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  1. Brickman House

    Looking for BBS Orpington Eggs

    Hi all! Anyone have any recommendations for a breeder who will ship hatching eggs out of show quality stock? I am looking to get some diversity in my BBS Orpington stock. There used to be a bunch of people selling quality English Orpington hatching eggs on the Auction board on this site...
  2. Brickman House

    Show Quality BBS Orpingtons?

    Hi all! Anyone have any recommendations for a breeder who will ship hatching eggs out of show quality stock? I am looking to get some diversity in my BBS Orpington stock. There used to be a bunch of people selling quality English Orpington hatching eggs on the Auction board on this site...
  3. Brickman House

    Looking for Show Quality BBS Orpington Hatching Eggs

    Hi all, I am in search of show quality BBS Orpington hatching eggs. Incubator is ready to go, can take delivery any time (extreme weather permitting). Message me with what you have! Thanks in advance.
  4. Brickman House

    White Earlobes on Blue Orpington?

    Hi all! I have an otherwise absolutely beautiful Blue Orpington cockerel, which has developed white streaks on his earlobes. Obviously this is a major fault, but I've never seen it before. Anyone have this happen to them? Any ideas where it comes from? Any thoughts on the likelihood of...
  5. Brickman House

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Rooster, Northern DE

    Absolutely beautiful Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Rooster for Sale! He was supposed to be a hen, and we've already selected the roosters we need for our flock right now. He's 5 months old, and very sweet and quiet. He has a small flock of young pullets he takes good care of. He'd be a VERY flashy...
  6. Brickman House

    FREE Rhode Island Red Rooster, Northern DE

    FREE Rhode Island Red rooster. 18 months old, and great to have around the yard or barn! He's gentle with the hens and a terrific flock caretaker. Also docile and easy to handle-- just an awesome all-around guy! He's a handsome, healthy bird (though he does have a couple crooked toes). PM me...
  7. Brickman House

    Pictures of Interior of Breeding Coop?

    Hi all, We are looking to build an 8 x 8 coop (kind of garden shed-style) to house a small flock of show quality Orpingtons to breed and show. We have a pretty good idea of how we want to build the exterior, but aren't so sure about how to configure the inside. Does anyone have any photos of...
  8. Brickman House

    Air sacs too small-- how much to reduce humidity?

    Hi all, I'm on Day 14 with 16 chicken eggs. I've been running the humidity in my Suro at 50%. Candled last night, and the air sacs are really small-- more like a 7 day egg than a 14. Anyone had experience with this, and how much did you reduce humidity to enlarge the air sac? Thanks!
  9. Brickman House

    Duckling with Wry Neck

    Well, for the second year in a row brooding ducklings, I've had one come down with wry neck. I am so frustrated! Last year, it showed up in one of my shipped ducklings; this year, it's in one of my home hatched. Last year, I started the ducklings on Southern States game bird starter, and when...
  10. Brickman House

    Why is my goose yelling at me?

    Hi all, We have a pair of roughly 10 month old Tolouse, who free range our backyard with our flock of ducks and provide us with much amusement. The door to our backyard is one of those glass french doors. Recently, the gander has taken to banging on the back door with his beak, and when I go...
  11. Brickman House

    Treatment for really wicked case of bumblefoot?

    Hi all, I had a totally ugly, really ragged, SomeFormofProductionRed hen dumped on me a few months back. I isolated her, fed her up, got her healthy, and yeah. . . got really attached to her. Suckerrrrrr, with a capital "S," here! She came with a bad case of bumblefoot, and I followed...
  12. Brickman House

    Hatching Duck Eggs in a Suro: Day 31 and WRAP-UP

    Hi all, I just set my first batch of duck eggs in my new RCom Suro. Since the Suro is a new-ish incubator, and since there seems to be a lot more chicken than duck hatchers around here, I thought I'd chronicle the experience to add to the already great bank of information around here! I have...
  13. Brickman House

    Anyone have Classic, Golden, Big-Bloomered Buff Orps?

    Hi All! Our family's been feeling our way around chicken-keeping for the last few years, and (to no one's surprise here, I'm sure) we've become hooked! We've slowly built a small, mixed flock of 20 laying hens, 8 ducks, and 2 geese. They roam the fenced acre of our property right outside our...
  14. Brickman House

    WTB: Show Quality Buff Orpingtons

    Hi all, I'm looking for show quality Buff Orpingtons. I can handle hatching eggs, day olds, or grown birds. Please PM me if you have any available! Thanks in advance.
  15. Brickman House

    Humidity level in the RCom Suro?

    Hi all, I'm getting ready to set some duck eggs in my new RCom King Suro. I understand duck eggs should be set at 55% humidity for days 1-25, and 65% for the last three days. I've had the incubator set up for the last day, and it's barely hitting 55%-- usually 53 or 54%. I've double checked...
  16. Brickman House

    Hatching ducks in an RCom Suro?

    Hi all! Just bought a brand new RCom Suro, and set it up today-- what a slick little machine! Looks about as "set it and forget it" as an incubator can be. Let's hope it's as idiot-proof as it appears, because we are total newbies at this! We figured we'd run a test hatch with our own duck...
  17. Brickman House

    Difference between Embden and Sebastopol goslings?

    Hi all, I have an order of Embden and Sebastopol goslings coming from Metzer in a month or so. The Embdens are staying with me, but the Sebastopols are going to a friend. Will I be able to tell the difference between the two as day old goslings in the box, or should I ask Metzer to mark...
  18. Brickman House

    Suro reliable enough to leave town?

    Hi all, I have an RCom Suro on its way to me, and I'm excited to be able to start hatching eggs! I'm planning for my first batch to be a dozen or so homegrown duck eggs, but we're going on vacation for a week at the end of March. For anyone who has the Suro, is it "set it and forget it"...
  19. Brickman House

    What to feed ducks and geese in snow?

    Hi all! I have a flock of 8 ducks and 2 geese who roam a fenced acre of our property. Normally, we toss a 2.5 quart scoop of layer pellets in their feed tub in the morning, open their coop, and let them out for the day. They do end up eating their pellets, but obviously spend most of their...
  20. Brickman House

    PSA!!! McMurray delaying Northeast shipments. . .

    Hi all, Just got a call from McMurray that they're delaying all shipments to the Northeast that were supposed to ship tomorrow due to the incoming storm. Apparently the post office has notified large scale shippers that mail will likely be delayed because of airport closings. If you live in...
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