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  1. G Wiz Ranch

    Automatic Coop Door - Simple and Cheap w/ VIDEO

    A nice family came to our place to buy some chicks, we got to talking about coops, it came up that their son built an automatic coop door that was super cheap and easy. I thought I would share it with you folks, the son made this video of the door. Please share any feed back you might have, I...
  2. G Wiz Ranch

    Help with Back Sex-Links (pics)

    I am having an issue with my Black Sex-Link chicks not all being BSL's. I have a Rhode Island Red roo segregated with 7 Barred Rock Hens and 2 Cuckoo Maran. They have been segregated from the rest of my flock for several months. There is no chance that any other roo is getting to the girls, also...
  3. G Wiz Ranch

    Scored a Sportsman and a Battery Brooder today !!!

    We scored today (at least we think so). We bought a GQF Sportsman 1402 incubator and a GQF battery brooder (5 brooders high, automatic waters, and feed troughs) all for only $500. The bator sells for over $500 new and the battery brooder for over $1000. They are like new and the guy said he only...
  4. G Wiz Ranch


    Here are our "Duckens". One of our Buff Orpington (chicken) Hens went broody. I didn't want any mutt chickens so we gave her 8 mixed duck eggs. 2 eggs didn't take and 1 was a late death. 5 hatched on their own with her. After the hatch, we made a place for them in our duck run. We will let her...
  5. G Wiz Ranch

    What is with some women......................

    ...................that when they a see a beautiful women in person or via picture that they have to try and tear that women down? And the same women don't seem to trust men at all. Is it jealousy? Insecurity? My wife is not like this. Some of the women on this forum are. Why is it so wrong to...
  6. G Wiz Ranch

    American Idols new Judge!

    I am not a huge fan of American Idol (AI) but my wife is. When it comes on, we will watch it, but I don't always pay attention (admittedly, I do enjoy some of the really bad singers). However, I CAN NOT stand their new choice for a judge to replace Paula Abdul. Ellen Degenerate is THE most...
  7. G Wiz Ranch

    What waste? Small rant.

    I don't understand what people are referring to when they say that their chickens "waste" food from scratching it out of the feeder? Where does it go? I mean, mine will get a little on the ground but they eventually eat that too. I don't refill the feeders until they eat what they spilled. No...
  8. G Wiz Ranch

    Hatcher ? - Fan or NO fan ?

    We have a Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco egg incubator/turner, our last batch of 17 had 5 that pipped, but didn't make it after that, the humidity was solid at 65 from day 18 on. On day 18 we removed the "bars" that hold the eggs while on the turner, we removed the turner and added water to the tray. We...
  9. G Wiz Ranch

    Dominique Rooster with Barred Rock hen, what do you get?

    I have a Dominique rooster and some of my hens are Barred rocks, what would I get if I crossed them? Will the chicks be able to be sexed as chicks like sexlinks? The person I got the rooster from thought it was a Barred Rock so I drove a ways to get him. When I got there, I immediately knew it...
  10. G Wiz Ranch

    Water setup for my 2 week old ducklings

    I moved them from inside the garage to their new outside area. It is 8'x8' and is in our backyard. I used 4 whole 6"x8"x16" cinderblocks and 1 half block. I doug a hole and put them in with the tops level with the ground. I made a simple wood frame and covered it with 1/2" hardware cloth and...
  11. G Wiz Ranch

    California Coop. Not very traditional, but its working. PICS

    I thought that I would share this with you. Ok, so I live on the central coast of California, where we live it never snows and is seldom under 35F and almost never over 95f. When I decided to build a coop, I did a lot of reading and searching the net. I ended up turning to a coop design that was...
  12. G Wiz Ranch

    One of my ducklings came blind! Missing an eye socket. UPDATE 2/7 pg3

    Hello all, new member here, been lurking awhile. Lots of great info. Thought I would share this with you. We have been raising chickens for a little while and decided to give ducks a try. I ordered 20 hatchery choice ducks from one of the popular web sites. They arrived last friday 1/16. We...
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