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  1. Guinea Goonie

    a hen likes to roost with the Guineas.

    We have one "wild hen" game hen that will only roost with the Guinea up at the barn. She does not interact with any of the chickens and really stays to herself. She is not laying but seems healthy enough. The Guineas leave her alone and they just go about the day in different directions. Just...
  2. Guinea Goonie

    Photobucket now requires 39 USD per month to allow pictures via http.

    I was shocked by this announcement from I have since deleted ALL of my pictures on the site accept ones that I do not use to post via the http:... 39.99 USD is basically a ransom for people who need to post their pictures. In the mean time I was wondering what people are using...
  3. Guinea Goonie

    One of the guineas got out. A short story.

    Well, it is foaling season and I forgot to close the Guineas door. Heard them yacking and sure enough bout ten of them were planning their escape. I closed the barn doors and got all but ONE of the little turds back into their enclosure. One of them got out through the rafter opening of the...
  4. Guinea Goonie

    How do I contact a moderator ?

    Hello: So many new things here on the BYC, I am lost ! Terrilacy is now an admin and I do not reconize any others except one or two. Is the chickenlady still a moderator ? I probally need to type with a moderator that was on her from a few years ago. I would like to know a particular thing...
  5. Guinea Goonie

    Like OMG it is FINALLY Srping !

    Hello: So, anyone out there ready for waking up to at least 35 degrees F ? My POOR Guineas have been locked up in the barn all winter. When the bugs start to come out they can fianlly go out. It is has been a DREADFUL winter here in Missouri. I just about lost my mind ! :yesss: It is finally...
  6. Guinea Goonie

    Have too many Guinea Fowl ....

    Hello: I have raised too many Guineas this year. I have them up to the age of about 10 weeks. I would like to give a few away this fall. I live near West Plains Missouri. I know that there are people on the site that are near me. I have forgotten names and such. In any event, let me know if you...
  7. Guinea Goonie

    More "how to start a fight" Parables.

    HOW TO START A FIGHT One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a Christmas gift... The next year, I didn't buy her a gift. When she asked me why, I replied, "Well, you still haven't used the gift I bought you last year!" And that's how the fight started..... My wife and I...
  8. Guinea Goonie

    Bad day on the farm. Rooster has a date with the Taxidermist.

    We take care of our "bad boy" roosters in a unique way. We have them mounted and we sell them to the locals. The taxidermist HUMANELY puts them down and in a few weeks we get our "bad boy" back. We reserve this fate for the worst of the roos, the ones that just will not stop raping the hens...
  9. Guinea Goonie

    FINALY, its's raining !!

    After a horrid few months of dry and brown pastures, it is raining. The birds have been miserable and the bugs and worms went into hiding. This day, the hay guys were rolling hay and the rain came. The Guineas and the Chickens are in grasshopper heaven and the worms are back. We have been feed...
  10. Guinea Goonie

    A Couple of "STRANGE" egss !!

    Thought I would share a picture of a few pretty strange looking eggs before I threw them out.
  11. Guinea Goonie

    Seems like it took a long time.....

    I noticed that this will be the 3,000 post I have made on they BYC. I have been registered for darn near two years. Some on here have so many posts that it spins my head and some ya hardly hear from. Well, in any event it sure has been a nice ride so far. I am still very glad to be here...
  12. Guinea Goonie

    LOOKIE what I got for daddyday !!

    The wife brought two nice panels back from town and we set the run up last night. The wild game hen hatched out two babies and she is pretty happy in the new coop we got a few months ago. We have had the other coop for some time, but this set up is just great !!
  13. Guinea Goonie

    Could they REALLY have eaten the whole thing ?

    Yesterday, I pulled the little bucket out of the place where I store the eggs the hens lay. I usually get about 2 to 3 days worth and then off to the house to candle them and put them in cartons and then the frig. I have a few people I gve them to every few weeks. ANYHOW, I got really...
  14. Guinea Goonie

    Big Hen has an egg stuck in her Vent.... Any help..

    I have a large (prbably NJG hen) that looks to have an eggs stuck in her vent. She is trying so very hard to pass it and she is making quick loud "chirps". She is in a large tub with grass hay in it for the evening. I tried to help her, but I am very afraid that I will break the egg and...
  15. Guinea Goonie

    Guin Hens Enjoying the weather.... pics

    It is always a nice thing to have people post pics of thier flock enjoying being a bird. Well, here ya go. This certainly is not the entire flock of Guineas, but these guys were out back with in camera shot so I thought i would share: ENJOY, they certainly do. BTW, once I took this pic...
  16. Guinea Goonie

    Possum in the nesting box !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So, this morning I open up the barn door, let the chickens out of the wire mesh stalls, change the water, throw down scratch, replenish the feeders with poultry grain, layer pellets and layer mash and then go to collect eggs from the nesting boxes. It was then that I noticed a VERY large possum...
  17. Guinea Goonie

    Difference of Dominique and Barred Rock hens. Need to ID

    High All.... I have a beautiful little hen that I raised from a baby. She is now in the barn with the rest of the flock and doing just great. Lately, I have seen here more with the Guinea birds than her own kind. I would like to know how to ID her, but I do not know the difference between a...
  18. Guinea Goonie

    CRUD !! I lost them all.......

    Eggs that is. I put the mother load down outside the horse barn when I went in to feed and came out forgetting the clutch. Dang, they were nice ones too, frozen cracked and done for. The cats and the dog will enjoy them.
  19. Guinea Goonie

    It is snowing. The Flock is locked up. What do you do ?

    Woke up to about an inch on the ground. I always lock up the birds for a snowy day. They do not seem to mind. Lots of hanging food containers, lots of fresh water, lots of roosts and lots of dust bath areas. I am always afraid of frost bite on combs, waddles and chicken toes. What you you all...
  20. Guinea Goonie

    DANG, Meeces have invaded my house. Killing field....

    WOW, I can not believe the number of Mice I have killed with just the traps in the last few days. I mean it is set and in a matter of minutes WHAAP !! I have three traps were I think the little turds are traveling through the house. I have put poison in enclosures (so no one else gets to it) and...
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