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  1. scrapingran

    Lethargic Hen/Help please!

    I have a hen that is very lethargic right now. Her comb is hanging to the side, and she has green diarrhea. She eats a little and is still drinking. Is it worms or something more serious? I thought she maybe has vent gleet, but her vent area doesn't stink the way they say vent gleet should...
  2. scrapingran

    Shared Coop

    My ducks share the coop with my chickens. They make such a wet mess with the water overnight that it makes keeping the litter dry next to impossible. Would it hurt the ducks not to have water in the coop with them at night if there is no food in the coop?
  3. scrapingran

    Our First Hatch

    I just read the article on broody hens vs:incubators for hatching eggs. It has a lot of good information in it. I have an Ameracauna hen that went broody on me in the beginning of November. Thanksgiving week she hatched her first chick. There were eight eggs, but only four hatched and...
  4. scrapingran

    Turkey with nasty runs

    I have a turkey that had a bout of the trots about 4 months ago. She has it again, only this time it is more explosive, green watery poop. Does this sound like anything really serious or dangerous to my ducks or chickens? Any help would be appreciated. This has been really frustrating.
  5. scrapingran

    Injured Barred Rock

    I have a barred rock that has been "off" for about a week now. She has a limp, and the other day I noticed that she had frank blood on her feathers by her thigh. We couldn't feel any breaks in the bone, but the skin where we could see it appeared badly bruised. We isolated her for a couple...
  6. scrapingran

    Duck with a limp

    I have a duck that has developed a limp. I have checked her and don't see any injuries to her foot or her leg. A different thread said something about a niacin deficiency, and I was wondering if that could cause a duck to limp when there is no apparent injury? Gimpy and I would appreciate any help
  7. scrapingran

    Turkey with the Trots

    I have a turkey that has really runny poop. Is that normal? Am I missing something in her diet? She gets commercial chick grower feed, scratch, any fruit or treats that she will eat that I give the chickens, and anything she scratches up in the pen. Any ideas will be appreciated.
  8. scrapingran

    Chicken Crazy!

    I am the proud chicken mom of 5 Orpingtons, 10 Ameracaunas, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 4 California Whites and 2 Barred Rocks. I thought at first that I had all girls, but I know for sure now that one of them is a rooster. I am also the proud mom of 4 Pekin ducks, 2 Ruen Ducks and a turkey. They...
  9. scrapingran

    Barred Rock Chick not Growing

    I have two Barred Rock chicks that I picked up at the feed store this past Saturday. One of the chicks is not growing. Her wings look bigger, but she hasn't gained any weight or height, and the other chick is starting to really make her look tiny. She is eating and drinking, and their poop...
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