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  • Users: ozu
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  1. ozu

    Sexing 19 chicks: 5 weeks of Pics, BYM and More- cockerels or pullets?

    So curious what everyone thinks! (And yes, I know some are likely too young/breeds that can't be sexed for a while.) Some of them are obvious/we know the answer, so I did include our opinions. The mixed breeds are our breeding, from TSC birds. The brown silkie and cuckoo silkie are from a...
  2. ozu

    Starbirds Chickens

    I am finally following a dream of mine of 10 years, and that is a chicken breeding project! I am hoping to produce something beautiful, hardy, small/medium, sweet, and with colorful eggs, and we finally have the space for it. This is a mostly for-fun personal project, as I don't necessarily plan...
  3. ozu

    Stardust Chickens

    it's been 9 years! i am down to one hen from my last flock- a very old easter egger named lotus who still lays me beautiful green eggs! her companion is a coturnix quail, as she cannot keep up with chickens any longer. we have just got some more chicks to create our new flock. mystic maran #1...
  4. ozu

    Southeast Michigan chicks? ISO

    anyone know some good farms in Michigan to get chicks? we have been trying to get in contact with destiny farms, which is where we got our 9 year old easter egger (who still lays us eggs!).. would Iike some other options too.. thank you!
  5. ozu

    silkie rooster with bacterial joint inflammation(?)/toe infection. had them amputated (warning: semi

    so, i am starting off with: i have absolutely no idea what was wrong with my chicken, willow's toes, and neither does the vet. his bloodwork all came back sound and antibiotics didn't make the toes get better so we opted to amputate both. also: willow did have scaley leg mites but we treated for...
  6. ozu

    Rooster balance issues/injured leg maybe? Please help ASAP!!!!!!!!!

    Hey everyone... my rooster, Albedo seems to be having an issue... He's acting pretty normally minus the way he's walking. Do you have any ideas on if he's actually injured or if there might be some other problem? He's the only one doing this but he's acting normal besides the weird gait... he...
  7. ozu

    When does baby start to eat/drink?

    Our first (and only) baby hatched yesterday around 5:00pm !!! I have not seen momma and baby get up to eat or drink yet since then. I'd held food out for momma and she's eaten some vigorously but as far as I know I have not seen her take the baby to the food to eat or water to drink. Should I be...
  8. ozu

    First time hatching!

    My blue silkie hen, Gracey, went broody! I couldn't decide- should I put some eggs underneath her? It seemed a shame not to, so I ended up putting one, single egg underneath her just to try it out- on May 1st! The egg belonged to these two: Sunflower, the partridge hen (from a breeder)...
  9. ozu

    The two Reckless Flocks

    I've posted about them before but I just wanna post some updated pics/details :) THE EGG-LAYING FLOCK AKA: "THE BIG GIRLS" MALLOW, the red sex link hen. (Part of "The Mean Girls"- we're not big fans of RSLs after having them.) she is simultaneously bullied a lot (notice the comb and...
  10. ozu

    Head twitch? Weird stuff, at loss!

    This video is from November. I thought I got her problem figured out because me massaging her cop after giving her some olive oil seemed to help.... But she is doing it again, though not as pronounced... But! I just found out today that when you lightly tug on her back neck feathers, she...
  11. ozu

    Chicken kisses!

    Happy New Years from myself and my handsome splash silkie rooster, Willow! He's such a kind, sweet, caring, calm rooster! I love him so much- I can't contain my love for him!! I might make more gifs of my other chickens too <3
  12. ozu

    Gagging (NOT gaping), lethargic, etc. Help ASAP please!!!! (VIDEO INCLUDED)

    My Australorp keeps like, jerking her neck like she's gunna throw up (not gaping like when they can't breathe. Like she's gagging, mouth closed, head lurching forward) and she seems a little more chill than usual? Lethargic pretty much, and her comb/waddles/face look pretty pale.. when I come to...
  13. ozu

    Wet Silkies!

    My silkies got rained on while in the pen today- thank goodness the temperature wasn't too cold! But they sure did look silly! Sunflower (pullet) before she got rained on: And when she got wet! Gracey (hen) before getting wet: And after! And Willow (rooster) before he got...
  14. ozu

    Silkie Combs?

    I just am wondering if anyone knows what kind of combs my silkies have? Willow | Rooster | Splash | Hatchery | Full Grown It has three prongs at the top. It... practically pools over his beak haha. (He's my most photographic chicken- holds completely still when I photograph him.) - Gracey...
  15. ozu

    Aggressive rooster... now he's afraid of me.. help?

    I have a silkie rooster that has gotten aggressive with me multiple times. He used to be my baby and be super sweet and so after the aggression I looked into ways to curb the behavior. Multiple people said to pin them down, show you're the dominant chicken. So I mimicked what my hens do when...
  16. ozu

    I have Lawn Rust- what if the chickens eat it?

    It's apparently a fungus that turns the grass orange. It's pretty scattered all over my yard so sometimes I accidentally get some blades of grass with it on it when giving grass to my chickens. I just want to know if this could harm them? I'm not giving them big bushels of orange grass...
  17. ozu

    Pics of all kinds of silkies growing up. (Splash, White, Blue, and a touch of Partridge)

    I say all kinds because not only are they different colors, they're all hatchery chicks except for one possibly show-quality so they all look drastically different. Anyway. Hope you enjoy! (And have fun with the poll! I added multiple choice so if you absolutely cannot choose between two... go...
  18. ozu

    Reckless Chickens :)

    Hey! I've been around, posting like crazy, but I don't think I ever introduced myself and my chickens! I'm Bailee, but you all can call me "Reckless" or "Reck".. it's an online nickname. :P (Yes, I am holding a taxidermy fox in that picture, I did not mount him myself, if you have question...
  19. ozu

    Pinless Peepers- nostrils too small?

    Because my coop is not finished yet, the chickens have been having aggression issues- mainly the red sex links. Today my submissive red sex link has a bloody earlobe so I got pinless peepers and put them on one for sure aggressor and another aggressor who has been separated every day (but not...
  20. ozu

    More dominant chicken suddenly getting picked on?

    Okay, so this was the rough order of the pecking order before now, from top hen to bottom hen: Lotus (Easter Egger) Laurel (Australorp) Mallow (Golden Comet) Nettle or Olive (Golden Comets) Teasel (Golden Comet) Berzillia (Barred Rock) Now Mallow is getting picked on all of a sudden- mostly...
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