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  1. KatyTheChickenLady

    KatyTheChickenLady is baaaaacccckkkk . . . :)

    Some health issues slowed me down for a bit, but I'm back among the living :) My meat birds are doing extraordinarily well, I'll get you updated over the next few days . . . hope to hear how all my old friends are doing as well . . .
  2. KatyTheChickenLady

    What do you cook for the 4th?

    At our house it is always: Tandori Chicken Tahbouli (sp?) Raita Naan Cold beer Sangria and about 20 good friends to set off fireworks over the lake How about you?
  3. KatyTheChickenLady

    oh my gosh!

    Everynight my turkey hen disapears for an hour to lay her egg, who knows where - especially not her one remaining 4 week old chick, who runs around screaming for the entire hour . . . it circles the house, the yard, the shop, gets on top of every piece of yard furniture . . . PEEP PEEP PEEEP...
  4. KatyTheChickenLady

    this years edible addition to the farm

    I'm still debating . . . We only have an acre and a half here, but just bought our retirement "farm" 5.5 acres we'll be on it in a year or so, everything has to be built first so I'm working on breeding stock and learning curve. Laying hens - got it down Meat Poultry - on it's way and doing...
  5. KatyTheChickenLady

    awesome NEW recipe . . . post your's here :)

    here's mine: KATY'S GOOD FOR YOU MISO DRESSING 1/2 C mellow white miso paste 1/2 C Water 1/2 C good Olive Oil 1T strong Honey (I used honey from wild Birch Forests) 1T Seasoned Rice vinegar Whip it up good and chill. Try not to eat it with a spoon mix with cooked & chilled noodles (like soba...
  6. KatyTheChickenLady

    3 dead babies

    aghhhhhhh . . . I have the standard poultry waterers in the back of the pens for the babies, but buckets up front for the adults (they seem to prefer them). Three floating babies in one bucket this afternoon. DANG! these hens don't seem to be very good moms. My plan was to have a few turkeys...
  7. KatyTheChickenLady

    Sun Tea???

    I'm not a tea fan so have never really known how to make sun tea. My husband wants to drink it all summer . . . SO THEN How many bags go in the big gallon jar and for how long does it sit in the sun? After the sun does it go in the frig or do you pour it warm over ice? thanks!
  8. KatyTheChickenLady

    Watermelon Aqua Fresca

    4 Cups watermelon (about 1/2 a small one) 1/2 C water 1/2 C Sugar juice of 1 lime 2 sprig tops of mint Puree all in blender. Pour over ice in tall glass and garnish with lime slice and mint sprif. For adults pour shot glass of Gin over ice first. Pure taste of summer
  9. KatyTheChickenLady

    Ellie Mae's Babies - pics of parents colors :)

    OK, I know most of you are tired of newbie "I'VE GOT BABIES" POSTS . . . and I tried to refrain BUT I COULDN'T STAND IT Ellie Mae was sold to me as a Blue Slate, back before I knew what a BSL looked like so that's what we refer to her as. She is much more of a blue color than she looks in...
  10. KatyTheChickenLady

    baby questions

    well turkeys are turning out to be harder than I imagined - go figure My BSP X BLSLTom turned aggessive with breeding season; I built 3 seperate breeding runs one for each hen and wrestle old Amos back and forth every couple of days. He got better for a bit with all of the action but now has...
  11. KatyTheChickenLady

    check this out!

    img/smilies/smile.png" alt="smile" />">
  12. KatyTheChickenLady

    I think I finally go the hang of it . . .

    the new smoker that is
  13. KatyTheChickenLady

    I just have to say . . .

    deed was recorded today . . . It's ours!!!! 5.5 acres overlooking the river . . . how's that for a meat bird set up??? (lol I had to throw meat birds in there somewhere . . .) just had to tell somebody!!!
  14. KatyTheChickenLady

    lets talk serious about meat bird feed

    can you believe the % in increase in feed this year, what if it does the same next year? I want to have a serious talk about feed for meat birds with those who have opinions based on EXPERIENCE. Not experience with laying hens and not what someone "thinks" will work when they finally do get...
  15. KatyTheChickenLady

    Canning chicken question . . . NEW QUESTION P. 3 :)

    ok then! Processed 75 birds today 52 in the freezer (a years worth of sunday dinners) Now I want to can either 52 pints, or 26 quarts, for my husbands weekly chicken salad lunch . . . any advice as to whether pints or quarts are better for chicken? I would prefer pints, then I could just open...
  16. KatyTheChickenLady

    Meaties in Paradise :)

    happily enjoying the grass, two weeks to butcher date . . . can you see the breast size on Pistol Pete up in the right corner?
  17. KatyTheChickenLady

    8 CX down with leg problems . . .

    8 out of 88. 1 week to butcher date, going to have to do these this sat instead. Funny thing is it's the smaller ones. Other than that I lost two to pile ups, and ten to my own big stupid mistake. So 12% loss to mismangement and 8% early butchers, not bad numbers for 100 CX at a time. Next...
  18. KatyTheChickenLady

    The Saga of Smokey Joe . . .

    I have only ever lost two birds to predators; one a huge roo a few years ago to a mink - nasty bugger, and one a few weeks ago to a fox - that unfortunately was one of my meat bird project breeding roos, such a bummer. I chased the fox down and got the roo back but later had to put him down due...
  19. KatyTheChickenLady

    newbie questions re meat birds . . .

    Just a note, during this time of year most of the REALLY experienced people are out working hard with their birds, (meat birds are a lot of work). However they have done you AMAZING favor and written out the answers to most of your questions!!! You can find those on the stickies above. Be sure...
  20. KatyTheChickenLady

    cheesecake question for the bakers :)

    I cook a lot, but I don't bake, we rarely eat sweets in my house at all. However my 18 year old daughter has taken it upon herself to become a baker of a few items. She has come up with a cheesecake recipe that she really likes, but she would like it to be dryer and "stiffer" . . . would that...
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