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  • Users: felidaet
  • Content: Threads
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  1. felidaet

    Integrated 2 Flocks Sucessfully!

    I decided is was time to integrate my two flocks last night. The 1st flock consists of 15 hens that are just over a year old. The 2nd flock consists of 20 pullets and 3 roosters that are approx 14 - 16 weeks in age. (I will be getting rid of 2 or maybe even all 3 roosters in another week or...
  2. felidaet

    White and Buff EE's

    This year I wanted to get a couple of EE's that were white with just a little buff coloring. Looks like I was successful! . Here is one of the two. These are 7 - 8 weeks old. This one has more buff coloring than the other one. They both have gray heads. (Matches my hair color! ) The...
  3. felidaet

    Friendly White Leghorn Rooster

    Out of our 24 chicks this year the friendliest chick is a big surprise to us. It is this White Leghorn Rooster. This leghorn is not flighty at all. He is about 5 - 6 weeks old. Anytime he sees me he comes running and wants to be picked up. He has discovered that my shoulder is a great...
  4. felidaet

    Runt ? - Pics

    I bet most of you think that this chick is about 1 - 2 weeks old. It is actually a bit older... It is about 7 weeks old! It is supposed to be a large fowl black sex link. Since it looks more like a barred rock I suspect that this is a 2nd generation chick (probably both parents were black...
  5. felidaet

    Outside Time

    It was warm today and so I decided to let my older chicks experience outside for the first time. These chicks are about 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 weeks old. I let them explore the outside of the chicken run. The 1 year old birds were inside the run. At first the one year olds were afraid of the chicks...
  6. felidaet

    Baby Pictures

    I picked up some of my chicks during the last couple of days. I still have a few more coming. Here is what I got so far... 2 Blue Marans: 1 Partridge Rock (I am debating if I should buy up another one): 1 Speckled Sussex: 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte (sorry for the poor photo): 2...
  7. felidaet

    Blue Maran Chicks

    I have been calling around to the various feed stores and garden centers the last couple of days to find out which breeds they have coming in this week. I plan to get about 14 of my chicks from feed stores next weekend. One of the garden centers said that they work with a local breeder. He...
  8. felidaet

    Wood pellets in the brooder

    I have read a few threads on here about people using wood pellets in their brooders instead of pine shavings. I was concerned that the pellets might be hard on their feet for the first couple of weeks. Now I don't think so. Yesterday I was at one of the local feed stores and saw they they...
  9. felidaet

    Chicken math

    I was explaining to a couple of co-workers that this last weekend I sold a couple of pullets from my flock that I did not care for. I said that I was thining the flock so that I could add some new chicks this spring. One of the co-workers asked "so you are getting 2 new chicks?". I laughed...
  10. felidaet

    Brahma questions

    I looked through the Brahma thread but it did not answer my questions. I have a mixed flock of various breeds. I am thinking of expanding my flock this spring. I have had Light, Buff, and Drak Brahmas included on my wish list but now I am starting to have second thoughts. 1) My Pet Chicken...
  11. felidaet

    Egg Laying Increasing

    This is my first winter with chickens. Egg production slowly dropped from 13 + eggs in early October to about 6 per day the end of November. I expected the egg production to stay low until the days started getting noticeably longer in late Feb. WRONG.... Since the first of December egg...
  12. felidaet

    Albers feed?

    Is anyone familiar with Albers feed? It is available from several of the local feed stores. I am using Purina Layena and am curious how this compares. It would be more convenient to buy this if it is as good as Layena. I tried a search on Albers on this site but did not find any hits. Here...
  13. felidaet

    Easy feeding sunflowers

    I grew a large patch of black oil sunflowers this year specifically for feeding to my chickens. They started blooming a couple of weeks ago. I was anxious to feed some to my chickens. I thought "why not feed them a couple of the flowers?". I selected a couple that looked like the seeds were...
  14. felidaet

    Switching to layer pellets made easy!

    I am nearing the end of my last bag of chick start feed (Purina Starter/grower). I bought a bag of layer pellets (Purina Layena) a few days ago. I have read many posts on here that it is often difficult to make this switch. I tried something that worked great. I opened the first bag of...
  15. felidaet

    Albers feed?

    I have seen quite a bit of discussion about Purina and Nutrea feed. Does anyone know anything about Albers feed? Good, Bad, Concerns? The feed store closest to me sells this brand and it is about $2.00 cheaper then Purina at other feed stores. Any opinions would be appreciated. I am...
  16. felidaet

    Coop and Run 99% done

    It seems like I have been working on the coop and run forever. I believe I started the coop in late Jan or early Feb. This weekend I almost finished the run. I just need to pickup another box a washers to finish hanging the last few pieced of hardware cloth and poultry wire. The chicks spent...
  17. felidaet

    I think this SLW is a roo.

    I am afraid this SLW (Silver Laced Wynadotte) may be a roo. She/he is 5 weeks old. The comb turned bright red a week or two ago. I have another SLW that was purchased at the same time and her comb is not nearly as red. The coloring on the one I think is a roo is much nicer than the other...
  18. felidaet

    Am I a Rhode Island Red

    Is this a Rhode Island Red? She was in a mixed assortment from a feed store. I was told she was an Ameracuna (EE) but I don't think that was correct. Either way I really like her. Very Friendly. She is six weeks old. Here is her picture at one week old. Thanks.
  19. felidaet

    Is this an ISA Brown?

    This pullet is 4 weeks old. I would like to know what breed she is. Is she an ISA Brown? Thanks.
  20. felidaet

    Very Loud Chick

    I picked up my first seven chicks this last weekend. (13 more this Wednesday:)). Tonight I noticed that one of them chirps much louder than the others. It is a White Leghorn. The other six are other breeds. Are White Leghorns louder than most other breeds? Or is this a sign of potentially...
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