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  1. R

    HELP! Two broody hens at the same time and my first time allowing a hen to hatch

    HELP! I'm freaking out just a little bit. No, that's a total lie. I'm freaking out a LOT! We have two hens broody at the same time and sharing the same nursery room in our new coop. It's a fairly big room with a sand floor and it's own separate pop door with access to a fenced in area...
  2. R

    PLS HELP! New chicken owner and I think they have worms! What do I do????

    I've only had my girls a week today and I thought everything was going great with them until this morning. I adopted 13 older hens from a friend who is "freshening" her flock and didn't want to cull her older girls so instead I adopted them. Anyway, they have been doing fine, a few are already...
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