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  • Users: briana1975
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  1. briana1975

    Large Jake died.

    My large Sweetgrass jake, hatched last summer, looks like he broke his neck. Busted up wing feathers and broken neck. He has been perfectly fine, eating drinking acting and pooping normal. We are having sub zero weather so he is starting to freeze, no spoiling. Can we eat him? I am having a hard...
  2. briana1975

    Question on when to introduce new birds.

    I have adult turkeys 1 Sweetgrass tom who is head turkey, 1 BR tom and 1 BR hen. I had put eggs into the incubator just a couple days before my SG hen was killed. We kept 3 poults. It is looking like we may have 1 male and 2 females. They have been housed seperate so far and will stay seperate...
  3. briana1975

    What color cochin am I.

    Pretty sure it's a cochin. If I am wrong tell me. I just don't know what color it will turn out to be. Tell me what you think.
  4. briana1975

    I just wanted to show off another great chicken picture.

    My step son was taking more pictures and this was my favorite. My big Buff Orp roo and some of his ladies.
  5. briana1975

    To free range together or seperate?

    We are now up to 4 coops. The Big Coop is for our turkeys and layers. All standard size. The second coop is just a trio of Seramas. The third coop is a temp coop for new chickens, broody's, hurt, or young chickens. The 4th coop is the newest and it will be for bantams and smaller sized chickens...
  6. briana1975

    Now I have to get this right. They have started to hatch.

    Very sad day for me. Relized my Sweetgrass hen was left outside on her nest last night, 1st and last time it will ever happen bacause she was killed during the night. Looks like fox or coyote. I do have 8 of her eggs in the incubator and now more than ever I want to make sure I am doing...
  7. briana1975

    Hoop house.

    We built our first hoop house. This will make raising meat turkeys or chickens easier in the warm spring and summer weather. I am a little worried about just the chicken wire and am thinking about getting an solor powered electric fence for around the bottom. We do have the live trap out and...
  8. briana1975

    Please say a prayer for my friend.

    I have a friend that just found out the reason she keeps getting sick and losing weight is she has a mass growing in her neck on her spine attached to her brain stem. She will be going in for more testing and a biopsy. She is in her twentys and has 3 little boys ages 6, 4, and 18 months. She is...
  9. briana1975

    Wanted to show off my step-sons photos.

    My step-son is 18 and has taken up photography. I think he is doing a wonderful job and wanted to share some chick pictures he took for me.
  10. briana1975

    What breed are these packing peanut?

    We got our order of chicks in today and Ideal sent 13 packing peanuts. At first I thought Barred Rocks but they have no big white spots on there heads. Here is a picture. And let me know what you all think. Thanks!!
  11. briana1975

    Are these Golden Sebrights from TSC?

    I picked up 6 chicks out of the bantam assortments. They all looked the same. I am starting to think they are Golden Sebrights, what do you think?
  12. briana1975

    Our way of sexing poults.

    I know this sounds crazy, but last year we were messing around with my husbands jake call and our new BBW poults. When we used the call we noticed one poult ran to a corner and layed down and the other didn't care. Well those turkeys grew to be 1 hen and 1 tom. We got 4 more poults 3 weeks apart...
  13. briana1975

    Lap turkey and jealous Tom.

    Just a quick picture of my afternoon. Sitting on the swing with my turkey on my lap and her tom getting a little jealous.
  14. briana1975

    Look what was crowing.

    I was down with the brooder this morning and I hear this unusual noise coming from the cochins and silkies. Sure enough this little guy was crowing. It was squeeky and kinda funny but it was a crow.I haven't even had them 2 weeks yet.
  15. briana1975

    I just set my first batch of eggs!! Got first chicks!! pics pg3

    Well a month ago I let a broody do it. I gave her 4 eggs and now have 4 chicks. That was easy she did all the work. Now it is my turn. My Hovabator 1588 with egg turner came via Fed Ex on Friday. Since then I have been collecting eggs from my girls. Most of them will be Buff Orps, but a...
  16. briana1975

    My hen hatched her first chick.

    My Buff Orps love to be broody. I put off letting anyone hatch eggs due to winter is cold in Michigan. But 21 days ago you guys helped talk me into letting her have some eggs.....and ta..da.. a baby chick today. She has 3 more eggs under her that will be at day 21 tomorrow. Here is a picture I...
  17. briana1975

    My EE's blue eggs.

    My EE's first blue egg. The other egg is a cream color. I just thought is was such a pretty blue egg and I wanted to share.
  18. briana1975

    Should I or shouldn't I?

    I have a broody Buff Orp. She has been broody for 2 weeks now, but it has been so cold in Michigan I didn't want baby chicks hatching in Febuary. Well now it's Febuary and by the time they hatch it will be March, which is starting to warm up but still cold. I have brooders in the basement that...
  19. briana1975

    Do you have dinner together?

    We have dinner together almost every night. The whole family. Usually all homemade, but there are busy days that I will do something quick that already started frozen. I am a stay at home mom so I do have the time for this. But even when I worked full time we still all had dinner together. My...
  20. briana1975

    Will this work for turkey housing?

    Right now the turkeys are living with the chickens and it works very well. Yes one of the hens plucked all the feathers off the Silkie roos head, but he has now learned to leave her alone and she has learned to lay eggs into the nest boxes instead of the ground. But I have 2 pairs, Sweetgrass...
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