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  1. Jedi Clampett

    Winter Broody Hen and Raising Chicks

    I have a broody BO hen that is on day 11 of sitting on 10 eggs. It's dipping below 10 degrees most nights and spring is still very far off. Will she be able to keep them warm enough to survive when they hatch? Would love to hear what others have to say and hear any other advise/tips that you...
  2. Jedi Clampett

    Tip for Nipple Waterer

    I've noticed that alot of people have had problems getting the nipples to screw into pipes, buckets etc. Maybe others have noticed this too, but I haven't found it in threads so I apologize for repeating if someone else has posted this. When I bought some nipples to put in a bucket, I thought...
  3. Jedi Clampett

    Hello Everyone!! Rooster Question...

    New chicken owner here. Just got my first chickens a week ago - 1 rooster, 8 hens. I was just wondering how old the rooster will have to be before he...well.....starts acting like a rooster. He was one of maybe 15 roosters in a pen full of hens when I got him and I expected him to be like a...
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