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  • Users: ivan3
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  1. ivan3

    Brentwood, Missouri OK's chooks (unusual procedural course)

    Just thought this was interesting:
  2. ivan3

    `Good' cockerel but what(s)?

    Roo that serves as my avatar finally crowed his last, just short of 8 yrs. Our remaining Black Sex Link hen, still very lively for an 8yr.old production girl, had only turkeys to keep her company (plans to get down to Estes for more BSL's aren't going to pan out this year). Cass heard of a...
  3. ivan3

    BYC earns honorable mention on Bloomberg Enterprise report on My Pet Chicken

    They should have full video up in a couple days. Securitize those chooks! The preview: Ed: show reruns x3 on Saturday:
  4. ivan3

    Turkey Hens And Snakes (pic heavy)

    Both Schorger, in his The Wild Turkey (its history and domestication), and Klauber, in his Rattlesnakes, recount the observations of those who witnessed toms attacking - and sometimes killing snakes (both nonvenomous/venomous). The anecdotes don't mention hens. Our Slate hen, a few years back...
  5. ivan3

    Phone Cramming: How to beat the scam

    Phone cramming (tacking charges on one's phone bill from services that have nothing to do with the communications utility you are paying for) has been sucking up petty cash for the LEC's (Local Exchange Carriers, e.g., Verizon Centel, etc.) since 1996 when the `96 Telecommunications act went...
  6. ivan3

    Airborne (pic heavy)

    Nice evening, today. Couple of the girls decided to emulate the old Drifters' song and get `up on the roof'. Of course, pretty soon, it was all Lenny Kravitz.... (our RP/Slate mutt):
  7. ivan3

    crosses, mutts and `whats'

    We're more interested in the ethology (behavior) than we are in the eating or the exhibition of our turks. I've posted up the growth rate shots of this one before: Oddball by a Royal Tom out of a Slate hen (6 months) - finally got...
  8. ivan3

    Raccoon terror: suburbanites and city folk take note

    Reporting from Alameda — Rachel Campos de Ivanov was walking her dog last Sunday night when she saw two eyes glowing in the darkness. Her border terrier barked furiously. The eyes came closer, and she discerned a masked furry critter. She turned away and her pursuer, a raccoon, charged. Then...
  9. ivan3

    Not For Long

  10. ivan3

    Columbia Missouri Meat Bird Clinic (ammo to fire at city councils)

    Search the Columbia Daily Tribune's archive for Chicken Ordinance and you will find other stories. This is the latest: I posted some of the article commentary in the Meat Bird Section but some folks won't go there...
  11. ivan3

    Columbia Missouri Backyard Butchers

    Will be posting this link to this article, but not the commentary, in the Local Laws section. The Columbia Center For Urban Agriculture held a workshop on how to humanely process a chook (chickens are legal in town), this past weekend...
  12. ivan3

    Growth Rate pics

    Just a series of shots with dates: 6/10/10 6/30/10 7/13/10 7/24/10 8/13/10
  13. ivan3

    `Rood `boy''

    Like reading/gawking in this subject line. Don't often post. Got home and caught this: Anthropomorphize at your leisure...
  14. ivan3


    Just curious about the vertigo. Delete as required.
  15. ivan3

    Med Withdrawl Chart - Reference

    This has probably been posted before but, there are a lot of questions about med. withdrawl times re: eggs and meat This is pretty complete for `on-label' meds:
  16. ivan3

    The enemy within

    External threats are fun to assess and decry. Preparations can be made and gates barricaded (if we have a flue fire that spreads this place will go up like an ammo dump cooking off). What might be resolved for the New Year that will save lives, prevent the Chinese from earning any more...
  17. ivan3

    BYC stealth advertising opportunity

    The BYC calendar is out. But USDA/APHIS is currently accepting entries for their 2011 calendar. If you're not intimidated by your Federal employees. maybe submitting some really good snaps with BYC logo worked into shots (subtle, now - only see it if calendar is upside down etc. - you know...
  18. ivan3

    Modifications For Standard Havaharts (save time)

    Over the years I've read multiple posts about traps being knocked over, preds grabbing bait by reaching through bars, preds avoiding the trigger release plate (treadle), and `unknowns', e.g., `must have been a little mink...' escaping from closed traps. In addition to increasing the useful...
  19. ivan3

    How big a snake can a chicken eat? (with example)

    Finally got a shot of this reptilian repast as the meal was being consumed. The serpent du jour was a Western Earth Snake approx. 10 -12 inches in length (very big specimen of this species). The roo partially decapitated it and our 4yo `buttless' (has never grown anything but stubby tail...
  20. ivan3

    Scratching around in Columbia Missouri

    City Council considers cluckers, comments on proposal scrambled:
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