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  1. oldwynooche

    Rooster available near Aberdeen, WA

    We have a recently matured 1/2 Buff Brahma and 1/2 Pure Bred White/Laced Red Cornish Rooster ready for re-homing. He is a dual purpose breeder. He is used to free range and will be more of a gentleman if he is allowed to continue to free range or have a large area to roam. Western Washington...
  2. oldwynooche

    2 Barred Rock mixed cockerels Western WA

    I have 2 cockerel chicks in Western WA. They are 3 weeks old, raised by a mother hen. Half Plymouth Barred Rock, half Easter Eggers.
  3. oldwynooche

    They hatched!!

    Cleo sat on 21 eggs for 3 weeks and hatched 7 chicks over the weekend. We're so excited! Leon the Rooster is a full blooded Plymouth Barred Rock, so looking at the chicks we think we have mostly cockerels, but will wait until they're older to make final calls.
  4. oldwynooche

    Roosters/other hens kill chicks?

    I have a broody hen sitting on eggs in the coop. She joins the flock daily and the rooster defends the coop. Someone said a rooster/other hens will kill chicks and she needs to be separated from the flock while the chicks are small. Advice?
  5. oldwynooche

    First time broody hen with first time owners

    Cleo went broody about 5-6 days ago. Now I no longer find any new eggs in the coop although there are 3 other perfectly good nesting boxes. I don't know if she kicked everyone else out if all the boxes or if they are all laying in her box. The coop is secure at night but once the door opens...
  6. oldwynooche

    Broodie hen gather eggs?

    One hen went broody this spring, now we're not finding eggs in other nesting boxes. I've heard both sides - so here's the question: Will a broody hen gather eggs from nearby nests to her "stash"?
  7. oldwynooche

    Brocken leg? Options?

    Hen is 8 months old, sitting outside of coop, limping on right leg when she stands. Doesn't join flock to find food. Advice?
  8. oldwynooche

    Eggs with a little hole

    Friend recently finding eggs with one little hole in them. Feeding layer crumbles, scratch and occasionally meal worms, plus flock is free ranging. Weather not cold or hot. Four laying places, happening in all of them.
  9. oldwynooche

    Tiny eggs, only whites

    It's December here in the PNW, most of the hens are laying fairly consistently, however, one hen is now laying very small eggs, consisting of only whites. Very nice strong shells, however. They all (5) look and act fine. Tails are up, healthy appetite, drinking water, skipping about the...
  10. oldwynooche

    Crows in the coop

    This morning, the auto coop door opened, chickens came out and a crow walked up the ramp into the coop. It left and soon came back with it's mate. They both walked up the ramp and into the coop like they owned the place. Is this a good thing? Will crows protect or warn the flock from other...
  11. oldwynooche

    Bobcats, Eagles and raccoons oh my!

    A bobcat got most of our chickens last year, the one that's left is living with a flock down the street. We're considering Jersey Giants next, and adding a rooster this time. The pen is our garden, 50'X50'. The fence is rabbit fence topped by barbed wire, about 4.5' high. The plan was to run...
  12. oldwynooche

    Wanted: Jersey Giant chicks in Western WA

    We'd like to get a roo and some hens. Tried to post on BST and was denied and directed to the rules. Read the rules and still confused about why I can't post about wanting some chicks, so I'm posting here. We're interested in 1 roo and 4-6 Jersey Giant hens for our 3.5 acres in Western WA...
  13. oldwynooche

    crossed bill chick

    Looking for suggestions for our 6 week old silver americaunus chick with a crossed bill. meaning the upper and lower bills do not meet and match, the upper curves left and the lower curves right. It needs extra time to eat and is not growing as fast as the others although the feathers are...
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