking for a buddy for my female embden in Nebraska

    lost my embden gander yesterday am looking for another gander for my female but would consider anything that would make her "happy"
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