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  1. ChickenChatten

    Kate's Chicks 2015

    Hello all! For a brief introduction, this thread will be following the first year (at least) of my new chicks for this year. Please stick around if you want to watch them grow, their personalities develop, and hear funny chicken stories! You can call me Kate, please feel free to share...
  2. ChickenChatten

    5 Week Old Salmon Faverolles

    Hello! I have three Salmon Faverolles I ordered from MPC, all ordered as pullets. They're now five weeks old, and while I think I have a fairly good idea of what gender each of them are, I've never had Salmon Faverolles before so I really have no idea what I'm doing. And here they are! I can...
  3. ChickenChatten

    My Hen isn't Doing Well?

    She's not acting like herself at all. Usually when I enter the coop she gets as far away from me as possible and makes a huge racket, but lately she is letting me handle her an is quiet. She's also falling asleep standing up, which I've never seen another chicken do before, and is very...
  4. ChickenChatten

    Chicken Chatten's Flock

    I've been wanting to start a thread about my chickens for some time now, and considering that I just received nine two-day old chicks last Wednesday, I thought it would be a perfect time for me to start on this so that you could follow these chicks with me as they grow and develop. This is my...
  5. ChickenChatten

    How to Tell Baby Chicks Apart?

    I'm getting an order of chicks in on Tuesday, this will be my 2nd batchc, last year I got my first group of hens. This time however, I was hoping that I would find a method to tell them apart. I really like to take pictures to document their growth, so I'd love something to distinguish them...
  6. ChickenChatten

    Introducing Chicks to Existing Flock?

    Alright, so right now I have a flock of 6 chickens, and one is a rooster. I ordered nine more to arrive in June, but I'm not sure how to introduce them. How old should they be when I do? Should I let them meet through a fence first so that they can't attack each other? And I'm also confused on...
  7. ChickenChatten

    Which Hen Laid the Egg?

    Earlier this afternoon (around 2) I found my first egg from the very first flock of hens. Obviously I'm very excited, even if it is just a puny slightly pathetic plain egg, I adore it, I am seriously like treasuring it. Here is a picture! Tadaa! I'm in love with it... However I would...
  8. ChickenChatten

    Signs of a Good Rooster?

    Hey there! I'm pretty new to chickens, and right now have more roosters than I'd like (I only want one). My chicks are only six weeks old, but I'm pretty sure of which are hens and which are roosters. Anyhow, I'd like your general good rooster, non-aggressive to people (though he doesn't have...
  9. ChickenChatten


    Hey everyone! I'm new to BackYard Chickens, and entirely to chickens as well. I did however get six sexed Easter Egger pullets and six Jersey White Giant (straight run, fingers crossed for hens) chicks to raise, deciding to revamp the old chicken coop that's on my property. I have to say that...
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