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  • Users: kukupecpec
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  1. kukupecpec

    Young bantams with swollen eyes

    I noticed one of my serama mix chicks had a swollen eye at bedtime last night. I checked on her this morning and it hadn't gotten any better, but there was nothing I could do because I had to leave for work. I've just gotten home and checked again and now 3 of the little flock of 15 have one eye...
  2. kukupecpec

    Funny Duck Behavior Question

    I have a new duck we have named ChaCha. Someone dumped her at the local park (a popular dumping ground for waterfowl) and she followed this nice couple back from the park to their home. Everyday they would come outside and there she was waiting for them. She would then follow them wherever they...
  3. kukupecpec

    Help with Mareks

    So I think I've got Mareks but I'm only seeing symptoms in chicks a week or so old. The chicks are all hatched inside (from my own flock, just started hatching their eggs a couple months ago and have had a great hatch rate but very high mortality after hatch between weeks 1 and 2, some have made...
  4. kukupecpec

    Chick with Paralyzed Legs?

    I thought it was just a fluke the first time, but now this is the second chick to "get" this. I've got some silkie X serama chicks, both were doing just fine, they are about 3 weeks old now. One day the gray chick started walking funny, instead of up on his feet he would walk with the whole...
  5. kukupecpec

    Duckling First Aide Help Needed - skin torn off

    I have an ancona duckling about 2 and a half weeks old who got caught in a fence. I looked him all over and the only injury I see is a patch of skin about the size of a dime missing on the back of his neck. It's oozing blood a little around the edges when he moves it. I rinsed it off, there's no...
  6. kukupecpec

    Biosecurity from Neighborhood Pigeons? (not an emergency)

    I started raising chickens a year ago, and in the last year have definitely learned a LOT, but more than anything I think I've run into a lot of "disease" type problems. I'm always trying to make my coop and run more healthy for my flock but my chickens just keep getting sick! DH is sure it...
  7. kukupecpec

    Rooster with hoarse crow and other things

    I think i may have an ill rooster. He's a little serama boy, about a year old. He's got a really hoarse, small crow, less than half his usual volume, and he stands on one leg a lot with whatever foot is up shaking. He doesn't seen to favor one got over the other. His hen also looks like she's...
  8. kukupecpec

    Is this lice??

    So I noticed this under the chin of one of my juvenile birds yesterday. I checked every bird on their way out of the coop this morning and all 4 of my BLRW have this same thing under their chin. I was wondering if this is lice? I can't find any of the live bugs on any of the four. I thought it...
  9. kukupecpec

    HELP - goose can't swallow/keep water down

    I think my goose is having serious trouble. A few weeks ago she would "throw up" her food after eating. It would just kind of explode everywhere every 10 seconds or so and then she would go eat and drink more. I took her off that food and bought the waterfowl feed my feedstore has, the problem...
  10. kukupecpec

    Increasing regurgitation of food and water - please help

    I have a toulouse gosling named Trina. She spends her time inside with the family, but goes out to play too. We don't have any natural grass here - Tucson AZ and over 100 degrees for the summer months now - and my fodder system is slow going. She isn't getting as much grass as I would like. She...
  11. kukupecpec

    Trouble Integrating

    So I'm not sure if this is where this belongs, but I'll ask anyway! I have an established flock of 5 hens and 1 roo. The hens are 1-3yrs of age and the rooster isn't quite a year yet. My roo is great! He is super sweet to me, and great with his ladies. I have two younger chickens (I think one...
  12. kukupecpec

    Problems with Photo Upload

    So I thought it was just a fluke, but now it's been three days and the site won't let me upload pictures ANYwhere. When I try, the whole page freezes on the upload window with the bar saying uploading 1 of 1 files" and he submit button saying "one moment" I've restartedmy computer, cleaned out...
  13. kukupecpec

    House Goose Thread

    I think we need a house goose thread! If you google House Goose there is VERY little information out there. I don't know just how popular having a house goose really is, but I would love to get in touch with some other people who have pet geese living in the house with them! Let's see if we...
  14. kukupecpec

    Chicken Water cleaning additives?

    Hi there! My flock is quickly expanding so I'm putting up a gravity fed chicken nipple waterer. I was wondering if there is anything I can add to their water to help keep it clean and avoid bacteria growth in the hot summer months. The water reservoir won't be in direct sunlight, but the PVC...
  15. kukupecpec

    Need help with weird sticky shrinkwrapped chick

    So my very last chick got stuck. I waited almost 36 hours after pipping (it wasn't patience believe me! I was stuck at work a lot of it) and when there was no progress last night I helped out. Once I got in there, it was totally shrinwrapped. The membrane was hard like plastic and super stuck to...
  16. kukupecpec

    Looks like Wry neck

    I've got this silkie chicken that I got as a day old from a local breeder. Everything seemed fine until I went to switch the 9 wk olds to the grow out brooder and found her like this. I haven't paid close attention in a maybe a month, so this might not have come on suddenly. Found some...
  17. kukupecpec

    Weird nuerologic silkie?

    Hey there so I was moving the 9 wk olds into the grow out brooder and I noticed this weird chicken. She didn't hang around the other chicks as much and she didn't flee when something scared everyone else. She mostly holds her head curled down or in, but she walks looking at the ground sort of...
  18. kukupecpec

    DIAPERS - Goose, Duck, Gosling/Duckling, Chicken, Bantam - DIAPERS $7 - $40

    UPDATED Dec 2016 Product List (scroll down for photos and item descriptions, message us for pricing and shipping) Custom Cotton Adult Chicken Diaper Custom Adult Duck/Goose Diaper Custom Swimming/Walking Harness Elastic Safety Leash Bow Accessory Skirt Accessory Service Vest Baby Duck/Goose...
  19. kukupecpec

    WANTED - NON bearded Silkie Hatching Eggs

    Hi there! I am looking for non bearded silkie hatching eggs. Only need 6 (would definitely take extras if you have them) and don't have an opening in my incubator until Late March/Early April Absolutely no more than $30 total (after shipping), but of course the less expensive the better...
  20. kukupecpec

    5 day old chick, pecked down to skull

    I've got a brooder with mixed ages and one of my older chicks - 5 week old serama roo - got really aggressive with one of the 5 day old babies. They are the same size, and every once in a while he looked like he was trying to mount one of the babies but hadn't hurt anyone. Came home to a chick...
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