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  • Users: bgeyer
  • Content: Threads
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  1. bgeyer

    hatching silkie eggs

    My hen went broody, but I am not sure if the eggs are fertile. How long do I have to wait to candle them? Can you hatch eggs that have been in the fridge? Can a silkie chicken mate with a rhode island red? I moved my hen inside in a brooding box, and it is in the garage. Should I turn a heat...
  2. bgeyer

    attacking new chicken

    I have a new sex linked red and she is being attacked by my silkie rooster. I have them seperated and allow them to be near each other with a barrier during the day time. How long will this last? How long do they need to be seperated for? Are they ever going to get along.
  3. bgeyer

    when can I put my silkie chicks outside?

    I have three silkie chicks in my garage with a heat lamp on. They are about 5- 6 weeks old. I am wondering when I can transition them to going outside. I have 4 chickens in the outside coop currently. The weather here has been between 40- 50 degrees at night. I really dont want to keep them...
  4. bgeyer

    Adding to your flock

    Ay suggestions on how to add to your flock without causing stress? Is it true that regular size chickens do not view silkies as chickens?
  5. bgeyer

    Silkie rooster

    I thought I had all hens but I realized on of my silkies is a rooster. I do not live in the city, but my neighbors are close by. They will definitely hear the crowing once he starts. He has not started crowing yet. He is not aggressive and is very friendly. My hens love him and when they get...
  6. bgeyer


    One of my hens turned into a rooster! Although I don't live in the city my neighbors are close by and will hear the crowing. He hasn't started yet. Should I rehome him? Does anyone have roosters? How do your neighbors react? How noisy are roosters?
  7. bgeyer

    keeping water from freezing

    Any advice on how to keep my chickens water from freezing? I have silkies and a rhode island red. Will they be okay in the winter? Is there anything special I need to do for them? Their run has a roof on it so they won't be covered in snow.
  8. bgeyer

    Plants in run

    My chicken coop and run are together. Is there anything I can plants in the run that they won't scratch at and kill? It is just dirt right now because they scratched at all the plants I had in their. I want to put some covering on the ground. Any suggestions?
  9. bgeyer

    chick injury help

    I got a free chick that had been picked at by hens. She had a scab on her head. I left her and the other chicks out in the yard. This one went through the fence where my hens are. The one hen picked at her scab before I could get to her. She reopened the wound on her head. The is a piece of...
  10. bgeyer


    When I deworm my chickens can I still eat the eggs that are produced or do I have to wait? At what age do I start worming them? I have a few peeps, but chickens that range 3 months to 5 months
  11. bgeyer

    pellets vs scratch

    My local feed store sells pellets, and scratch. I read that you shouldn't given them scratch because it is like eating candy. Is that true? Should I be feeding them pellets? Are their any other choices or a better feed to given them? I have a Rhode Island Red and Silkies.
  12. bgeyer

    Keeping predators out

    What is the best fencing to put around your coop to keep predators out? Right now we have chicken wire around the coop, but I have heard horror stories about it. Any suggests? Is galvanized wire good?
  13. bgeyer

    Coop size for ? # of chickens

    My run and coop are all in one. The frame for the run is 5 ft wide x 7ft length x 6 ft height. The coop is 3 ft wide x 3 feet height x 5 ft long. We have 2 nesting boxes. I have 3 silkies, 1 rhode island red, and 4 peeps that I haven't put in the main coop. Do you think I have enough room in...
  14. bgeyer

    Predator proof coop

    My husband constructed me a coop. We used chicken wire at the fencing but I heard that isn't safe. What should I used? If I pile rocks along the bottom will the be sufficient to keep the predators out? Tips please!!!
  15. bgeyer


    How do I tell what gender my silkies are? I have 2 whites and I black.
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