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  1. foothillsco

    2 year review

    Hi all, It's been a long time since I posted and wanted to give an update on the duck life. So this is my 2 year review on how it's working. **The Animals** I originally started with 6 khakis. My rationale was that I wasn't fully into this idea and if we were going to do all this ****...
  2. foothillsco

    Copper egg skelter

    I made these for mothers day. My sisters is long enough to hold over a dozen eggs in her kitchen window sill. My mother's fits inside her fridge (she buys store eggs). They both raved about them (both are big fans of anything I do). Do you like them? I'm considering making some and...
  3. foothillsco

    What feed do you use?

    My 8 ducks are 3 to 5 months old. I started them on MannaPro wild bird feed. They guy at the store seems to know quite a bit and says this is what I should keep feeding them. Is he correct?
  4. foothillsco

    Digital Timer Wiring Picture

    This would have been helpful when I tried installing my timer.
  5. foothillsco

    What kind of duck is this one?

    I adopted a couple ducks from someone via Facebook. What is the large black duck with white crest? Size wise, it's nearly as large as a pekin. Pretty sure the solid black is a black Indian runner? On another note, what do a Khaki Campbell and a Welsh Harlequin look like side by side...
  6. foothillsco

    Why do they still buy chickens???

    Lol. I have seen the light and it goes "quack". I'm a contractor and crazy enough, the fact that I have ducks has sent me a lot of business to fellow duck and chicken owners. Today, I'm called to a house in a great neighborhood, great front yard with lots of flowers, carefully manicured...
  7. foothillsco

    What $400 from gets you

    I applaud entrepreneurship. I think the avg chicken owner doesn't want to spend $400+ for a season so I think this price point is ok. I think it would be tough to make a cheap chicken coop, and supply 100lbs of feed, 2 laying chickens and make a profit. Having said that, this forum is about...
  8. foothillsco

    Feedback re Automatic door

    I bought one of those automatic doors that run on a timer. Mine is a Pull-It door. i sometimes work irregular hours and I like the idea of the ducks being let out and back in without my assistance. This is a good theory but my ducks haven't learned to use the door on a regular basis...
  9. foothillsco

    Do your ducks eat pulled weeds?

    I envisioned when I bought these ducks that I could toss weeds from my gardening to the ducks and they would scarf them down similiar to my sister's chickens. That has turned out to not be the case. I have 2 KCs (had 3 until two nights ago) and they are picky eaters. They eat my feed and...
  10. foothillsco

    7 weeks old questions

    I have 3 Khaki Campbells that are 7 weeks old. I'm getting one welsh harlequin next week who will be a few days old. Actually, I'm getting 5 WH but I'm going to raise them in my garage together before my gf takes 4 of them. Questions: I put my ducks outside at 4 weeks old and they did fine...
  11. foothillsco

    Velma and Daphne's first swim

    Hi there, Our two ducks are two weeks old. They are named Velma and Daphne. For all the fellas here that want to do something with their daughters, I have hit pay dirt. My daughter absolutely loves these ducks and this has been as enriching an experience as any I have had. Every step...
  12. foothillsco

    Ducks, bedding and water

    Hi there, I have 2 khaki campbells in a small crate. The ducks are about 2 weeks old. The crate is 2x3 ft and 2 ft high. When I got the ducks, I put a small dish with water in and they sat in it, splashed it out, and drank some of it. So I replaced the dish with a gravity fed waterer...
  13. foothillsco

    Hello from Littleton Co

    Hi everyone. This is a great place for information. Lots of great stuff and very friendly people. I'll try to be a good contributor here. My 4 year old daughter's favorite thing in the world is visiting her cousins in the country and gathering eggs. She loves to hold the chickens and...
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