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  1. Rocky Rhodes


    So many times I read posts where folks are so disappointed that they have wound up with a rooster. I would like to hear from some folks who LOVE roosters!! I have three adult roosters right now plus several young cockerels that I am growing out, some of which will be future breeders. I love the...
  2. Rocky Rhodes

    HELP! Chick with scissor beak.

    I just had several Cream Legbar chicks hatch overnight. While I was counting them I noticed that one has scissor beak! I have never encountered this before. Is there any way to correct this or does this chick have to be culled? I try to give every chick a chance, but I don't want to prolong any...
  3. Rocky Rhodes

    My Rooster lost his spunk

    I have a one year old rooster who has began to act like he is feeling poorly. I noticed yesterday that he was a little mopey. He hasn't crowed in 2 days and he just sits down a lot. He has always been very active and and crowed all day long. He appears fine, his eyes are clear his comb and...
  4. Rocky Rhodes

    Pullet with hemerroids?

    This morning I was separating my pullets by breed, and I noticed dried poop on one of my CCLs rear. I gave it a warm bath and cleaned it up. That was when I noticed the pullet's anus was protruding. I've never seen this before. The pullets acts perfectly normal, eating, drinking, and active. I...
  5. Rocky Rhodes

    How long will eggs be fertile after rooster is removed?

    Can anyone tell me how long eggs will continue to be fertile after the rooster has been removed?
  6. Rocky Rhodes

    Hello everybody!

    I am a long time chicken lover. I can't remember when I first became hooked, but I think I was probably chasing them around around in my grandparents yard when I was still in diapers. When I was growing up in L.A.(Lower Alabama), I would wake up to the sound of our Rhode Island Red roosters. The...
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