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  1. Chic-n-farmer

    Chic-n-farmer's Chicken Pictures

    Bantam Wyandottes I have a horrible time trying to load photos on BYC. My husband showed me a way that I thought would work great, but I still can't load them in an album. So I am putting them here. At least this way I can direct people to the link. Cochin bantams...
  2. Chic-n-farmer

    Totes and Shopping Bags Made From Recycled Feed Bags. More Styles and Animals Added

    Shop in style with these colorful bags. They also make great totes, book bags and gift bags! Made from recycled feed bags, they are tough, water-resistant and versatile! Available in many sizes from small totes to large shopping bags. Custom sizing is available: All seams are...
  3. Chic-n-farmer

    Who's hatching in February?

    I'm late firing up the incubator this year, but it's going now! 93 duck, chicken and guinea eggs were set Saturday 1-28 Wish me luck!
  4. Chic-n-farmer

    100,078 more members have joined BYC since I have. Wow!

    Remember when it was a big deal to see 1000 members online at once? Now it's a daily happening!
  5. Chic-n-farmer

    This week's Pic Of The Week would make a Wonderful Painting!!

    It looks like a painting.... I want to hang it on my wall!
  6. Chic-n-farmer

    Hawk Attack Stopped By Larry the Peacock!!

    My son just witnessed a hawk and our pet peacock, Larry, trying to kill it. The hawk was attacking a roller pigeon in an unused duck pen with a cattle panel roof. Larry, the peacock, had ran in the open gate to the pen and attacked the hawk! The hawk got its wing stuck in the fence and my son...
  7. Chic-n-farmer

    BYC just doesn't seem the same without Ranchhand.....

    I miss her popping up in threads I am following, her sassy remarks and sense of humor.
  8. Chic-n-farmer

    Breeding a rooster with too many points?

    Should it be done?
  9. Chic-n-farmer

    So, how do you feel about grass?

    God said: "Frank, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is going on down there on the planet? What happened to the dandelions, violets, milkweeds and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought...
  10. Chic-n-farmer

    Oh, Nifty! How could you?

    I never thought I would see a banner ad for KFC right on the Home Page..... Oh the irony! *** Don't worry kids. It was no one we knew.
  11. Chic-n-farmer

    Hilarious Pictures of My Chickens.... WARNING! Henpecking in Progress!

    Is she whispering sweet nothings in his ear? Somehow, I don't think so....
  12. Chic-n-farmer

    Happy Resurrection Sunday!!

    a few hours early! I hope everyone has a wonderful, blessed day!
  13. Chic-n-farmer

    Old Buckeye Incubator on Indiana Craigslist $100

    Check out this great old incubator:
  14. Chic-n-farmer

    Skateboarding Chicken

    So you can't see his tiny skateboard.... but you can see how he's riding it down that water hose to impress the chicks. I've been having a horrible time posting pictures and I may have fixed my problem (well, that problem anyway ) so this is a test to see if it posts.
  15. Chic-n-farmer

    WOOT! The Sun is SHINING!! Oh, Happy Day!

    I'm so sick of winter I'm so sick of winter I'm so sick of winter C'mon everbody! Sing it if you know it! I'm so sick of winter
  16. Chic-n-farmer

    53 hour power failure____Results are coming in.... Hatching!!

    Eggs that had incubated for 2 weeks were killed by the outage. Eggs that were incubated for 3 days before the outage occured are starting to hatch! These eggs were set Monday 2-14 and the power went out Thursday 2-17 and today, 3-9 I have one hatched and several pipped!!
  17. Chic-n-farmer

    Every time I look there is something new on BYC!

    I just saw the "Awards". I noticed it when I was mooning over Terrielacys avatar.
  18. Chic-n-farmer

    Mike Tyson and Pigeons??!!

    "Tyson finds peace from unusual source" Interesting story. Now he needs some chickens and a BYC membership. Then he will know what peace is!
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