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  • Users: kakayona
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  1. kakayona

    What is the ideal harvest weight non-dressed of a cx?

    I did 27 this last weekend and was wondering what is a good average weight before butchering? I didn't weigh after butchering. Thank you in advance!
  2. kakayona

    meatbirds can't walk

    3 of my 33 birds can hardly walk. Hip/leg problems with this bread i am aware of. What can I do at this stage? They have 3-4 weeks till harvest and how or what can i do to get them there? Gonna have to separate them. What are the odds of bringing them bcak to walking or getting them to harvest?
  3. kakayona

    1 week left till slaughter

    birds are 53 days old(cx). weighed an average one and it was 6.2 lbs. they are all male too. Sunday is slaughter day. What can i do to give them one final good push till Sunday??? anything? using 25% protein right now.
  4. kakayona

    2 week old broiler chicks with bare skin

    they turn 2 weeks this Thursday and have a lot of wing feathers but their rumps are almost all skin with little fur left. it seems like they grew real fast at first but now stunted. also found one dead today. concerned a bit. any thoughts?
  5. kakayona

    Portable coop size?

    I plan on building a portable coop to house some meat chickens. It is going to be roughly 9x7 and 3 feet high. How many chickens can I fit in there without cramping them? TY
  6. kakayona

    FIRST EGG and a question

    Found a very little egg today. I have 14 Red stars born on june 22. One has left me a gift. Many days of care and $$ and I get a small token finally. I have a mixed group here of 24 chickens from those born on june 22 to 3 years. should I continue feedinf them flock raiser or make a switch to...
  7. kakayona

    How to measure Tetracycline

    The bag says it weighs 10 G. It says to add 300 mg per gallon. How do I measure this out? where do I buy a instrument to measure this?
  8. kakayona


    I'm about to put my chickens on Tetracycline, should I stop eating the eggs? And for how long after? Thanx -Lance
  9. kakayona

    How to jump start the egg laying?

    I have 14 sex-links getting born on June 22. Is there anything I could be feeding them special? I currently feed them Flock Raiser. What age can I expect this particular breed to start laying? Thanx in advance. -Lance
  10. kakayona

    Waterer warmer question

    I am getting ready for the winter and am looking for advice on what type of water heater/warmer to get. i will buy a new waterer to accommodate. What brands/types do YOU PEOPLE recommend??
  11. kakayona

    Black spots on combs.

    I've noticed black like deformations on a few of my chickens. Does anyone know what this is or how to treat it?
  12. kakayona

    watermelon rinds

    good or bad? fur chickens of course:)
  13. kakayona

    chickens kickin feed everywhere.

    they are kicking the feeder empty in two days. all over floor. they are yipping and yipping at me about it to. How do I stop this???
  14. kakayona

    when can i combine my chicks...

    I have 14 chicks that were born on June 22. they are in a 5x6 coop in a huge run with my 11 full grown chickens. A fence partition between them. When can I let them live together in same coop? I think they can handle themselves but question how to feed them proper feed. How do you get them to...
  15. kakayona

    chocolate cake and beef ribs.

    can i feed my chickens chocolate cake(no frosting) and beef ribs(cooked)?
  16. kakayona

    When to get rid of older chickens

    I have three 14/month old's and eight 2+/year old's. The three are a non issue but some of the eight are not laying. How do I tell which one's aren't laying? I don't want any that aren't laying because I have fourteen 6/week old's too. Is getting rid of one at a time a bad thing for morale...
  17. kakayona

    Honey-Comb, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Flakes.

    I have quite a bit of cereal my children won't eat anymore. Can i feed these products to the chickens??
  18. kakayona

    chicks dirt bathing in wood chips

    They are making big holes and knocking everything over. They turn 4 weeks on the 22nd. Most are fully feathered. 14 sex links. Is this a sign to put them out now? Is this a bad habit brooder ?
  19. kakayona

    Arsenic poison

    Found this and just thought I would post it for everyone to be aware of it.
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