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  1. mrsengeseth

    For sale, set of ceramic chickens

    Set of three ceramic chickens. Hand painted in your choice of colors. Each chicken is approximately three inches tall and is about 2 inches across at the widest point, almost. Because of the nature of handmade items there may be small differences in the colors or details, each piece is unique...
  2. mrsengeseth

    Chicken cams

    Hi all. I am looking for information on a chicken coop cam. I want somehting without a lotta wires, that I can check in on the hens with. I want something that gives a pretty good image, wireless would be ideal, that i can check on my computer or remotely if i am traveling, and doesn't cost a...
  3. mrsengeseth

    flies...wonder if this would work to keep our runs and coops fly free In this article it suggests that catnip oil would keep flies away (maybe mosquitoes too). I worry that it would attract all the neighborhood cats in too, bringing me a new problem! But, what about just...
  4. mrsengeseth

    hummingbird question

    The kids and I enjoy watching the neighborhood birds very much. Last year we know there were some hummingbirds in the area (some at our feeder) and sure enough we found their teeny tiny nests in the shrubbery (can't say that word without thinking of Monty Python). My question is; will they come...
  5. mrsengeseth

    Barred Rock vs Cuckoo Marans *added pic of my birds in question

    Looking at them, how can you tell the difference? I was sold two pullets at the beginning of last year. I was sold them as Cuckoo marans, but i am unsure now because I am having trouble telling the difference when I look at photos. Can you tell me what I am looking for (other than egg color as...
  6. mrsengeseth

    Is there a chart?

    I have seen the charts for chicken eggs, but I am wondering if there is one for ducks, one with photos of the eggs and what the adults look like?
  7. mrsengeseth

    oh, man. I can feel the fever coming on.

    On my facebook, my contacts have been talking about firing up their incubators, here at BYC there's incubator and hatching talk. Oh man oh man, I can feel the incubating fever begin to rise. Oh boy oh boy ohboy!!! Even the kids have been talking about maybe wanting to incubate again!! We'd...
  8. mrsengeseth

    WTB: Colorado Springs, variety of hens

    Looking for laying age hens BCM BO EE RIR would be fine standard or banty.... and ds would like a banty cochin too. we had a banty barred cochin that was old, but adorable and friendly, would be great to find another. In total i can get ten, but price is going to dictate how many i can swing...
  9. mrsengeseth

    dunno what this is

    Ok, last night out of the blue it seems, Emily (bantam barred cochin) was sneezing and bubbles came from her eye. She was still active and playing and ahving a grand time. I still separated her and fed her some yogurt, put some ACV in her water and kept her apart last night. None of her coop...
  10. mrsengeseth

    Did anyone get the new Urban Farms magazine?

    It premiered with it's first issue today, and while scanning I found.... mentioned at least twice!! I thought that was super cool.
  11. mrsengeseth

    hens are fighting amonst themselves

    I have two coops. one much larger than the other. I have bantams and standards. My bright idea was to switch all the bantams into the smaller - easier for them to use- coop and the standards only into the one that is more suited to their size. Now, everyone is fighting and mad. the bantam coop...
  12. mrsengeseth

    Monarc!!!! Monarc!!!!

    I got an egg today, an egg!!!! It was from one of the A&M's I have inside the house. Woooo hoooo!!!! I am so excited! Now...I need about 23 more for a bbq (gonna make itty bitty deviled eggs...) (ROFL, I will plan a BBQ around the itty bitty deviled eggs, lol THAT's how excited I am about this!)
  13. mrsengeseth

    I am sooooooo excited!

    I am going to get more chickens this week! I have the quarantine area all set up and ready to go. I am meeting up with a person that is selling me two white silkie hens, a BO pullet, a SLW pullet, and a RIR pullet. He's close enough that the drive won't be too bad on us all. I am so excited!!!!
  14. mrsengeseth

    WTB : Hens/pullets, colorado springs, co

    I am interested in adding to our flock... Silkies Welsummers Coo Coo or Copper marans EE's BO RIR... really...we'd be interested in taking in just about any breed. No roos' though... I placed a craigslist ad also.
  15. mrsengeseth

    Hee hee, I was able to say...

    The other evening, Dh was soaking his bum knee in the jets of the hot tub. Our hot tub overlooks the coop and run. When My Grandma called and asked what we were up to I was able to answer her with... "Hubby is outside in the hot tub ogling some chicks" The line went quiet for a few seconds.
  16. mrsengeseth

    Good I know what broody means!!

    Holy MAckerel!! Muppet (Silkie) went broody on me. SHe went from following me around like a puppy to sitting on her nest and growing like a guarddog in no time flat. I moved her water close to her but am at a loss as to what to do for her otherwise. I have no roos, and no eggs to give her to...
  17. mrsengeseth

    Monarc, few questions...

    hiya!! Just dropping a line to say all the quails you sent are doing wonderful! They are in their outdoor pen and I have a few questions... One has a bald back...could this be from over mating? Being a favorite of the roos maybe? None have begun to lay or crow thus far, are any of the rest of...
  18. mrsengeseth

    possible nest box idea... This was posted at another site but when i looked at it all i thought of was "would this work for chickens?? Nest box idea...
  19. mrsengeseth

    Quail crowing question...and another quesion

    Laser, my last quail male was all alone. And he'd crow, morning noon and night. It was pretty bad. Enough that ...even with him inside the house...i was sure that the neighbors would complain soon. Now I have bunches of quails. I do want to keep a male for a few females. To breed for ourselves...
  20. mrsengeseth

    will a broody silkie...

    hatch quail eggs? I know they will try to hatch everything from pecans to golf balls. But I wonder if anyone here has had success with them hatching quail eggs.
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