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  • Users: gkeesling
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  1. gkeesling

    Bedding for brooding meat birds

    This is the first time I've done Meaties. We have a group of us who have gone in and gotten 150 chicks. After 2 weeks they have gotten bigger than I thought they would so I'm going to move them out of their 4 individual brooder boxes and put them into my 16' stock trailer. My question is what...
  2. gkeesling

    When to cull older slower egg laying hens?

    My hens are going into their 2nd year of egg laying. I've heard that hens start slowing down a lot in their 3rd or 4th year. I don't want to keep hens that have cut their egg laying by about 1/2 when that time occurs. What do you do with your hens that are 4 years old or so? At first I...
  3. gkeesling

    Prolapse while laying an egg

    I went to get an egg out of the box today and it looked like the inside of a chicken came out with the egg and the egg was wrapped in it. I think that means one my chickens prolapsed when she layed the egg. Does this sound like that's what it was? I think I know which one it was. She had droopy...
  4. gkeesling

    Prolapse laying an egg

    I went to get an egg out of the box today and it looked like the inside of a chicken came out with the egg and the egg was wrapped in it. I think that means one my chickens prolapsed when she layed the egg. Does this sound like that's what it was? I think I know which one it was. She had droopy...
  5. gkeesling

    First Time Butchering Meat Birds - any suggestions?

    I've not done meaties before but have been intrigued by them. We just put together a group of 7 men who want to butcher some fresh chicken so we ordered 150 chicks from Mt. Healthy Hatchery. We are going to get the chicks on March 3 and butcher the last Saturday in April or the first Saturday...
  6. gkeesling

    Mouses and Rats

    how do you rid your coop of mouses and rats that have come in for protection from the cold? I've tried mouse traps, and caught three mice, but I think my chickens have found where I've hidden them and are setting them off and eating the cheese. Just in case it's really a rat getting into my...
  7. gkeesling

    Metal Weather Vane a Lightening Conductor?

    I just put one of those metal chicken weather vanes on the top of my coop roof. It's painted black, but all metal. My questions is - will it be a lightening conductor and burn down my coop if lightening hits it and should I put a ground wire on it, or will it be ok and I should just leave it as...
  8. gkeesling

    Fluff coming off their butts

    My 12 Barr Rocks are just now 1 year old. There are 3 of them who have lost the fluffy feathers off of their butts. It's more than just around their vents. It looks like they are mooning me when they bend over. There rear ends are red. Can any one tell me what has happend to their fluffy butt...
  9. gkeesling

    New 8 mo. old hens not roosting

    I just got seven 8 mo. old sex link hens. They were raised by a fellow since day old chicks in a horse stall. They were very well taken care of, but they have never been on a roost or laid in a nest box. Their first night in their new home (with 12 already established year old Barr Rocks) 3...
  10. gkeesling

    Cleaning Squirrels

    I"m not sure if this topic belongs here but this seemed to be the the closest index spot to put it. If this is the wrong place, just delete this post. I thought there might be some small game hunters here in "Chicken Land" who might be able to help me with this issue. When I clean a squirrel...
  11. gkeesling

    Best Brown Egg Layer

    I currently have 12 Barr Rocks and 7 Americaunas. I'm considering replacing the Americaunas. Are Barr Rocks the best brown egg layers or are there better brown egg layers that I should add to my flock?
  12. gkeesling

    Hours of Daylight for Egg Laying

    In Indiana here we are down to about 12 hours of daylight ( 7 - 7). This is my first season with chickens. They seem to be slowing down a little in their laying rate. Can anyone give me a suggestion when I should put a light in the coop, on a timer? I thought I read where they need 14 hours...
  13. gkeesling

    Pickled Egg Recipe

    Does anyone have a good pickled egg recipe that you have tried, and liked? Care to Share?
  14. gkeesling

    Time between eggs

    When a chicken is in it's full egg laying age, how long does it take a chicken to lay another egg after she lays one? I"ve heard there are about 30 hours between eggs, but I've never really had it confirmed. I'm trying to figure out how long between eggs for a normal chicken. I have Plymouth...
  15. gkeesling

    Fuzz coming off around vent area

    I have a 9 month old Plymouth Barr Rock hen that seems to have some of her fuzz coming out around her vent area below the feathers. There is a strip about 2 inches that has come out and she looks naked there. Any one have any idea as to what could be causing that? She looks and acts ok otherwise.
  16. gkeesling

    How old to cull from the flock?

    I've read that hens will start to reduce their egg laying around 3-4 years old. Unless your hens are mostly pets, how old do you let them get before you cull them from the flock and add new ones? Also, when you cull hens that are more than 3 yrs. old, what do you do with them? Are they to...
  17. gkeesling

    Pellet Feed affect egg laying?

    I always have fed my hens 16% Layer Crumbles that I get at Tractor Supply, Rural King, or some place like that. Out of 19 hens I was getting between 14 and 17 eggs/day. I happened to pick up a bag of 16% Layer Pellets at Tractor Supply. I Just grabbed a bag and didn't properly read all the...
  18. gkeesling

    Why would I want a goat?

    I haven't been around goats much, but what I see, I can't figure out what they are good for. I see them on farms here in East Central Indiana all the time so there must be a good reason to have goats. In Biblical times they would eat them or use them for milk, but I don't see goat meat or goat...
  19. gkeesling

    Finished Coop - Pictures

    I finally painted my coop. I"m including pictures here. This is my first coop ever. If anyone sees anything that I can improve on please let me know. Front of Coop Back of coop Coop with doors open, but I made an inside screen that opens in. Run from the back Nest Boxes
  20. gkeesling

    Finished Coop Pictures - How to post?

    I have my finished coop pictures but can't figure out how to put them in the post? Can anyone give me the instructions to add the pictures? I've uploaded them to "my uploads" but can't figure out how to get them into the post.
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