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  • Users: Omran
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Omran

    I just need all of you to know this about Syria my home town

    Dear friends for the past few months I have been very busy and very worry about my family back home my mom and my brothers and sisters, and all my relatives ( we are a very big Family all together over 200) and ofcourse all my friends, I know here is my home now, but who ever forget where...
  2. Omran

    New Project just completed with pictures

    HI all, I got really tired last winter of hauling water back and forth to my chickens and hoses got frozen on me all the time and I had to get it all inside to unfreez it to beable to get water for my cows. and lately I had so much trouble with the cows stilling my chicken food and pooping every...
  3. Omran

    Our New kitten Update pictures of Fuzzy and Turbo page2

    Hello, I am so happy I found avery nice kitten yesterday, my friend's wife call us on friday and asked us if we would like to addopt the new kitten she found, I said I go look at him on saturday, I went and as soon as I seen him I told them well it is mine Here he is, we still trying to find a...
  4. Omran

    How many of you use plans to build a coop???

    I am just wondering if I am the only one who does things in kind of crazy way, every time I build a new coop or a shed or anything for my farm I just get my hammer and nails and start working with no plan or any thing, and ofcourse I run to some surprises I did not expect, but it always be...
  5. Omran

    Looks like Random Ramblings Rules this Site Anymore????

    Hello Dear friends how are you all doing? I hope all of you are healthy and happy and Life is good for all of you. I know that I should show up more often to BYC, but it is always something keeping me busy outside in my yARD OR WORKING, lately I noticed that the Random Rambling has way more...
  6. Omran

    Chicken moved in and they are very happy page 14

    Hello everybody, I have been hiding for quite some time now, but I just started a new coop, I am going to try to post all the details on my new coop and adding pictures till it is all said and done. The new coop will be 10'x10' and it will have overhang rafters with nesting boxes with outside...
  7. Omran

    Goodbuy my Friend I know you are in Heaven

    Dear friends, today was the hardest day in my life, I never had a hard time like today, yes I am a Man and I cried and cried and I just don't know how to stop, My best Friend oliver had to go , he was so ill with kidnies falier and the Doc Could not do any thing else for him, he was suffering...
  8. Omran

    You will love this

    Hello, Since last june I have been working as a trashman for a big construction company, which happens to build a big supermarket locally. So, last month they started putting up the new freezers and other equipment on the floor, and lucky me they told me I can have all the wood left over from...
  9. Omran

    My Best friend oliver is very sick prayer request

    Dear friends, my best friend my boy cat Mr. Oliver Twist is very sick, his kidnies are in a very bad shape and both doctors said that there is no cure for it, I can't see him so sad and I am praying for a mirical to happen. Please please pray for him, he has the bigest Heart I ever seen in my...
  10. Omran

    Merry Christmas

    Dear Friends, I wish you all a very merry christmas and a wounderful and very happy and blessed new year. While you are in Christmas spirit, please Rember to thank God for everything, and say a little prayer for my Cat Mr. Oliver Twist, he has a kidny deasis and I am praying for him all the...
  11. Omran

    dropped by to say Hi

    Helloooooooooo dear friends, How are you guys doing? I hope that all of you are blessed and very healthy, for a while now I am real lazy when it comes to writing or doing anything online, but I want you all know that : WE are doing well and we still have a lot of chickens, we also have new...
  12. Omran

    Now we are 51 members in our Household

    Hello, and how are you all doing? today I was thinking and I found out that 25 hens + 8 new chicks+5 month old chicks+1 blind calf+2 baby bottle goats from auction,+3 goats+5 cats+my wife and me . Last week I came home with two baby goats, they are sooooo cute, my wife was really mad at me...
  13. Omran

    how can I tame a gote.

    Hello again, last sunday we bought two boer nannies and one buck, but they still very wild toward us and always trying to run away from us, what can I do to make them come down and finelly like me????? Thank you.
  14. Omran

    I addopted a little calf , your input needed.

    Hello Dear friends, I hope all of you are doing well and having a good evening, Here it goes: Last monday I went to help friend of mine to unload some building materials in his barn, so he asked me if I am willing to raise a one week old very weak calf, so I went to the barn with him and I saw...
  15. Omran

    A lot of actions going on my Farm LOL

    Hello dear friends, Oh my God for a long time I did not have the time to come here on BYC and to chat with you all, but this Summer is a real busy and crazy one for us on our little Farm. We finelly got the fence done after a lot of hard work . Last sunday we got two nannies and one Buck Boer...
  16. Omran

    I am going to get some goats, need input

    Hello everybody, for a while now I was almost dissappeared from the BYC because I was and still real busy finishing up the fence project for my new hobby and trying to be prepared for the goats and what comes with them. Now I am al;most ready, but I would like to know what kind of goats do you...
  17. Omran

    Do you ever feel that you have no intresst in going online????

    Hello dear friends, for a while now I feel that I have nothing to say for the posts on BYC or I don't know what to say, I don't even have a new thread to start or nothing. Maybe because of the good weather and all the activities I am having outside everyday, or maybe I just don't know what to...
  18. Omran

    Just stopped by to say Hi

    Hello dear BYC friends, Lately I have been busy with my Business that I hardly have free time for BYC so I like to come here and say hello to all of you, Thanks God for all this work I am getting, today we got some rain and we really need it, so I got chance to come here and play. Anyway I love...
  19. Omran

    Is the PC seasonal for you guys or what?

    Hello everyone, I have been very busy lately and I think for almost 3 weeks I did not go on line other than checking my e mails, Spring and summer is my busiest time where I can make my winter money. So my question is the web for you a seasonal thing or are you really have to go online every...
  20. Omran

    I am Back and running LOL

    Hello dear friends, I am back here and now with a fast computer thanks God. our old computer crashed on us and we finely bought a new one again, but we found one on sale at staples and I noticed the diffrence now I can look at suff way faster than before and I don,t have to take a nap in between...
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