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  1. UThobbyfarmer

    7 1/2 week old Easter Eggers

    These came from Hoover’s Hatchery and I’m only guessing at their breeds: Easter Egger. They’re 7 1/2 weeks old. I don’t see any obvious Roos but I’d still like opinions. In the picture they’re slightly flushed from being chased around. Because of that I’ll also include some unflattering group...
  2. UThobbyfarmer

    Pullet coloring in partridge Easter Eggers

    Can someone explain to me what “pullet coloring” is? Particularly in Easter Eggers or partridge colored birds. I think it has to do with the chest, body, and hackle colors. I’m just not sure what combination of those means, likely, a pullet. I know roosters, depending on color, get dark...
  3. UThobbyfarmer

    3 week olds with bloody combs and wattles.

    This is a first for me in 10 years of chicken keeping and 3 hatching chicks. I have 29 chicks in a 46”x 46” brooder. 14 purchased BCM chicks. 15 BYM that I hatched myself (3 different egg sources). The Marans are 3 week 3 days old. The barnyard mixes are 2 weeks 4 days old. This morning I was...
  4. UThobbyfarmer

    Walking backwards, neurologic? *Video*

    Coming up on 9 years chicken keeping and I've been blessed to never need a post in this section more than once. Today I need your help. History: 21 week old Barnevelder/Orpington cross pullet. Hatched myself. Never been off the property. Healthy until about 2 weeks ago. She started squatting...
  5. UThobbyfarmer

    Incubation ? When to stop turning?

    The lady I bought fertile hatching eggs from made sure to emphasize that I should stop turning them 1 week before hatching. These are mixed breed ducks I'm guessing a 28 day incubation. This is my first time incubating duck eggs, after a couple years hatching chicks, and I've been following the...
  6. UThobbyfarmer

    Prettiest table eggs I've ever seen...

    I bought these as table eggs from a lady who keeps a rare breed flock. The only problem is they're too pretty to eat. So I busted out the incubator and I'm giving them a chance. They're unwashed but have been in the fridge. Time will tell if this was a brilliant idea or I just put a weeks worth...
  7. UThobbyfarmer

    Look what we caught in our trap....

    We bought a trap yesterday at Tractor Supply after the hen coop got wiped out 2 nights ago (12 birds). There is a 2.5" gap over the door where the panel bends. This morning we found this. Looks to be an American mink? I was guessing racoons so boy was I surprised. Hard lesson learned. Every inch...
  8. UThobbyfarmer

    BBB turkey grow outs, gaining?

    Can anyone take a look at these weights as let me know if they seem ok? I've been comparing them to the Meyers BB white chart and the Penn Extension chart because that's what I can find online. They came from Hoover's Hatchery and are probably a different strain than Meyers. I have 1 BBW and 3...
  9. UThobbyfarmer

    Porter's Turkeys early bird special

    I placed an order with Porter's Turkeys for their 2020 "early bird special". Assorted poults for only $5 each! Seemed like a screaming good deal to me. It worked out to $97.50 shipped for 15 birds. The plan is to keep about 4+ and resell the rest. I'm looking forward to a beautiful assortment to...
  10. UThobbyfarmer

    Feeding turkeys leftovers

    I clean my fridge weekly and almost everything goes out to the chickens. They're almost as good as pigs for clean up. The only thing I don't give them is poultry meat. Pork, beef or fish they do get. Can I feed turkeys scraps too? What can't they have? I gave them half a watermelon a few days...
  11. UThobbyfarmer

    Best lookout animals

    It's been a rough year for poultry at our place. We've lost ducklings, poults, chicks, hens, and 1 rooster. Due to raccoons or foxes and dogs. Possibly hawks. Most were taken in 2 massive attacks. 1 was raccoons, 1 was neighbor's Huskies. The only pen that hasn't been affected was a sturdy hoop...
  12. UThobbyfarmer

    Blue Copper Marans chicks

    I hatched some chicks from my BBS Marans group. Before this hatch I've only hatched a handful of eggs from them. These are our table eggs. I had a black copper Marans rooster over 1 black copper, 1 blue Copper, and 2 Splash hens. Here's my question. I hatched 2 black copper and 2 blue copper...
  13. UThobbyfarmer

    Refrigerated eggs question

    I've got two eggs on Day 3 that were refrigerated for an unknown amount of time. Anywhere from 3-14 days. These are from my own chickens not store bought. I've never tried refrigerated eggs before. This was an impromptu hatch and I didn't have much to loose. Here's my question. I did a quick...
  14. UThobbyfarmer

    Taking the whole family to the farm store...

    We went for two...TWO... turkeys. Came home with 2 turkeys, 2 ducks, and 3 bantams. They sure are cute though. My husband in the garage building a new brooder. I'm scratching my head and wondering how we get over run with poultry every Spring. We also have 17 chicken eggs in the incubator...
  15. UThobbyfarmer

    Black Copper Marans-16 eggs.

    Just found a stash of beautiful chocolate eggs in my Black Copper Marans pen. Fired up the incubator. I'll add them this evening when the temp is settled. The lighter egg in the first pic is a store bought one for comparison. I've also added 3 eggs from my BBS Marans pen too. Should be a fun...
  16. UThobbyfarmer

    Golden Pride hybrids?

    I picked up 6 of these pullets at my local Tractor Supply this week. I've tried googling them and can't find much info. They are possibly a Leghorn and Sussex sexlink? I called the tractor supply and asked what hatchery they used. I was told "Howard" and they should lay large-Xlarge light brown...
  17. UThobbyfarmer

    My Black Copper Marans layed her first egg and....

    It's beautiful! So happy with this lovely pullet egg. The bird is 24 weeks old. I hatched her from some eBay eggs last October. So happy to have her and her brother in my flock.
  18. UThobbyfarmer


    Bottom yolk is definitely infertile. Top one fertile? I'm hoping my young rooster is learning his job. Even though he's never crowed yet. Could be wishful thinking on my part. Your thoughts on the top yolk appreciated.
  19. UThobbyfarmer

    10 1/2 week old Barred Rocks, hen or roosters?

    After 10 1/2 weeks I'm still struggling with sexing these 3 chicks. They all look pretty similar. They have moderate sized reddish combs but not nearly as bright as my bantam cochin rooster (he's 3 weeks older). . That rooster had been bright red from about 5-6 weeks. These are mixes so...
  20. UThobbyfarmer

    Who else candles like this? Day 5 candling.

    I'm pretty new to incubation. But I've noticed strong changes, other than veining, in an egg at day 5 that indicates fertility. Something to do with the yolk changing to flattening out like a pancake. The signs I'm referring to are seen by candling the egg in an upright position and holding the...
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