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  1. Monkeybean415

    Can I feed quail chicken starter feed?

    I want to feed my quail organic soy free feed if possible. I'm wondering if they'd be ok on chick starter or some other option than the game bird feed we were given. Thank you!
  2. Monkeybean415

    Newbie-- bobwhite quail for eggs? Housing?

    Hello. I would love some advice. I'm looking at getting 3 (1 male, 2 females) 1.5 year old bobwhite quail from someone local. Would I get an ok amount of eggs from them? What type/size of coop do I want? I think they're just on wire right now but haven't seen them yet. Most of the info I've...
  3. Monkeybean415

    Integrating new chicken troubles

    I have 4 month old pullets I'm trying to integrate into the flock. They all free range during the day but I'm having problems with nighttime. They all want to hide and cram into a nesting box and I have the hardest time chasing them all down to put away. How am I supposed to coop train them if I...
  4. Monkeybean415

    Broody or not?

    I have a hen who has been exhibiting some broody behaviors but isn't sitting on eggs... Yet. Is it just a matter of time? She's still laying but has been puffy and making the same sounds my broody made a couple months ago when she was sitting on her eggs. Can I expect this one to go full oh...
  5. Monkeybean415

    Show me your Ideal hatchery packing peanuts

    I know there are other threads about this but they all seem really old. I just placed an order with ideal that will be shipping on the 22nd. I'm excited to see what extras we get!
  6. Monkeybean415

    Silkies in a very wet climate?

    I want to get a silkie but I live in a very wet climate and it rains a lot in the winter too. Would this breed be a bad choice? I am also considering Cochin or faverolle instead. Thanks!
  7. Monkeybean415

    Breed recommendations- companion for disabled chicken

    I have a disabled 3 month old standard polish pullet that I can't integrate into the main flock. I would like to get her a companion but can't decide on breed. I'm considering faverolle, silkie, and Cochin but am willing to consider any breed that is especially calm and docile. Help me pick...
  8. Monkeybean415

    Mixed breed faverolle, silkie or Cochin eggs for homemade items?

    I am looking for faverolle, silkie or Cochin bantam eggs or some mix with these breeds. I have a young disabled polish chicken and want to hatch her a companion chicken. Would probably like 6 or so just to up my chances of getting a pullet. I'm willing to buy if the price is right especially if...
  9. Monkeybean415

    Something's wrong with my 3 month polish pullet

    This poor girl has had issues since she was just a few days old. We got her from a hatchery along with other chicks (all are fine and normal except this one) she's our only polish and I'm new to the breed as well. She's always had problems walking and criss crossed her legs and steps on...
  10. Monkeybean415

    Bad luck with bears and dogs :(

    Just looking for some support- should have posted last week but was too busy dealing with everything to post. We have layers out in a coop and are doing meaties for the first time so were keeping them in a repurposed dog house since they were only going to be outside for about a month before...
  11. Monkeybean415

    Bantam mixed breed 2 weeks old

    I'm curious what this light little one is going to grow up looking like. Any ideas? It's a bantam that was hatched from my broody. I got the eggs from a local farm so it's likely some sort of mix. It's my daughter's favorite and we're all eager to see how it looks when grown up.
  12. Monkeybean415

    Three month brahmas Roo?

    I can't seem to update my old post about these two so starting a new one. They're about three months now and still unsure on if one is a roo. Any ideas The first three are #1 then a pic of both together and last two are #2 thanks. They're so different we keep thinking one might be a roo?
  13. Monkeybean415

    Broody hen preparing for hatch- day 17

    I'm sure this has been asked a lot and I apologize. This is my first broody hen and am very excited about hatching day. We chose to keep her in the nesting box instead of bringing her in and have been taking her off her best ourselves everyday to check for fresh laid eggs and so she can eat and...
  14. Monkeybean415

    Gluten/soy free chicken feed recipe help

    I'm trying to come up with a gluten/soy free feed for my chickens. I'm also looking into fermenting and/or sprouting seeds but am starting here first with a recipe. Do any of you have any advice on this recipe? I altered it from a non gluten free recipe I found. Any nutrition holes I need to...
  15. Monkeybean415

    Homemade feed cheap in Alaska ideas!

    I'm trying to figure out a homemade organic fees option that's more affordable. We're currently feeding scratch and peck and while we love it I want to get our cost down especially since we're going to try out meaties in a couple weeks. I typically order from azure and I tried to add a bunch of...
  16. Monkeybean415

    3 week old Brahmas- pullets feather faster? PICS ADDED

    I've been reading through some of the sexing threads about brahmas and I'm starting to think one of my light brahmas is a roo. I got two light brahmas in my most recent order of chicks and they are very different from one another. At 3 weeks #1 has more feathers over all, longer tail feathers...
  17. Monkeybean415

    My first semi broody hen- WWYD?

    I have my first hen starting to act broody. She's almost a year old buff orpington and I've found her sitting on eggs a lot the past few days. The other night she was on them all night. She rouses pretty easily if I open the nest and take her out but today she went back. We don't have a rooster...
  18. Monkeybean415

    Unvaxed 2 weekers with vaxed 1 weekers?

    Hello there! I know this has been asked before but there seems to be a lot of misinformation floating around about the marek's vaccine and I'm trying to figure out the best thing to do for my little ones. I currently have four chicks that are one week old. I split an order with a couple other...
  19. Monkeybean415

    Wanting to add some new birds this year

    Hopefully this is the right place for this thread. We have a flock of nine chickens we got last Summer and love. I want to get a few new birds this year but can't decide which type to go with. A lot of posts I see about adding chickens to a flock ask something like "are you absolutely sure you...
  20. Monkeybean415

    Help- smelly sandy run

    Hi there. We're somewhat new to chickens and have had our current flock for 7 months. We have a covered run and put down sand after they killed all the grass and turned it into a muddy mucky slippery mess. What I didn't know until now was that sand sticks when wet! We are in the wettest climate...
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