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  1. Henrik Petersson

    9-Week-Old With Crooked Toe; Too Late To Cure?

    I have a 9-week-old Creme Legbar cockerel who's had two toes that are bent 90° sideways since week two or so. At first, I thought "whatever. It's a cockerel. I'll only spare one in the end anyway, I'll just cull the ones with deformities". So I didn't do anything about it. You might already...
  2. Henrik Petersson

    Can Wild Mallards Raised By Humans Get By In The Wild?

    A friend of mine found 3 mallard hatchlings by their dead mother and is now raising them, giving them fodder, a heat source, and letting them roam around in an outdoor cage and take the occasional bath. After a very short while they started seeing my friend as their "mother" and follow her...
  3. Henrik Petersson

    Do geese need enrichment?

    Hello! I have owned chickens for a decade, and dabbled in muscovy duck keeping. I'm thinking about geese. Now, I know that chickens are highly curious. They hate "boring" runs that only consist of a patch of dirt. Also, chickens have agoraphobia and like to hang out in bushes. Chickens...
  4. Henrik Petersson

    Chickens 'teamed up to kill fox' at Brittany farming school
  5. Henrik Petersson

    Five DAY Old Chick Crowing

    Jessica Granvik from Sweden just posted this video of her five-day-old chick that... Crows! It's of an autosexing chicken breed (she didn't write which), and if the behavior wasn't enough of a clue, it has the coloration of a little cockerel. There are eleven other siblings in the clutch; three...
  6. Henrik Petersson

    Why Roosters Have Wattles

    Why Roosters Have Wattles Research suggests a rooster’s wattle may help gain a hen’s attention Roosters are funny-looking creatures. They have a red bit that sticks out from the top of their heads—the comb—and another that dangles beneath their chin—the wattle. And then they perform this little...
  7. Henrik Petersson

    How Much a Tiny Wound in the Comb Can Bleed (Graphic Images)

    Experienced chicken-keepers have probably once or twice heard or read that "even a tiny and harmless wound in the comb can bleed a lot", often said as a response to worried chicken-keepers who've had chickens that got their comb caught on a thorn, or perhaps got it cut open during a harmless...
  8. Henrik Petersson

    A Courting Peacock Can Shake Its Partner’s Head From Afar
  9. Henrik Petersson

    Should I Fill My Run With Ex-Horse-Manure Soil?

    Okay, here's the deal: We've had chickens for years. They were largely free-ranging, but spent a significant amount of time in their run. A fairly "normal" run; mostly soil that was at first covered in grass with the grass later disappearing completely; a few bushes woody enough for the...
  10. Henrik Petersson

    A Case of VERY Bad Scaly Leg Mites That Healed Perfectly (Graphic Images)

    NOTE: The chicken in this thread is not mine. A lady on a Swedish chicken forum has for several months continually been posting very interesting images and information about an extremely bad case of scaly leg mite on a hen of hers, which she treated ONLY by applying fat ointment, thereby...
  11. Henrik Petersson

    For How Long Can a Lonely Hen Be Lonely?

    A person on a Swedish chicken forum recently lamented a misfortune that had befallen her, a tragedy which I'm sure a few of you have had the unpleasantness of experiencing: A predator had taken all her chooks but one, a physically healthy albeit as of now completely lonely hen. The owner of said...
  12. Henrik Petersson

    Semantic Questions About Red Sex Links

    In Sweden, we have something we call bruna värphybrider which literally means brown layer hybrids and is a collective term for hybrids such as ISA Brown, Lohmann Brown and Bovan. They all share a number of characteristics: Mid-sized with the exact same shape, size and color; the lay a CRAP-TON...
  13. Henrik Petersson

    Is "Raptor" Still an Okay Term for "Bird of Prey"?

    Since time immemorial, the word "raptor" has - in plain English - been a synonym for "bird of prey". However, it has recently shifted to be mostly a synonym for "dromaeosaur". Before a certain movie came out 1993, when people said "raptors", they meant something like this: However, since a...
  14. Henrik Petersson

    Could This Heroic Rooster Have Been Saved? [Graphic Reading]

    This summer, I sold a surplus rooster to an acquaintance who already had chickens. The rooster was young but fully grown, a mix between a Red Sex Link and an Araucana. Out of all the four brothers hatched in that brood, this particular one was the most assertive - he chased his three brothers...
  15. Henrik Petersson

    Chickens Can Interbreed With At Least 13 Other Genera

    Just imagine how many species they can intebreed with... Source:
  16. Henrik Petersson

    Roosters Can Surprise You

    An acquaintance of mine sent me this. The whole flock was hatched from eggs some months ago, the grey one has always been a good rooster.
  17. Henrik Petersson

    How Do You Live off Your Passion for Chickens?

    In other words, how do I make a lot of money off my passion for chickens? "Start a chicken farm" is perhaps the most obvious answer, but the joy of chickens will probably disappear with a soulless chicken-farm with thousands of birds. Do I sell eggs? Breed breeds? Start a consultant business...
  18. Henrik Petersson

    Do Chickens With Crooked Toes Suffer?

    Occasionally one comes across a chicken with one or more toes that are twisted along the toe's length. A bit like this image I found online: Mostly the bending is less extreme. My question is simply whether the chicken in question suffers when they have feet like this? If I were to guess...
  19. Henrik Petersson

    Dong Tao in Germany - Some Pics and Info

    A lady from Germany by the name of Kornelia Jochimski posted some images of her Ga Dong Tao chickens in a Swedish chicken group, referring to them as the "less extreme version". As many of you know, Dong Tao is the coolest chicken breed. It's from Vietnam and is bred for eating, particularly...
  20. Henrik Petersson

    Crow Lived In Hen House

    I found this adorable little article (at least, adorable until the end) in a Swedish magazine and took the liberty of translating it into English. Åsa The Crow Moved Into The Hen...
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