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  • Users: Honomi
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Honomi

    How do I enter my coop to the "coop of the week" or "coop of the month" or "coop competition"?

    Hi, my two chickens died last summer with their old age. I'm getting ready for new chickens' arrival in next few days. My husband made a coop ready for them and would like to enter to the coop of the week or coop of the month or coop competition by BYC if it's running currently such a thing. Can...
  2. Honomi

     Old hens

    My two hens, Warren-breed, nearly 3 years old have been producing lash eggs in various sizes.The last real egg I had from either was last December. They can still eat and drink but standing like penguins, fluffed up and closing eyes pretty much most of days. Should I still keep feeding them...
  3. Honomi

    Egg 1000 th

    I've got the 1000th egg today. That's between my two Warren since the first egg on July 23rd 2013. 1000 eggs between two hens In a year and a half is truly extraordinary! I just wanted to show a picture and celebrate their success. Although as you can see Tikka's egg 999 shows what a struggle it...
  4. Honomi

    Yolk attached to the semi hard beige bits

    I've just posted a thread "Brown jelly like liquid with poop" but my other chicken also had quite strange dropping this morning. Yolk attached to semi hard beige color bits, beige bit is quite lumpy, when I touched it, it was like a big lump of chewed gum and when I picked it up the yolk sack...
  5. Honomi

    Brown jelly like liquid with poop over night

    I've noticed one of my chicken's done quite a bit of amount of the brown jelly like liquid with poop when I went to clean the roost at my daily routine first thing in the morning a week ago. She didn't lay egg that day and she had sign of egg binding next day. I only saw her once or twice in the...
  6. Honomi

    Happy One year home

    Today is exactly one year home for my girls since they came from the farm near by. As I 've never had chickens before I look back now how girls has grown in a year. They were very shy to start with and I didn't know what to do but we have settled in many ways, Also today I had egg #670 between...
  7. Honomi

    My chicken lethergic and lost a balance few times not right

    I'm a beginner for chicken, I started keeping chickens 8 month ago. My two hens are Warren, they are about 12 months old. Yesterday morning they were fine running out in garden, in the afternoon they had a usual lazy time in the pen with treat of cooked pearl barley with cauliflower greens. But...
  8. Honomi

    New/ hatchin to BYC

    Start with apologize for my late hatching to BYC membership and support team, knowing wonderful supports are around throughout but my life at the moment is hectic. .Although amid busy life I'm also hopeless writing in the computer, specially in English (as it’s not my mother tongue) however I’ll...
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