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  • Users: Indyrun
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  1. Indyrun

    Introducing a pair to an established runner flock?

    Need more advice. I haves drake and duck pair that I may have to give away. I have two people interested but they have an established flock and some chickens. What will the established flock and chickens do/ react to my pair? I don't want to give them to these people if my pair will be beat...
  2. Indyrun

    Heartbreaking but have to sell my pair. Is it ok for them?

    I have to most likely sell my drake and duck pair who have been inseparable since they were born and are now just over a year old. Someone is very keen to buy them off me, but he has quite a few of his own. I'm concerned my pair will get picked on or beaten up. Is it ok to introduce a pair that...
  3. Indyrun

    Over 28 days... Unmatched eggs.

    Hi guys, My indian runner girl has been broody and tirelessly sitting on her nest. It's now a couple of days over 28. 2 eggs thus far have been broken, one look deflated and the smell horrendous! I've checked (not candled) and there doesn't appear to be any sign of a duckling. I have a drake...
  4. Indyrun

    15 eggs, 3 weeks, not broody!

    Ok my girl has laid 15 eggs. She tends to her nest only at night when she is forcefully locked in. It's been 3 weeks and she is not broody. What am I going to do with these eggs! Someone told me they are viable for up to 3 weeks. Tomorrow is 3 weeks.
  5. Indyrun

    My girl laid her first egg! Now what?

    Help! Novice here... What do I do with the egg? She laid it right next to her bed. I didn't touch it. She hasn't been sitting on it today as far as I know... It's been a warm day. Do I leave it? Go buy an incubator or is it too late. The drake has been mating with her for months.
  6. Indyrun

    Advice: bleeding gash from beak

    I've just come home to find my drake has a gash in his beak and a small amount of blood. What should I do? Should I clean and use a waterproof bandage? Or take to vet? I'm concerned about infection.
  7. Indyrun

    Had a terrible nightmare!

    I dreamt last night that my two ducks were attacked by dogs. I managed to get them away from the dogs, but they lost a lot of feathers and had red roar skin. They were both terrified. However the worst part of the dream is that I didn't know what to do... I was ringing a 24 hour vet, but I...
  8. Indyrun

    Flying Indian Runners????

    I thought Indian runners were unable to fly, but to my dismay I witnessed my pair fly yesterday! They only got a few feet off the ground, but now I'm worried they might fly away and get killed. Has anyone witnessed an Indian runner in full flight? What should I do?
  9. Indyrun

    Vibrating ducks...

    My ducks particularly my drake does this weird vibrating thing. He does it more so when the dog is around, then he kind of throws his neck around the dog and pecks at him. Although sometimes he and very occasionally the girl seem to randomly do it. What the?
  10. Indyrun

    New house

    Plus Wayan and Ketut's new home! Just needs a lick of paint!
  11. Indyrun

    I have a pair... Which means ducklings in the future!

    I'm pretty sure I have a drake Wayan and a duck Ketut. Which is kinda funny, since my guess was the opposite way around. So now I'm excited but very worried about the duckling arrival and what I'm supposed to do??? Questions for the experienced: 1. Do I let nature take its course and leave...
  12. Indyrun

    Feeding fish frenzy

    I decided to let my duckies have their first fishing experience. I bought 10 little feeder fish and showed Wayan and Ketut the bag, they're extremely curious my pair, so they nibbled at the bag. After refreshing their pool of water, which they love, happily playing with the spray I kept...
  13. Indyrun

    What age is a duck considered as fully grown?

    My ducks are nearing the 2 month mark and are still shedding and one is still doing baby chirps. One website I read stated that a duck is fully grown in 30 days! Well that is clearly not the case here.
  14. Indyrun

    Teenager ducks not needing mum anymore...

    My two ducks are close to 2 months old (in two weeks). They are still indoor ducks, though have a clam pool outside and spend most of their time in it when I'm home. We still have cuddles, but only if I lie down with them, they will nibble at me and let me kiss and pat them. However they seem...
  15. Indyrun

    Non running runner...?

    My two babies are just over a month old. They eat and drink happily and eat most of the day! They swim in their pool get out preen, eat, poop, eat, drink and sleep! They hardly run around and forage even though I take them outside in grass, dirt and gardens. Is this normal for their age? Or...
  16. Indyrun

    Unusual behaviour? Do your ducks do this?

    My two Indian Runners, Wayan and Ketut are very affectionate. We always cuddle up and they nibble and preen me. However over the last couple of days, I've noticed when I'm not sitting with them, they find an item of my clothing and sit on it. First it was my sarongs, then my shirt, then my...
  17. Indyrun

    Types of fish in a duck pond?

    We are in the process of building a pond. I want to put some fish in it but concerned that either a: the ducks will demolish in one sitting or b: the fish will grow to big and snap at my babies feet! What is a good fish for the ducks to enjoy and live in harmony with the fishies???
  18. Indyrun

    Take a guess... Drake or Duck???

    My two babies are 1 month old tomorrow. No quacks or rasps of audible sense has surfaced yet. I'm guessing Wayan is a girl, she's so pretty! While Ketut seems to display a lot of boy traits. Can you guess? Wayan... And this is Ketut...
  19. Indyrun

    Do duck eggs taste like chicken eggs?

    What do duck eggs taste like? I've heard lots of conflicting info. Also apparently if you feed them fish their eggs taste funny. Is this true?
  20. Indyrun

    Dropped my duckling...

    My new 2 week old ducklings Wayan and Ketut love cuddles. As our cuddles for the night finished and it was time for bed, I took my babies as I always do off to their bed. Wayan wiggled and made his way onto my shoulder, as I tried to hold Ketut and get Wayan down he slipped off my shoulder and...
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