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  1. Feathered Wings

    What is the best Drake to Hen ratio ?

    I'm planning on ordering some Snowy Mallards and was thinking of 1 drake and 3 hens. I read here that having too many hens will wear out your drake and you could have numerous infertile eggs. Whats the best Ratio of Drake to Hens to achieve the highest fertility of the eggs, I will be hatching...
  2. Feathered Wings

    Anyone have Snowy Mallards?

    I will be ordering a Drake and 4 Hens from Ideal Hatchery as soon as they are available. I have Call ducks an I learned early on they are extremely hard to hatch, They most always need help hatching. I have sold most of my Calls except for a trio of white's and a Gray Pair due to the difficult...
  3. Feathered Wings

    Wormer for Peafowl

    I have a male peacock he is about year and a half old, I noticed he is a little inactive and kind of droopy. Just walking around slowly not looking like he feels well. No nasal discharge,sneezing, coughing, discolored droppings an he has been eating everyday. I suspect worms as he and his hen...
  4. Feathered Wings

    Need Broody Duck Advice ASAP!

    I have a Grey Broody call hen and she made a nest on the ground under a shelter. The nest is protected and she added feathers and leaves to it and all has went well until now at hatch. This morning I found one of the just hatched ducklings cold and on his back about a foot from the nest, there...
  5. Feathered Wings

    Treating Blackhead with Cayenne need advice

    My Tom is about 3 months old and he has just shown the signs of Blackhead>Yellow poop, lethargic, looking cold and sleepy, He is still eating and drinking as of this afternoon. I read a wonderful thread on here of treating Blackhead with Cayenne peppers and I could order medication but by the...
  6. Feathered Wings

    Chicks hatched duck eggs left in messy bator clean it or not?

    I just finished my first hatch in my new Hova-Bator it went well had 22 hatch out of 30 eggs. Did have a humidity problem and had 3 chicks stick to the shells so I know thats the humidity being to low, I will correct that with future hatches Heres my question I had a Call Duck abandon her nest...
  7. Feathered Wings

    Anyone having a problem logging in?

    When I log in it says logging in and my name and successfully logged in, But then I see the board but I also see the login and it tells me I'm not logged in. Same thing when I log out I have to do it twice just to log out like I had to do when I log in, I also had to change my password it...
  8. Feathered Wings

    Duckling I.D. PLease

    I got these 2 weeks ago at Tractor Supply and they are 3 weeks old I think TSC gets their ducklings from Ideal. But I can't find any ducklings on their site that resemble these, They have Blue Bills, Blue Feet and yellow bodies that are turning white with hints of a dark color. Some have...
  9. Feathered Wings

    "Urgent" Broody Duck Question Need advice

    I have a Call hen who is housed in a ground pen with her brother and sister both the girls are laying and I have been collecting their eggs. There hasn't been a egg in the past week in the usual nesting spot and I thought they were done laying until I found a hidden nest 3 days ago w/8 eggs made...
  10. Feathered Wings

    A Thank You To Ideal Hatchery

    I would like to Thank Ideal Hatchery for such great service, My Chicks,Ducklings and Turkeys all arrived alive and in excellent health. They immediately began drinking and eating and not one has shown any problems at all. Thanks so much for the courteous help your staff was more than helpful...
  11. Feathered Wings

    My Chicks,Turkeys and Ducks from Ideal arrived this morn.

    After waiting what seemed like forever my Chicks,Turkeys and Ducks arrived this morning at 7am. They were all in phenomenal condition and all alive and trying to jump out of the box I had to hold them back just to get them in the brooder. Once in the brooders they wanted a drink and then to my...
  12. Feathered Wings

    Duck I.D. Needed

    Can someone tell me what kind of Call this is ? I purchased her last weekend and was told she was a Call but that was all and that it's a hen. She doesn't quack when I pick her up or grumble like a drake when she's walking around and there is not a tail curl so I'm going with her being a hen. I...
  13. Feathered Wings

    Setting Call Duck does she need bath water?

    I just sat my white call hen she is on 10 eggs doe's she need a small container of water to bath in and for humidity for her eggs. Weather being as cold as it is I have only put in bath water in with my calls on the warmest days She hatched ducklings last August and had bath water every day...
  14. Feathered Wings

    Hovabator 2362,1583 need reviews on these "please"

    I have my money saved up and it's time to get a incubator My first choice was a 1588 but they are expensive and I could only get one and I really need two as I want to hatch Ducks in one and Chickens in the other. So I was thinking of getting 2 of the other hovabators and I narrowed them down...
  15. Feathered Wings

    Packing Peanuts? can I chose the size?

    I have a order in to Ideal due to be shipped Mar 17th and it will be small order of bantams so I know there may be packing peanuts included. Ordered bantams before and the BIG packing peanuts trampled the little bantams But I saw on another thread that you could call and have them put in a...
  16. Feathered Wings

    Is this Mereks? *UPDATE* "Yep It's Mereks!!!*

    1) What type of bird , age and weight. >>Golden Campine pattern bantam rooster >> Age 5 months 2) What is the behavior, exactly. >>Found this morning sitting on Hocks is able to stand only momentarily, >> No other symptoms he is eating and drinking 3) How long has the bird been exhibiting...
  17. Feathered Wings

    Help Me Decide Which Incubator to Buy?

    I'm ready to order a new incubator and I'm trying to decide between 3 different Hova-Bators. My main concern is how well these 3 do on hatch rate and performance I will be hatching Old English Bantams and Call ducks. The prices are different and there are a few difference's between the 3. I was...
  18. Feathered Wings

    Anyone have pics of their Chickens,Turkeys,Ducks From Ideal hatchery?

    I Put in a order to Ideal yesterday and was wondering if anyone who has ordered from them has pics of their Chickens,Turkeys or Ducks they got from Ideal I order Modern games, Broad breasted bronze turkeys, East Indie ducks, Dominiques and Blue Laced Red wyandotte bantams. If you have any of...
  19. Feathered Wings

    Best Place to Order a Incu looking to get a 1588 w/turner

    I have been on the web today looking for the best deal on a 1588 w/turner anybody know who has the best deals?
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