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  1. chickensioux

    Found this chicken hit by car. Breed?

    She is healing fine. Just not sure of breed or a hen, right?
  2. chickensioux

    Dilemma - advice please.

    I bought 7 bantam cochin eggs, 2 hatched. All was well for 4-5 weeks. 1 chick started stumbling around and within a few days could not walk. Everything I researched pointed toward vitamin deficiency or Marek's. After pumping her full of everything I read to administer for vit. def., she...
  3. chickensioux

    BIG question!!!!!

    I believe I am dealing with Marek's. I only have 2 new chicks that I hatched from a few eggs I bought. 4 weeks after hatching one chick started having trouble walking. Now lays with 1 leg forward, 1 leg back. I believe this to be Mareks now and not a vit. deficiency. Everything I read leads...
  4. chickensioux

    Please help. At a loss. What should I do?

    This started about 2 weeks ago. I had a normal, healthy 4 week old cochin bantam. (I only have the 2 chicks) Almost overnight the one chick started having trouble standing, very wobbly. I discovered I had been feeding the wrong feed (chick starter for turkey, etc.) I figured the one was...
  5. chickensioux

    Vit. Deficiency in Chick...Questions for those who have dealt with this.

    I have a 5 week old bantam cochin that started showing signs of a vit. deficiency (stumbling, etc but eating and drinking and cheeping normally). I started Vit. E, selenium, Nutri-Drench and sugar in water. This has been going on for about 4 days now. My questions are: How long does this...
  6. chickensioux

    This was weird.....surreal even. What was going on?

    Yesterday we (my mom and I) were sitting on the back patio enjoying the weather. I looked at my chicken area and there in the middle of things was a huge raccoon, sitting at the feed bowl enjoying himself. My chickens were all around him not panicked at all. I screamed and ran at him and he...
  7. chickensioux

    Bloody eggs in 1 year old...Can't find a solution. Please help!

    I have had this silkie for a year now. She is healthy in every way other than since she has been laying (since last year) her eggs have blood on them. It has taken me this long to figure out who it was. Of course everyone stopped laying this winter and since they all are picking back up, I...
  8. chickensioux

    With only a week to go...lets

    post a favorite Christmas memory, tradition, gift, thought, saying, movie......anything! Just keep in light and happy! Mine are: Movie: It's a Wonderful Life Gift: Minga, my doberman
  9. chickensioux

    Funny pic!!! Add a caption!!!

    "Hey, look what I found!"
  10. chickensioux

    The origninal MICRO DUCK has passed.

    My little MicroDuck crossed over the rainbow bridge this a.m. Thank you BYC friends and fans that knew of Micro and thanks to those that gave me wonderful suggestions that aided in his care. He lived way longer than expected and grew to be a feisty, little dude with huge duck attitude. Nobody...
  11. chickensioux

    Spider bite, Vit. A deficiency, Coryza???? How to know?

    I have a 3 year old Salmon Faverolle with one side of her face swollen, eye swollen shut. She is eating and drinking. The left side of her face is normal, comb red. She keeps her mouth open to breathe but her chest is clear and her breathing is not labored. I have her on baytril, have given...
  12. chickensioux

    Bumblefoot - Contradicting info on here - help

    I have been treating a hen with bumblefoot and want to try the method offered in the references by Eggcentric but it states to soak the foot in Bactine first. Bactine contains lidocaine which has been a no-no in all other info. What to do?
  13. chickensioux

    Roswell, GA's "Chicken Man" home explodes moments before eviction! I am beyond words. RIP Andrew, you will find peace now.
  14. chickensioux

    RIP Minga, 13 yr. old Dobe

    My beautiful girl's liver shut down and shut down fast. I'm glad she didn't have to suffer. She lived a long, beautiful, love filled life. I will never forget you Minga!
  15. chickensioux

    Man, can this guy sing or what? I need 12 of these!
  16. chickensioux

    Pic of Micro Duck today, size comparison and a question.

    I hope everyone remembers Micro Duck. Here he is as of today. He is standing next to a female call. You can see how tiny he is. The black bibbed female call in the pic is a very small female too. He is still hanging in there and as tough and fiesty as ever. My question is: Since I never...
  17. chickensioux

    Please tell me it's possible!!!!

    I have 22 hens and 1 roo. I adopted a young chicken from the Carolina Waterfowl rescue and it appears to be maturing into a roo. Is it possible that once he matures that he and my other roo can live together? They will have 22 hens among them, they are in a very large area, so there is plenty...
  18. chickensioux

    Please help. Breed? Sex?

    I adopted this chicken from the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue. She was part of a rescued hoarding case. At the time we thought banty pullet. She grew to standard size so she is not a bantam but what breed and sex? He/she just lost that little chick peep so she is young.
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