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  1. JillsChicks

    Can't tell Golden Comet & B. Orpington apart...

    I was told that I received one golden comet and one buff orpington chick. The one labeled golden comet is feathering out a very creamy white color while the buff orpington has some colored barring on its golden feathers. When I look up photos of Golden Comets, none are fair like my chick...
  2. JillsChicks

    Bulging crops in 2-week-old chicks a concern

    I've been feeding my chickies starter crumbles - nothing else. They all have developed large crops - I'd say large marble sized. They are noticeable and odd looking. My girlfriend told me to give them a little sandy grit from outside. They gobbled it up, but have not shown any difference...
  3. JillsChicks

    Barred Rock Chicks Need Sexing

    Can everyone agree on how to tell Plymouth barred rock chicks apart? Here's what I've read on pullets - - will have black on fronts of legs and feet - will feather out more quickly - will have distinct spot on their heads - the head spot will be white? On roos, I've read - - slower...
  4. JillsChicks

    Stolen heat lamp! Chilly chicks?

    My chicks are now two weeks old, but the person who pays the electric bills and does not love chickens snitched my brooder light! :mad: He says chicks don't stay at 90 degrees when they are raised by a hen - our 65 degree house should be fine! I have to admit, they seem to be ok - (they LOVE to...
  5. JillsChicks

    Should I put a weak chick with a broody hen?

    We picked up our spring chicks yesterday and got one little Araucana bantam with the lot. I think my kids may have roughed it up a bit - I don't know, but it's not eating and running around like the others. It sleeps and sleeps, hardly moving if another chick steps on it in the brooder. I put...
  6. JillsChicks

    Blood streaks on outside of an egg... Spotty eggs...

    My White Leghorn pullets are finally laying! They are the only ones who fly over the top of the barn stall coop (it's not yet fenced all the way to the ceiling). DH found a stash of frozen eggs outside under a pile of fence posts. Then I found a nest up in the hay mow (several eggs where...
  7. JillsChicks

    Great Christmas gift art print for chicken lovers

    I found and bought a terrific framed photographic print on and thought I'd mention it to those who'd like to buy the chicken lover in their lives something nice for the holidays. It's called "Woman feeding chickens through the window of a barn..." The smile on the woman's face...
  8. JillsChicks

    Can Two Roosters Ever Get Along Well?

    I hatched 8 eggs in June - 7 were roosters. I have found homes as pets for 5 of them - what an accomplishment! But I kept keeping my favorites and now am down to two - Buck Buck, who looks like a white leghorn and Prima, who is part auracana and very pretty. They live in a 10'x10' stall in...
  9. JillsChicks

    Rooster with Ear Wax!

    I did a search and got no hits on this topic, so here's my story... Our pet rooster Buck Buck often holds his beak open and then shakes his head back and forth. It's quite funny. I almost thought I had a rooster with a tick. But yesterday as I sat with the good ol' boy in my lap, I noticed...
  10. JillsChicks

    Randy Rooster - Is this normal?!

    It's been awhile since I've posted. Last I reported by daughter and I had hatched 7 roosters out of 8 eggs! Five found nice homes and I presently have two boys and my one hen along with five other hens lent for winter or given to me for good. At 22 weeks old both roosters are still getting...
  11. JillsChicks

    Rooster Tricks and Treats

    Let's post rooster stories... I ended up with 7 out of 8 incubated chicks being roosters! I was in denial for about 13 weeks and then had to admit that most of my babies wouldn't be laying anything for the frying pan... I have since found homes for five and have kept two hoping that they'll get...
  12. JillsChicks

    Where to buy small #'s of chicks/eggs

    Where is the website that allows one to order 3 chicks at a time? I was certain that I had seen a website that allows you to buy fewer than 25 chicks at a time. My son is interested in Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks. Thanks so much for your help!
  13. JillsChicks

    Photos of Grandpa Munster

    Ok, here are two photos of "Prima" otherwise known as "Grandpa Munster." What in the world is she/he? We've seen her "talk/crow," but she has no wattles and a peacomb. She was quick to feather out. Chickens from the mixed flock included Araucana, Black Australorp, Barred Rock, Buff...
  14. JillsChicks

    Grandpa Munster in my Barnyard

    Our chicks are now six weeks old and we try to guess each day which will be hens, which will be roos. They are mutts that we hatched in an incubator. I'll try to post pics later, but can anyone tell me for now if they've ever had a chicken that has almost no comb or wattles, but has ear...
  15. JillsChicks

    Can Two-Week-Old Chicks be put in the Barn?

    We are going away on a vacation. My chicks are two weeks old. We are wondering if it would be less work for the person house-sitting to have the chicks in the barn rather than in the dining room making a mess. In the barn we have 10x10 stalls that would be completely covered by 1" chicken...
  16. JillsChicks

    Will older chicks pick on younger chicks added later to brooder? PICS!

    Two purposes in listing this post - to show pics of my chicks - finally! And to ask about adding younger chicks to the brooder. A friend successfully hatched some hybrid DeKalb chicks a week after mine hatched. She'd like to be done brooding as they only wanted the experience of hatching and I...
  17. JillsChicks

    Sexing Chicks at two weeks old

    My cross breed chicks will be two weeks old on Wednesday. I can't believe how a couple are feathering out so quickly. I think these two are Delaware crosses. I'd love to post pics but still can't get my Kodak Easy Share to sense that there are pics in the device and have spent hours trying...
  18. JillsChicks

    Rats Eating Chickens

    Hey, my husband insists that he won't have to cover 1.5 inch slats in our stall with chicken wire because rats don't eat chickens. He's willing to put chicken wire from ceiling to stall tops, but doesn't believe me that rats will get in and get my precious chicks. Did I just hear this...
  19. JillsChicks

    Final Results on Ann & JillsChicks - 6 partials

    Hi, All. I've not been on the message board lately because playing with chicks is more fun than writing about them! Here's our final count - 8 beautiful chicks - 3 black and white, 5 yellow. Four of our eggs were yolks and 6 more had partially developed chicks in the eggs. After 24 days I...
  20. JillsChicks

    Some Hatched; Some didn't make it... Our saga...

    I've hardly slept and barely eaten for two days... Here's how our hatch went: Two days ago, one little peep pipped and hatched. "She" was very active and rammed around the incubator peeping, sleeping, peeping again. She knocked into eggs right and left, but I was determined not to open the...
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