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  • Users: Blue_Myst
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  1. Blue_Myst

    Hen lethargic, and throwing up

    My hen took ill last night. She was huddled in a corner of the coop with her eyes closed and feathers fluffed. I took her inside and got her to eat and drink a little bit. She had yellowish-green watery poo all night but ate a little oatmeal this morning. I checked her crop, and it was very...
  2. Blue_Myst

    Chicken penicillin dosage

    I ordered some Pro-Pen-G Penicillin the other day and wanted to know what dosage I should give an 8 pound hen. The bottle says 1 mL per 100 pounds body weight--this is roughly 1/10 a millileter for an 8 pound chicken. Does this dosage sound correct? Also, for how long should I give it to her...
  3. Blue_Myst

    Rooster being a bit too rough?

    So this year my very first rooster snuck into my coop in a batch of 100% females He's around six months old now, very big, and much better behaved than I could have hoped for. He doesn't over-breed his ladies, he's very gentle in offering them food, and will strut about and keep watch for them...
  4. Blue_Myst

    To my RP friends

    Hi guys, it's been a really long time and I thought it was about time I showed up to take care of a thing or two. I feel absolutely, positively, down-right rotten for not having posted in seven weeks Things have become really busy and I usually don't have enough spare time to spend an hour...
  5. Blue_Myst

    Hen really run down--internal layer? Advice appreciated!

    I've been really worried about one of my Rhode Island Red hens. She is about 2 1/2 years old, and hasn't laid in around 2 months (which is really unusual for her, as she was my best layer and gave me huge eggs nearly every day). I could tell she wasn't egg-bound because I didn't see evidence of...
  6. Blue_Myst

    Vent Gleet--Treatments?

    Long story short, I think I have two hens who have mild vent gleet. They've both stopped laying, have slightly swollen abdomens, messy feathers on their bum fluff and loose stools. Both hens are 2 1/2 years old, and I know I need to deal with this now since I recently got a rooster and I see no...
  7. Blue_Myst

    Chicken Autopsy Results (WARNING: very graphic pictures)

    Today I found one of my BO hens dead in the coop, huddled under the ramp up to the roosting area. For the past three months she’d been struggling with a breathing problem that antibiotics weren’t helping, and I knew it was only a matter of time before she died. So when she did, I wanted to do...
  8. Blue_Myst

    Goodbye, Amber.

    (Warning: long post ahead. One of my favorite hens just passed this morning, and I had to type up a few thoughts to remember her by. She was a friendly little gal and really one of a kind, for a chicken.) Dear Amber, Do you remember, all those years ago, when I picked you up from the feed...
  9. Blue_Myst

    ~❉RP Writing Contest❉~

    Welcome to the RP Writing Contest! So you want to take your roleplaying to the next step? Perhaps you have a character that intrigues you, or something exciting just happened in your RP thread that you think needs a little more “screen time”? Well, here’s your chance! It doesn’t matter if you’re...
  10. Blue_Myst

    Hen not doing well. Difficulty breathing, and gasping *update*

    I've been having a lot of trouble with one of my Buff Orpington hens. She is 3 years old and free ranges often, and was very healthy up until this point. Nearly a month ago I saw that she was making gasping motions and having trouble breathing. There were no bubbles in the eyes or swelling. She...
  11. Blue_Myst

    Tylan 200 Injectable

    Does anyone know if Tylan 200 can be given orally? I don't mean the Tylan powder, just the regular bottled version you can get at the feed store. Is the dosage the same as if you were giving it in the muscle? I just have one chicken I need to dose, but all my searches on here have indicated...
  12. Blue_Myst

    BO Hen with Crop Stasis?

    Well, when one problem goes away another crops up. I've brought my hen inside because she's been doing poorly (droppings are no more than a thick white mucus with a vibrant green middle). She'd lost her appetite so I've been force-feeding her small meals and water. Yesterday I felt her crop and...
  13. Blue_Myst

    BO Hen going downhill, intestines possibly blocked, need help!

    I'll try to make this story as short as possible. My three-year-old BO hen started having symptoms of gapeworm, so I dewormed her over three days with fenbendazole. She stopped doing the neck-stretching, gaping movements after that, but began wheezing. I isolated her and put her onto...
  14. Blue_Myst

    Duramycin individual dosage

    I bought duramycin-10 for a sick chicken today. I know the dosage for a gallon of water, but I just need to treat one chicken! What would be the dosage for treating one hen? I'm scared to make an estimated guess because I don't want to give her too much, and I also don't want whatever this is...
  15. Blue_Myst

    Hen with Difficulty Breathing and Antibiotic Question

    Just when I thought it was over, my Buff Orpington hen started having trouble breathing again She's three years old, and I've been giving her a wormer for three days (Fenbendazole in Equibits) in case it was gapeworm. Before the wormer, her symptoms included stretching out her neck and taking...
  16. Blue_Myst

    Deworming with Fenbendazole

    Hi, quick question for anyone who can answer! I bought a bag of Equibits (0.5% fenbendazole) to deworm my chickens with. It said to use 1.0 pound per 1000 pounds of body weight for a one-treatment ration. If I did the math right, this means 0.001 pounds for 1 pound of body weight. So that...
  17. Blue_Myst

    Chicken struggling to breath!

    I'd really hope I'd never be posting here again. Guess I was wrong I just put my hens to bed tonight, and one of them is having what appears to be breathing and swallowing trouble. Her age is about 3 years, and she's a Buff Orpington. She had no symptoms prior to this point. This morning she...
  18. Blue_Myst

    Merrick Vaccines for Chicks

    For those of you who have had your chicks vaccinated for Merricks, do you know if you can house them with full-grown chickens who have never been Merricks vaccinated? What I mean is, can Merricks-vaccinated chicks pass on the disease to un-vaccinted adult birds? Thanks!
  19. Blue_Myst

    Tell me what is wrong with this picture

    There is snow falling outside, a cold, cold wind blowing, the trees are laden with ice, snow is piled deep enough that a path needs to be shoveled to the coop, the chickens are restless from being inside for so long, and, lastly, two hormonal broody hens on the favorite nests This is not what...
  20. Blue_Myst

    Amber's Summer -- The Stressful Life of a Free-Ranged Hen

    Well, this is kind of a spur-of-the-moment project! In an effort to find a new, dynamic, adventurous, daring story to write, I found myself zapped dry of ideas. Until, of course, I watched my chickens out in the yard. More specifically, when I saw my "mild-mannered" BO glaring at me Inspired by...
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