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  1. bbyblueyes3

    New babies!!!

    I put 5 eggs from a friend under a broody hen... 4 showed development when they were candled... This morning I had pipping.... And tonight I have chicks!!!
  2. bbyblueyes3

    Girls or boys? Anyone have an idea?

    Any ideas on sex and breed?
  3. bbyblueyes3

    Fowl Stuff Nests... need help...

    quick question... my husband purchased the fowl stuff nests for me... or I guess I should say for my girls... anyway... I put shavings in them... and when one of the girls got in there this morning, it seemed as if it might be "slippery"... any suggestion on nesting material for them...
  4. bbyblueyes3

    What was this????

    Ok... First let me say... I look at my eggs when I crack them. Was poaching eggs this morning. Didn't notice anything when I cracked this one.... Cooked it like normal... Went to eat it... Ate first bite... Everything seemed normal. Second cut into the egg... And I found this...
  5. bbyblueyes3

    When to introduce

    I am currently "chicken sitting" for my mother. I have her two bantams. When can I introduce them into my flock (6 hens). They seem so small compared to my girls. But life would be so much "nicer" if they could all be together. My girls.... Mom's two... Thanks so much!!!
  6. bbyblueyes3

    Thought I had all girls.... Opinions please....

    Is/was this egg fertile????
  7. bbyblueyes3

    Is "she" turning into a "he".....

    Noticed some differences in one of my "hens" today...
  8. bbyblueyes3

    What color eggs will she lay???

    Wondering what color egg this hen might lay?
  9. bbyblueyes3

    Wonder who is laying????

    Who could they be from??? (Pics of my girls to follow.....)
  10. bbyblueyes3

    What animal could this be???

  11. bbyblueyes3


    My mom has two babies.... They are bantams. Not sure what breed... Was wondering if it is too early to tell hens from roos??? It's hard to get a clear picture... They don't want to be still....
  12. bbyblueyes3

    Any ideas?

    They were purchased from Tractor Suppy Easter weekend. I am guessing they are around 11 or 12 weeks old....
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