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  • Users: nwgirl
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  1. nwgirl

    How I can I help an alienated hen

    Last summer I had, what was once a friendly hen, Myrtle, viciously attacked another hen, Baby, in the flock. Myrtle had twisted neck months prior to the attack. She was separated for several days until she recovered. When I placed her back with the flock she moved up in the pecking order...
  2. nwgirl

    Sad over the loss of my Cinnamon

    I lost a piece of my heart yesterday. One of my hens passed away. Cinnamon was a 6-1/2 year old Golden Laced Wyandotte that I raised from a day old chick. She provided some rich, healthy, warm eggs and countless hours of entertainment and affection. Cinnamon had a good life and, perhaps most...
  3. nwgirl

    Head Tilt and loss of Balance

    Yesterday afternoon I noticed my hen kept falling to the left. She would try and balance herself with her left wing. It didn't stop her from pecking at some seed on the ground though. I picked her up to inspect her and she turned her head to the left. I removed her from the rest of the flock...
  4. nwgirl

    Brand new fuzzy bunny

    A few days ago I adopted a fuzzy bunny whose owner says it is a year old. It seems to be very docile, sweet and liter trained (yippee!). But it is shedding like crazy so I've been brushing daily. The bunny loves Timothy Hay. He hears the bag and gets all excited! Besides the hay, should I offer...
  5. nwgirl

    News Reporter Interviews Chicken

    So long story short, a couple days ago a local news reporter visited us wanting to do a story on the Coop of Dreams tour (a chicken coop tour my husband and I organized). The reporter wanted to record our Speckled Sussex. She's always rambling on about something or another. She was already...
  6. nwgirl

    chipped beak near nostril

    I noticed my 1 year old Sussex has a chipped beak near her nostril. She's eating and drinking fine. Anyone know how something like this could happen? Should I care for it in some way? Any thoughts on it growing back?
  7. nwgirl

    knitted bird netting

    Has anyone ever used a knitted bird netting over their yard as you might see in an outdoor aviary? Here is my dilemma: I have four hens and my small city lot is green no more. I need to reseed the lawn, so I want to keep them out of my yard for a few weeks. They have a nice coop and large run...
  8. nwgirl

    Kicking dirt into the lawn and its a muddy mess

    My Pacific Northwest lawn has turned to mud this winter. I have four hens who have kicked a ton of dirt out of the garden beds and into the lawn. Any ideas about how to keep the dirt out of the lawn? Maybe some sort of garden edging??? H-E-L-P!!!
  9. nwgirl

    Giant Egg Laid by Ottawa Hen

    The egg, which has a mass of 143 grams...
  10. nwgirl

    Q: Why are these eggs hard to crack

    Its our first week of egg collecting. Just one hen laying right now. Even though her eggs are small, the shell is good, but its the membrane that makes it difficult to crack open. Other than that the eggs are perfect. I have not been feeding them oyster shell, and she's still in transition from...
  11. nwgirl

    One hen laying two eggs on the same day

    Our first set of eggs, and I think they came from the same hen, or at least that's what I'm assuming since she disappeared for a while today. She didn't come when I called her, but then reappeared from the coop ten minutes later. She's a SLW with a single comb we named Fertile Myrtle. I'm just...
  12. nwgirl

    Finally found a way to keep my chickens cool

    That was some heat wave we had a couple weeks ago here in the PNW. My poor hens were miserable and I spent much of my day trying to devise ways to keep them cool. I added ice to their water. That was acceptable. Feed them frozen yogurt and frozen watermelon. Very acceptable. But when I put out...
  13. nwgirl

    Comments made in the year 1955!

    I'll tell you one thing, if things keep going the way they are, it's going to be impossible to buy a week's groceries for $20.00. Have you seen the new cars coming out next year? It won't be long before $2, 000.00 will only buy a used one. If cigarettes keep going up in price, I'm going to...
  14. nwgirl

    Adopting a stray chicken???

    Someone we know has a friend with a stray chicken hanging around in their yard and they don't know who it belongs to, but they want it to go away. They asked me if I was interested in taking it. I assume this is a full grown hen. I have (4) 13 week old pullets. Would the hen fit in alright...
  15. nwgirl

    Rooster went bye-bye

    Well I knew the day would come. I told myself when dh and I adopted chicks that if we ended up with a rooster that we would rehome him since city ordinances don't allow roosters. I posted on bulletin boards, craigslist, and feed stores, but instead he went to live with a distant family member...
  16. nwgirl

    Where dreams become heart attacks...

    This is so strange, but I get hungry looking at this stuff, and heaven help me I'm only up to page 8...
  17. nwgirl

    Chicken stories and pic

    DH and I are new to raising chickens. We have 4 pullets and 1 cockerel roughly 11 weeks old now. Its been so much fun raising them. I am anxious to get eggs, but at the same time they bring so much joy to our lives I've come to realize the eggs will just be a bonus. DH and I left for one...
  18. nwgirl

    Free Range Chickens & Poisonous Plants

    My lawn is riddled with creeping buttercup and I've noticed some of my chickens eating it while munching on the grass. There's 5,000 square feet of the stuff! What can I do??? Anyone have any advice? I realize getting rid of it would be the best option, but I'm not sure how to get rid of it...
  19. nwgirl

    Recent photo of GLW and Sussex

    My 2-1/2 month old GLW cockerel crowed very loudly several times in a row the other day. I loved it! He's such a stud muffin Unfortunately the city noise ordinance doesn't allow roosters. He will be leaving us soon to live out his life on a 6 acre farm. It'll be sad to see him go, but I'm...
  20. nwgirl

    Sneezing, shaking head, and wiping beak/nose

    I noticed last night my 6 week old chick sneezed 5 times within a 15 minute period (very wet sneezes too). Tonight she is sneezing, wiping her nose/beak on my shirt (thank you very much), shaking and scratching at her head. She is eating, eyes looks good, nose looks good, maybe a slight runny...
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