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  1. orangecatrex

    Bumble foot starting?

    I have read several posts concerning bumble foot with lots of info being gained, however I have a small pearl leggern who has a swollen (left) pad. No sores, scabs or obvious openings Or infection. She was limping and now puts little or no weight on this leg. She's lively but I'm not sure if...
  2. orangecatrex

    Zombie Hen, or a better idea?

    Yesterday I came home after temps reaching around 120 degrees in the barn, and prolly 108 in the shade, and found 1 hen knocking on Deaths door. Each day when i get home i go to the pen and spray the ground, of their pen to help cool it, and also spray the barn so there is shaded, (and...
  3. orangecatrex

    Help with a sick hen, I've seen something mentioned here before....

    If someone could point me in the right direction, or just tell me the inevitable is forthcoming. My hen has had a dirty vent for some days, it started out looking like egg was coming out. I've had a snake problem so at first thought she may have set on a soft egg. (I have 1 hen out 18 that...
  4. orangecatrex

    Too many roosters?

    I have 3 roosters and 9 hens. The weather, as everywhere, here in Texas has been unusually cold. I've been giving them free range over the enclosed pasture. Sometimes they roam, sometimes they stay in the main coop. My question is with egg production way down, and the activity of the...
  5. orangecatrex

    General Population

    Morning everyone. 2 days ago i came home to a new baby chick. This hen is among the general population (for lack of a better term). I didn't find out about the new arrival until evening when i bring the gang in from the pasture and lock them away for the night. I placed the baby and momma in...
  6. orangecatrex


    I recently found out the hard way that my birds will eat almost anything. My husband left a large piece of styrofoam out for the trash pick-up but before the trashmen got it the birds had a round of snacks from it. Will it pass? Do they need medicine? It happened about a week or so ago and i...
  7. orangecatrex

    Why not tater skins?

    I read in a publication recently that you shouldn't give raw potato skins to your chickens...... I had been giving my birds skins until i read this and of course no reason WHY Not........ Is it ok? does anyone have any experience with tater skins?
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