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  • Users: Wishapup
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  1. Wishapup

    Spinosad products in Canada

    Looking for any Canadian equivalent to Elector PSP or similar spinosad-containing product.
  2. Wishapup

    Poultry Genetics Class

    Is anyone aware of a good online poultry genetics class? If not, it seems like this is something that should be developed. There is a wealth of knowledge available that could be compiled into a single class or series of classes, ranging from basic genetic concepts to advanced material specific...
  3. Wishapup

    Chick Dying, Gasping for Breath

    Don't think there's anything I can do but I'd love to know what this is. Lavender Orpington is 24-48 hours old. It is weak and lethargic, lying flat with eyes closed and can barely lift its head. When beak is dipped it can barely muster the energy to swallow. It is breathing heavily/gasping...
  4. Wishapup

    'Possum or raccoon?

    I know we have both living around here. Broody bantam hen had 2 LF chicks, nearly five weeks old. We lock them up at night and allow them to free-range during the day. They stick around the house (flowerbeds!) and are never more than a few metres from the driveway. Some of us are typically...
  5. Wishapup

    Rooster fight - why did he die?

    It is a sad day. My two large Marans roosters are always kept separated, but some time this afternoon one of them managed to escape his pen and entered the pen of the other (I had the second pen door open so the chickens in it could free-range). I'm not sure how long ago it was but it couldn't...
  6. Wishapup

    Rosecomb Leghorns

    We have very harsh winters here, so I would prefer rosecombs. However, I can't seem to find reference to RC Leghorns in any colours but white and brown. Do they come in any other colours? Are there any RC Exchequers, Buffs, Blacks, etc. in existence? Edit for clarification: more than general...
  7. Wishapup

    Twist on Broody Hen Fostering?

    An idea just came to me. I will have a good number of chicks hatching next week, probably from 20 to 40. I will be raising them in a large cardboard pen in the garage with a heat lamp, as I have done in the past. I have several bantams going broody in the coop. I don't really have the time...
  8. Wishapup

    Feathers Standing Up

    I have a 7 month old Red Sex-link pullet that has an electrified appearance. All her feathers are standing up, especially on her back. To me this tends to indicate discomfort in chickens. However, she's acting quite normally, and has been like this for over a week. She not hunched up or...
  9. Wishapup

    Sudden Death (Cocci?) in 6 Week Old Chick, Have 41 Other Chicks

    I just went out to check on my 5 & 6 week old chicks in their outdoor run. One of my Black Copper Marans cockerels (one of only five that hatched from shipped eggs) was dead, lying beside the feeder/waterer (I was shocked so can't remember which). It was a big, very healthy chick. All chicks...
  10. Wishapup

    Socializing 42 Chicks With Little Time

    I like having friendly birds - most of my 15 adult chickens don't prefer being held, though most of them tolerate it. They will all run after me if they are hungry, or free-ranging and they need something (coop door blew shut, can't get feed, etc.) When I enter the coop, they're in the way of...
  11. Wishapup

    Cold Chicks, Stress - Heat Lamp Turned Off For Hours

    Heat lamp had loose connection. This just happened. I've been checking them all day but was gone for a few hours (2-3?) around suppertime. The heat lamp had turned off. I have 28 chicks, most are 1-2 days old and some hatched this morning. I barely caught them in the nick of time and rushed...
  12. Wishapup

    Chocolate Columbian

    Has anyone ever had a chocolate Columbian chicken? I used the chicken calculator and it seemed to work. 1st - Silver Columbian hen, black split to chocolate rooster - breeding 32+ chicks to get a chocolate patterned silver Columbian hen 2nd - Breed chocolate Columbian hen back to...
  13. Wishapup

    Canadian Hatching Eggs?

    Wondering if there is ever any way to search the BST forum by location. Just searching the keyword, "Canada," in that section does not yield any results. Maybe there is never any available? Is there a specific thread for Canadian hatching eggs? Thanks!
  14. Wishapup

    Prolapse In Year Old Pullet - (Resolved)

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Pullet is a 10 month old Silkie/bantam cross. Always has been very tiny. I don't know the exact weight, but she doesn't appears to be underweight. 2) What is the behavior, exactly...
  15. Wishapup

    Blue-Egg Laying Sex-Links

    Hello, I'm interested in learning about genetics and am wondering if there is any way to create a blue egg laying sex-linked bird using specific colours of Ameraucanas or other breeds. I've read the sex-link chart from the thread, and I'm already planning to hatch my own BSLs...
  16. Wishapup

    Getting Green-Egg Laying Bantams

    At the moment, I have one Easter Egger hen, who lays a nice blue/green egg. I also have a line of Silkie/bantam crosses who lay miniature white eggs, possibly with a creamier shade. I was thinking of crossing them as an experiment to see what I would get. Do I have a probably of getting...
  17. Wishapup

    White Egg Layer Breed Suggestions

    I have only ever owned brown and green/blue egg layers, and I think it would be nice if possible to add a large white egg to my basket. However, I am having trouble finding a white-egg laying breed that isn't too flighty or too rare to find, because I'd prefer to get them from a breeder rather...
  18. Wishapup

    Was this normal? Black-Sex Link Going Broody

    Several years ago, I had a Black Harco (Black Sex-Link) hen go broody during the summer. We let her sit on a few eggs and she actually stayed on them. It was my first experience with broody hen hatching. Unfortunately, I discovered on the day the chicks hatched that she was not a good mother...
  19. Wishapup

    Anyone know what type of comb this is?

    7 month old LF/bantam cross rooster--"Quinn". I can't really describe his it just considered a blob? Or a pea comb that turned into a blob? Might have to get a better picture. I didn't expect that unusual comb out of him as a chick... But he was just a random cross, so I...
  20. Wishapup

    Easter Egger Not Laying and Stressed - Steps To Take?

    I have a smallish flock of 20 birds. Assorted, mostly Black Sex-Link, Silkie cross, bantam, BR, RIR. In October, we added 3 hens to the existing flock: one Rhode Island Red, one Plymouth Rock, and one Easter Egger . We were told that they are all eleven months old, and that they lay regularly...
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