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  • Users: Ec_Prokta
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  1. Ec_Prokta

    Friend Issues part Deux

    I have a good friend who I talk with about... Scratch that, all of our conversations deal with her life and how depressed she is and I talk her out of suicide 4 times a week. I'm honestly getting tired of talking to her about all of this, since this has been going on for about a year. She's...
  2. Ec_Prokta

    Lessons learned in my first actual relationship (That failed.)

    1. Having the other person treat you like a lapdog is a BAD THING. Very, very bad. Doesn't matter if it makes him happy. B.A.D. 2. If he's controlling, get the heck out. 3. Doesn't matter if he's hot or not. Look at how he treats others as well. You'd think these would be more obvious to...
  3. Ec_Prokta

    Green Poop blocking the vent?

    One of my chickens has green poop, ranging in shade from bright green to muddy green, blocking her vent. We gave her a bath to remove most of the poop, and now she's walking around slowly and is somewhat hunched over. She's also eating and drinking as usual, but her tail isn't up and she's not...
  4. Ec_Prokta

    Is it possible to get a stomach ache/constant nausea...

    ...Out of sheer stress? Just wondering.
  5. Ec_Prokta

    All right, fess up, who did it?

    Who gifted me with a GFM? If you're reading this, thank you ever so much!
  6. Ec_Prokta

    Pokemon Black/White Friend Codes?

    Hi, I just got my friend codes and wifi all set up, and I was thinking maybe we could each add various BYCers to our Pal Pads! Mine: Name: Remi Friend Code: 4470-4792-6554
  7. Ec_Prokta

    So, I have a question.

    I keep hearing all of this stuff about "Be yourself" and "Don't lie about yourself, especially to others." But the problem is, people hate "myself." I have a low tolerance for children, I don't like socializing, religion isn't my thing, I like all of the weird stuff you've never heard of...
  8. Ec_Prokta

    Bragging Rights: Obtained.

    Just pretend that Charmion Flanders is in the first bar and In Spite of Everything is in the second... But yes, I did win NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month , a free organization where you write 50,000 words in a month) a week early, and only now just got my validation certificate. The...
  9. Ec_Prokta

    Question regarding Black Friday shopping...

    Has anyone been to a video game store on Black Friday? I want to go and buy myself a portable video game system and some games for it, but I'm not quite sure if it's going to be crowded and totally not that fun at all, or how exactly it is going to be. Plus, what is traffic like for a small city...
  10. Ec_Prokta

    Critique a synopsis, please?

    I'm writing a novel that I hope to publish soon, and I recently came up with my synopsis. I was wondering if it sounded good, or if you all would read a book that told you this: An object at motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. One could say the same thing about a loop...
  11. Ec_Prokta

    I finally did it.

    Finally, I broke up with my boyfriend. We actually parted on pretty decent terms, too. I told him that I wanted to explore the world and I didn't want to be bogged down by a relationship, and he said that he would just wait for me. After asking when I would come back, I told him that even I...
  12. Ec_Prokta

    Did I do the right thing?

    I've had one of the worst days today. I had an hour long orthodontist appointment that led to my teeth still being sore right now, I've been holding in feelings of malice towards quite a few people for quite some time, but it's all starting to leak out now in the form of cusses and general...
  13. Ec_Prokta

    You guys, I'm guilty of bandwagons! I've decided to post my stories here for all to read. ^-^ Would you mind joining?
  14. Ec_Prokta

    How large is your music collection?

    I was just curious, and I thought it would be fun to compare our sizes. Right now, I have 150 songs, which amounts to 13.6 hours of music, and it takes up 1.04 GB.
  15. Ec_Prokta

    So, I've been really happy for the past few days...

    And I have absolutely no clue why! I've just been going about my life like normal, and for some reason, whereas before I wanted to kill myself every waking second, I want to live! I've been getting back to normal on a lot of things, I've started respecting myself more, and, well, I'm just so...
  16. Ec_Prokta

    Which dress to buy?

    Mom is letting me buy one Lolita style dress for fall/winter. However, I'm not quite sure which of these two to buy. Could you all help, please? Option 1 Option 2 Thanks in advance.
  17. Ec_Prokta

    When you have no clue what to do...

    What do you do? This goes for all sticky situations. You know the type... You've been trying to get the best outcome possible for everyone, but it seems as if you're digging your hole deeper no matter what you do, and a proper solution is nowhere in sight. I don't want to go into details, but...
  18. Ec_Prokta

    Post a song that describes how you're feeling!

    It's simple. You post a song that shows how you feel at the moment of posting and describe why. If it has lyrics, highlight the ones that match you the best. Right now, my song is Vs. Psychoshy. Sweet and kind at the start, but a large collection of hidden rage underneath peppered with a few...
  19. Ec_Prokta

    Credens - A Fantasy/High School RP

    Credens, a mythical city only known in myths and legends, exists to a select few who receive a phone call from a mysterious creature only known as "QB". Most phone calls proceed in the same way: It tells the chosen that the city exists, how to get to it, and that they will be expecting you. A...
  20. Ec_Prokta

    Would you RP this?

    Credens, a mythical city only known in myths and legends, exists to a select few who receive a phone call from a mysterious creature only known as "QB". Most phone calls proceed in the same way: It tells the chosen that the city exists, how to get to it, and that they will be expecting you. A...
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