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  • Users: momofdrew
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  1. momofdrew

    strange behavior

    I have a 3 week old chick who seems to be in some distress in breathing...she moves her head up on the inhale and tweets on the exhale putting her head down ... she is not communicating like the other chicks...I have never seen this in any other bird... could she have a cold? she is still eating...
  2. momofdrew

    question about wyandott roo and silkie girls

    Hi all, I havent been on here for a long time but have a question that I know someone here can answer.... Is a wyandott roo too big for my silkie girls...a friend gave me one of her silver streak wyandott roos... my concern is will the chicks that may develop be too big for the egg shell of a...
  3. momofdrew

    swollen waddles

    does anyone know what is wrong with my young roo? this side is the most swollen but the other side is enlarge also we have started an antibiotic for the all the birds hopefully it isnt very serious....
  4. momofdrew

    He is gobbling!

    I have a Rooster that has started to make gobbling sounds...he still crows but every so often he sounds like a turkey... is this normal? it really is disconcerting to hear him...
  5. momofdrew

    Help broody hen killed baby

    I saved the second baby and she is still setting on one egg... would it hatch if I put it in the brooder box???? will the baby servive all by its self...
  6. momofdrew

    hatching now!

    our new momma Peaches has been setting on 6 eggs in the coop for 21 days and I just went out and checked and we have at least one but couldnt get a great look so dont know if we have any more pips...she is truly protective of her clutch
  7. momofdrew

    clueless listless bird cannot stand or hold head up...?????

    I have a 7month old female silkie, who is having trouble. I dont see any blood and she isnt eating or drinking havent seen her poop...she is listless and cannot stand on her legs, she falls on her face, she can hold her head up if I am holding her but other wise it plops on to the...
  8. momofdrew

    new additions

    our newest 3 hatchlings born Sat Sun and Monday had to help Monday because it took more than 24 hours and the membrane dried out...but boy it had a great pair of lungs...had 2 girls broody together on 8 eggs...they are both taking care of the babies...
  9. momofdrew

    Have 2 broody's setting

    My 2 white sillkies Momma Minny and daughter Maddy are sharing 8 eggs and setting side by side and I never know who will have what under them at any given that normal...expect pips on Easter day...
  10. momofdrew

    Happy Day

    My son Andrew is coming home from Iraq he flies out tonight and will be at Ft Bragg NC on the 9th and will get his first leave on the 11th and will be home for 4 whole days...I have been anxiously awaiting this day for a year...Thank you God...
  11. momofdrew

    My son is coming home from Iraq next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He has been there for a year and is now starting the trip home he is at Baghdad airport to fly to kawait to fly to germany to fly to Ireland to fly to Maine or NH and finally to Ft Bragg NC and he will be home for the holidays...I cannot tell you how excited I and my family are...pray for good...
  12. momofdrew

    4 days later

    we now have 4 babies but they are a lot later than 21 this usual?
  13. momofdrew


    Greg tell your wife [Jan?] we have one of her silkie babies hatched I just midwifed it into the world..its still attached to the shell by its cord but breathing peeping moving...the others hopefullly with hatch tomorrow...Pam
  14. momofdrew

    I just midwived my first chick NOW WHAT??? questions help!!!!!

    she piped this noon time and went to check her a hour ago and she hadnt done much more and her membrain was dry so brought her in under lamp and with twezzers and scissors i delivered for the first time she is still attached to her umbical cord and shell which still has blood in it and she is...
  15. momofdrew

    when do I start to get worried?

    I have 1 pip since noon time he is peeping but hasnt zipped momma has moved him under her & there are 9 other eggs that dont seem to be doing anything yet...when should I give the pipped one a hand???or should I just wait it out??? today is day 22...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. momofdrew

    One pip out of 10 eggs!!!

    Minny is setting on 10 eggs I expected them to pip has pipped this mornng and it is making lots of noise...keep your fingers crossed that the others follow along in a timely manner...and we have a good hatch
  17. momofdrew

    someone tried to poison my babies!!!!!

    went out to feed the birds this morning to find all the gates open and the coop unlocked...looked in and the babies waterer had red shavings in it... [every day I have to clean that frequently cause being in the coop the birds kick up a lot of shavings] any way the coop stinks of antifreeze...
  18. momofdrew


    Minny has hatched her second batch...she went broody on 2 eggs 21 days ago and both have hatched today...they are so sweet...second one is still damp...hopefully they are both female...what are the odds...the last hatching gave me 2 roos and one female...I really hope they are girls...will get...
  19. momofdrew

    looking for NH silkie pullets

    any color I have 4 silkies 2 hens and 2 roos I am looking for a couple of more girls so the roos wont fight over the flock of 2...any one within an hours drive of Rochester have any for sale???
  20. momofdrew

    Why is my hen staying in her nest for hours?

    My hen Minny has restarted laying eggs since her babies are now half grown and she lays one every day...but she will lay in her nest for hours until the egg comes then will get up and join the others in what ever they may be she has been in there since noonish and it is now 5pm and...
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