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  1. joesandy1822

    Bumblefoot on toes only?

    I have a pekin that’s almost 3 years old. I got her when she was a year old in the spring of 2022, and she came with a severe case of bumblefoot on both feet. She had surgery at a vet clinic, but the vet didn’t really remove all of it. So between myself, my adult son, my husband, and the...
  2. joesandy1822

    Help please, curled toes on quail

    This is my first hatch, and I’m just a bit panicked. The quail chicks started hatching this morning, and the first chick is perfectly fine, but the second two seem to have curled toes. I’m assuming somehow my temp was too low in the incubator, although I do have a Govee in there that tells me...
  3. joesandy1822

    Urgent, egg binding?

    I have two ducks, a muscovy and a pekin. The muscovy can be off and on with her laying because she goes broody a lot, but the pekin lays pretty much every day. Yesterday the muscovy decided not to lay in the nest box and go somewhere and hide and lay, which I feel put the pekin’s laying off, so...
  4. joesandy1822

    Keeping daily duck food dry

    I usually just put my duck food in a bowl, but when it rains, it gets wasted because then they won’t eat it. Which seems strange considering they love deliberately getting it wet themselves. Also, the wild birds eat some of it. Anybody know of a feeder hack that would prevent it getting rained...
  5. joesandy1822

    Ducks not eating well

    About 2 weeks ago, we got an extremely nasty cold front that moved through with high winds and sub zero wind chills (I’m in Michigan). I have two ducks, a pekin and a Muskovy (both hens). They roam my fenced yard during the day, and I coop them each evening in a small duck coop filled with...
  6. joesandy1822

    How cold is TOO cold for swimming/getting wet?

    Hello all. I have a Pekin and a Muskovy (both hens). We have a backyard pond with goldfish (3,000 gallons). The ducks love it, but we put a net over it each fall until the spring to keep leaves out. This is our first winter with the ducks. They miss swimming. They sit by the edge of the netted...
  7. joesandy1822

    Is this duck food good?

    This is what I’ve been feeding my two (laying) girls since I adopted them in April. Does it look ok to you more experienced people based on the ingredient label? By the way, they have both quit laying. I assume it’s because of molting. The Pekin has been done for several weeks, but the Muscovy...
  8. joesandy1822

    Is salicylic acid safe for duck feet?

    Just brainstorming. I’ve read every bumblefoot thread here and other sites, so yes, I am familiar with all the typically recommended treatments, sprays, ointments, antibiotics, and other techniques people are using to treat bumblefoot. But something came to my mind, and after trying to search...
  9. joesandy1822

    Shiny egg

    My duck, Georgie, is on Baytril for bumblefoot, so I haven’t been eating her eggs. I’ve been blowing them out to make crafts with. This morning, after emptying and cleaning up the egg as always, I noticed something very strange. The egg from this morning is shiny! The other 18 from previous days...
  10. joesandy1822

    Is perlite harmful?

    I‘ve noticed that my two adopted ducks have taken a liking to perlite, either out of my potted plants, or they visit a pile of used potting soil from years past and pick it out of there. I do have a dish of “proper” poultry grit for them, as well as oyster shells for calcium. I’ve NEVER seen...
  11. joesandy1822

    Baytril dosage for ducks with bumblefoot

    My duck had surgery 8 days ago for a huge bumblefoot. I do not have access to a farm animal vet, so a respected “regular” vet did it. He prescribed Baytril in pill form for 10 days. Tomorrow will be her last day. I would like to verify with anybody here who is familiar that the dose has been...
  12. joesandy1822

    Baytril and eggs

    Hello. My duck had bumblefoot surgery last Monday. She was fine up until a couple days ago, when she developed quite a limp. The wound itself looks very clean, and has healed well (from outward appearances). Based on my call to the vet, he decided to put her on Baytril for 10 days. It is about a...
  13. joesandy1822

    Need to make duck shoes for post bumblefoot surgery ASAP

    My girl just had surgery for a huge bumble. I need shoes ASAP. I could’ve sworn I saw a post here on how to make your own, but now I can’t find it anywhere. Thanks for any help!
  14. joesandy1822

    Newbie needs help with bumble foot!

    I adopted two ducks a few weeks ago (both hens). What a joy! However, we just came to realize that one of them (jumbo pekin) has bumble foot. It’s a fairly large scab, somewhere between nickel and quarter size. There is no swelling, no limping, she is eating, drinking, and acting like a normal...
  15. joesandy1822

    New duck owner questions

    Hello everybody. I’m a brand new duck mom. I am THRILLED to say the least. I’ve waited so long, it’s almost like a dream. I adopted 2 beautiful ducks that I believe are both about a year old. One is a Giant Pekin named Georgie. The other is a Muskovy named Weezie. I am coming up with many...
  16. joesandy1822

    Shelby Township, MI

    Hello. I live in Shelby Township, MI and I am trying to organize a group of people who are interested in having backyard chickens to help me get our ordinances AGAINST chickens changed. I know about the MRTFA, but for those of us who just want a few pet hens and not go "commercial", this would...
  17. joesandy1822

    How to get chicken laws changed in Shelby Township, MI

    Hi all. I'm brand new here, and I am reading as fast and as much as I can. If there is a sticky or something with step-by-step info on how to get the ordinances changed in an area, could somebody please direct me there? BTW, I have found other websites sort of outlining a plan of sorts, but...
  18. joesandy1822

    Hi from Shelby Township, MI

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Not new to chickens. Had them all my life until I got married and moved away from home. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Unfortunately, none due to local ordinances. However, I am seeing a light and hope to get...
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