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  1. AmpersatChick

    When to NOT eat eggs and meat?

    We are new to chickens and our chickens just started laying reliably a week ago. We were planning on eating some of their eggs this weekend but three of them started showing health issues yesterday that made me wonder if this is safe? When should eggs not be eaten, can sicknesses get into eggs...
  2. AmpersatChick

    sick chickens...are the eggs safe to eat?

    Today we had one of our roosters and 2 hens become lethargic and have runny white poo. As soon as I noticed I quarantined them and gave them nutri-drench. Tomorrow we will try to get something to treat for worms and cocci, which seems to be the recommendation I'm finding here on other threads...
  3. AmpersatChick

    only keeping one do you choose?

    Out of our 11 first ever chicks, 2 turned out to be roosters. We are allowed to keep whatever we want but only want to keep one. So far both are healthy and nice to us and our kids, not too aggressive. There is a clear leader out of the two. Just wondering if there are any tips for choosing a...
  4. AmpersatChick

    FINALLY Coop Training Success...But what is the deal with my rooster?!

    We have had a bit of a time with our very first flock ever and getting them to go into the coop at night on their own. This is the second night in a row that they have finally put themselves to bed without us putting them away! Woohoo! But we have one of our 2 roosters who isn't going...
  5. AmpersatChick

    Coop Training Question: Food in or out?

    We are training our first batch of chicks to go back into the coop on their own at night. We heard the suggestion to leave them cooped up for a solid week and that should do the trick. Tomorrow we let them out but my question is, do we leave their food and water inside the coop so they will be...
  6. AmpersatChick

    Two Roosters?!

    Did 2 of my 11 sexed "female" chicks end up being roos? I posted pics of my GLW and got a yes for rooster, now I'm suspecting one of my SLW is also a roo...The one my son named Chick Woman of course This is our first batch of chicks so help is appreciated. We were a little excited to have one...
  7. AmpersatChick


    Our chicks are 5 weeks old. We only ordered females but I'm beginning to wonder about this little lady named Duck. We're brand new to chickens, what do you think?
  8. AmpersatChick

    Girls' Night Out! the coop

    I gave the ladies the boot, out of the laundry room and to the lovely coop/run my husband finished for them. I have to admit, I'm glad they are out, a garage or barn would certainly make a better brooder. And they are so much more fun to watch outside! But I'm worried about them too. Here in a...
  9. AmpersatChick

    My Chick is Flopping Around! Help Please!!!

    Nervous newbie here. Please help! We have our first set of chicks, they are from Meyers Hatchery and are 4 weeks old. They have been in perfect health. Feeding Dumor starter feed, non-medicated. Electrolytes and probiotics in the water up until about a week ago. No treats until 2 weeks of age...
  10. AmpersatChick

    Do chicks need grit?

    My first batch of chicks is 1.5 weeks old. They are doing great but we have a little bit of mooshy poop. I've read about introducing grass/dirt from the yard to help with health and boredom. If I do this will I need to offer them grit? Are they old enough to have it? The bag of grit I have says...
  11. AmpersatChick

    Dumor: Did I get the right feed?

    We are eagerly awaiting our first set of 11 chicks set to arrive in 2 weeks. Yesterday we went to TSC to pick up food and feeders. I have been reading a lot but have zero practical knowledge. I went in planning to get Purina medicated feed (the chicks will only have a mareks vaccine as far as I...
  12. AmpersatChick

    Acquiring used coop: do I sanitize?

    Newbie here! We're getting ready for our May chicks. We have a used dog house and are going to be given a used chicken coop by a friend and are planning on combining them into one coop. They are both wood. Neither have been used by animals for 6 plus months. Will we need to sanitize either or...
  13. AmpersatChick

    Hi! New here and to chickens!

    We're eagerly awaiting our first ever batch of chickens, due to arrive in May. Trying to learn as much as we possibly can before their arrival so we can go in prepared. Our 11 chicks will be coming from Meyers Hatchery and will include: 4 EEs, and 2 of each of golden laced, silver laced, and...
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