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  1. Pecked2Death

    What color are other people's eggs? And who lives near Huntville, AL?

    Hi, I have a mixed group of Chickens that I purchased at seperate times and one hen RIR went very broodie - I bought some eggs for her to hatch and she did a fine job. Copper Marans. Some of my other hens had laid in with the "hatchable eggs" and I could barely tell the difference. So I was...
  2. Pecked2Death

    Chicken wheezing and exactly how to treat it.

    Hi, I did read the other posts, but they were old and i needed some more specific information. One of my chicken has started to wheeze. She is also pulling her neck forward looking like she is going to throw up. I am concerned that it it Gapeworm or Choke. If I am going to give...
  3. Pecked2Death

    HELP -Lice - how do you tell? and if one has them, wont all have them?

    Hi, My daughter is sure that our broody that has recently hatched chicks, and the chicks have lice. All the chickens were close together (20) until just before Broody hatched her clutch. When we bought some of the birds - 14 of them, we thought they may have had lice as they kept...
  4. Pecked2Death

    Boody hens "in coop" set ups?

    Hey, Another broody thread - sorry. I would like to see some photos of how people set up their coop, if their boody hen is left in the coop to hatch the babies. Or what you do, do? Thanks Raising Children is like being Pecked to Death by a Chicken!
  5. Pecked2Death

    Which breed is the quietest chick for laying and general day time living.

    I have a friend with a neighbour just looking for a reason to call the police on him. He wants to have some chickens next year - he is within city limits, so wants to get the quietest breed he can. I know that my RIR are very chatty girls and loud when it comes to laying - thay make noise for...
  6. Pecked2Death

    In 100 degree heat - what do you do with your babies?

    I am looking at trying my hand at hatching some eggs - if now is a bad time to do this - please tell me. I live in Al, no Banjo, but right now we are very hot and humid. Do you still need the lights and everything (tracor supply sells a kit that is a cardboard exterior wall and the feed and...
  7. Pecked2Death

    Hi there, another Newbie!

    Hi. I am part of a family of five. 3 kids. Nearly 10 year year old twins and an 11 year old. We started with Chickens about a year and a half a ago. We lost a few to Hawks and some to foxes or dogs. Then we had a blissful period of no loses. We bought more chickens - weeks off laying and...
  8. Pecked2Death

    I think my new chicken might have mites?

    Hi, I bought 10, 6-8 week old chicks from a home breeder down the road from me. My children have been holding up in the coop with the chicks, so they are friendlier. It seems my children are now covered in very itchy bites. They start lie a little bubble and then the scratch them as they are...
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