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  1. chixmaidservice

    Skunk attack??

    Just moved my hens to my new home over July 4th. Gave in to the lure of buying more chicks when the August chicks rolled into the feed stores. Moved the newly fledged kids into a chicken tractor so they can get grass and sunshine and more exercise. Lost a chick last night to something that dug a...
  2. chixmaidservice

    packing up the girls

    I have the opportunity to move to my dream home on a 5 acre parcel. I am beyond thrilled, but still losing sleep worrying the logistics of relocating my perfect coop and 70+ hens. Can anyone offer advice? I am going to contact a shed moving service for the 8x8x12 foot coop, but will have to take...
  3. chixmaidservice

    NE Ohio,2 americauna roos and 1 RIR roo

    All 3 well behaved boys are last spring's hatchery chicks. One Americauna is a breathtaking slate blue and scarlett, the other Americauna reminds me of a calico cat coloration, and the Rhode Island Red is a very stately gentleman. All three get along and are in robust health. My city zoning does...
  4. chixmaidservice

    2 yr old gander needs friends

    I got a tufted American buff gander as a watchdog for my layer flock as my city ordinances do not allow roosters to do their rightful job. This poor guy hates chickens and they despise him so he needs to find better accommodations. He is a complete gentleman to me but does not care for my adult...
  5. chixmaidservice

    hold the beans- please.

    Started my flock of layers on soy- free vittles today. I had hoped to go whole hog with corn and GMO free as well, but such a feed is darn near impossible to find in the Midwest at less than a King's ransom price. I am still trying to have egg sales pay for the girls groceries, so hopefully in a...
  6. chixmaidservice

    mystery mass hysteria this am

    After watching the election results far too long, I got awoken to the unmistakeable sounds of hen bedlam. Alarm clock read 4:50, so i bounded out of bed, grabbed a rain coat to cover my pjs and stuck my bare feet into my barn shoes that live on the back porch. Remembered to grab the flashlight...
  7. chixmaidservice

    recovering from wry neck

    Looking for advice and opinions... I am 2 weeks into fighting to save a hen from rye neck. I have used advice from this site exclusively and she is improving slowly. Have kept her inside in a dog crate as the other hens were plotting her demise in the coop. I am trying to get her outside the...
  8. chixmaidservice

    Northeastern Ohio- blue EE roo and black EE pullet

    My kids are telling me I have to get rid of our EE roo. Our coop is very close to our house and there is a grocery store on the other side. The roo interprets the grocery parking lot lights that come on at 4:30 am as "here comes the sun". He is a very proud and happy boy crowing his head off...
  9. chixmaidservice

    dog wiped out 1/2 of flock last night

    What an evening- as the sun went down a husky from about a mile away scattered my hens as they were coming into coop for night. 13 hens and 1 chick were killed outright, 2 are missing.One EE showed up at the coop at dawn today. I have 16 survivors, but two have serious lacerations to their backs...
  10. chixmaidservice

    First Broodies!

    I am looking for suggestions on grafting hatchery chicks onto broody hens. I have my first hens to go broody vying to prove who is the most devoted to the care of the golf balls I have assigned them. My local feed store will be getting in chicks on 4/13, and our weather seems to be cooperating...
  11. chixmaidservice

    ? SICK HEN

    Ok- sorry if more research would of given me the answer. I did search back in these threads but I feel time is of the essence and want to spend more time treating and less reading. I wormed my flock in the fall, then of course acquired 3 more rescue birds. One of these hens (white leghorn) has...
  12. chixmaidservice

    Blue seal feeds

    Anyone using a Blue Seal poultry product? New to chickens this year, but have been caring for and showing horses for 40 years (aghh, that hurts to see in print) and painfully learned the value of fixed formula vs. Big Ag's over-promoted, commodities market driven crap in a pretty bag. I believe...
  13. chixmaidservice


    New member from Northeastern Ohio... got 6 red sex link peeps at TSC this spring as they were irresistibly cute. Have wanted to take a small stand against factory farmed eggs for a while and figured this was a fun way to be proactive. I live in an older (1850) farm house that has 2 acres...
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