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  1. valleychicks

    Rooster has swollen eyelid from fighting with another rooster.

    Our Speckled Sussex rooster was injured on his comb and face during a fight with another rooster. His left eye is swollen shut. I've been putting triple antibiotic ointment on his eyelid for a couple of days now. I separated him from all others as soon as I found him injured. I noticed today...
  2. valleychicks

    Experiences with the Buckeye Breed

    Has anyone else had problems with their Buckeye Rooster's nails cutting their hens? I don't know if he is just too big or heavy for the hens or what. Even though his nails didn't seem sharp to me I used a Dremel tool to round them out so they are not sharp at all. I had to separate the rooster...
  3. valleychicks

    Silkied Ameraucana Hen or Pullet

    ISO Silkied Ameraucana Young Hen or Pullet only "No Roosters". Will also consider split to silkied. Prefer BBS or color other than Lavender.
  4. valleychicks

    What all medicine should I give my flock for coccidiosis ?

    I discovered a few of our 6 week old chicks had bloody poop Monday. I started treating the flocks water with Corid 20 Solubale powder. Do I need to give them anything else? Also do I need to toss the eggs? If so for how long?
  5. valleychicks

    What type of Gamefowl are my chickens?

    Can someone look at pictures of our game chickens and see what you think? We rescued them when they were left behind by a neighbor. I just want to know what they are breed/class whatever you call it. We have had chickens for just a year so we are still learning. This rooster is just coming...
  6. valleychicks

    Is this rooster an Easter Egger?

    I know this is a rooster but is this an Easter Egger? He has green legs/feet and a beard but he has a rose comb. I've been told that Easter Eggers have pea combs so I'm a bit confused over his breeding.
  7. valleychicks

    Can Gamefowl be trained?

    We have been taking care of several Gamefowl that were left behind by a neighbor. They were turned out to fully free range at about 6 weeks old by the neighbor. After the people moved the chickens started staying around our home in and around our plum trees. Because of the season change and the...
  8. valleychicks

    Does anyone know the breed and gender?

    I believe this is a Game chicken but not sure if it is an Old English or American. I would also like to know if this is a Roo or Pullet. I have no idea the age of the chicken. We rescued this one and another one from brush in our yard a few weeks ago late at night during a thunderstorm. They are...
  9. valleychicks

    I would like to know the breed and/or gender of this chick

    I posted this in another forum and was told to post here also, so here I go... My neighbor turned some of his young chickens loose to free range and they come over to our yard which is fine with us I just wanted to know the breed of this one little chicken. They said I could keep it if I...
  10. valleychicks

    15 week old rooster's crow sounds different this morning after a cool night.

    Let me start by saying, raising chickens is very new to us so I have tried to find as much as possible about how to do what is right for our chickens. The weather for our area was supposed to put the temps at 61 for the low but I noticed the coop temp was 54 this morning and then I heard one of...
  11. valleychicks

    Chick hatched this morning hours later has bloody poop, Please help

    My daughter had a chick to hatch about 14 hours ago and it now has bloody poop. Does anyone know why this is happening and what I need to do to help the chick?
  12. valleychicks

    What breed is my 7 week old pullet?

    Can anyone tell me what breed is my 7 week old pullet? She has her back to the camera.
  13. valleychicks

    What Breed and Gender is my chick?

    I got what was supposed to be straight run Silver Lace Wyandottes from the local TSC. I know they used Mt. Healthy Hatcheries. My chicks are 4 weeks old now and not looking at all silver. Also want to know if I have a roo out of the two.
  14. valleychicks

    What breed are my chicks?

    I purchased 6 chicks from our local TSC a little over 3 weeks ago and am trying to figure out what breed two of them are from. The sign on their bin at TSC just said Black Pullets. When I first got them at about 3 to 4 day old chicks Cinnamon had the brown head and Raven had a little white on...
  15. valleychicks

    How tall are adult chickens?

    We are new to keeping chickens and are about to start building our coop and run. We want to put the walk-in coop up off the ground to allow the chickens to go underneath the coop for added run space. So we need to know how tall are adult chickens? We will have Buff Orpington, Cochin, RIR, EE...
  16. valleychicks

    Why are my 2.5 week old chicks having diarrhea?

    I have been giving my chicks the same food for 2 weeks Durmor & Manna Pro Chick feed mixed together and they have been fine. Yesterday they finally discovered the bottle with the brooder nipple waterer and have been constantly playing with it. The bottle had probiotics for chicks mixed in the...
  17. valleychicks

    Does color matter for nesting boxes and liners?

    After seeing that some people use plastic dish pans in their nesting boxes I purchase 6 in red to use when my chicks get older and start laying. My son-in-law saw the dish pans and said that he heard you shouldn't use anything red because chickens will want to eat or peck the eggs. Is this true...
  18. valleychicks

    Brooder Bottle Cap Nipple Waterers

    If you have used the Brooder Bottle Caps that fit on the soda bottles in your brooder could you please show me how you got it to hang/mount/or did you have a stand to hold it? I tried hanging mine from two sides with wire and it keeps tilting. Please help, I need ideas.
  19. valleychicks

    What breed has friendly but also protective roosters?

    I would like to know everyone's opinion about a breed or breeds with roosters that protect the hens but are friendly to people. Ones the children will be safe around. Thanks
  20. valleychicks

    Are Tractor Supply Chicks vaccinated for Mareks?

    Does anyone know if the chicks purchased at Tractor Supply chick days are vaccinated for mareks? I have called 2 Tractor Supply stores in GA and no one at either store knew if they were vaccinated. I also asked Tractor Supply on facebook but got no reply.
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