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  • Users: monarc23
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  1. monarc23

    I don't know what I'm going to do

    Hey guys.... as you probably know, I'm pregnant, almost through my first trimester with the baby. However, now my husband decided to separate from me. The just of it is that the baby made him realize that he does not want to spend the rest of his life with me. God, it hurts so bad. We planned...
  2. monarc23

    Pregnancy Update :)

    Hi all, for those of you who know me, you know I've been dealing with pretty severe nausea pretty much my entire first trimester. Well, finnally I got to my first prenandal appt. (yesterday) the baby feels 11 weeks old which is perfect for my counting . In two weeks I get to hear the heartbeat...
  3. monarc23

    Sept. 29th FIRST prenadal visit- will be a day away from 11 weeks

    I am 9 weeks today My bean is offically a "fetus" today! Before that it was an embryo I'm all smiles because I finnally feel good today AND imagining my long legged looking-more-like-a-baby inside of me is just amazing Please pray that my appt. goes well on wednesday sept. 29th and PLEASE...
  4. monarc23

    FS: Farm Master 4 tray incubator $300 Pickup Only SW PA

    Sears Roebuck: Farm Master: Cabinet: 4 removable trays (which can litterally hold 100 chicken eggs PER tray depending on how you put them in), can incubate ANYTHING, even ostrige eggs as long as you remove trays to make space above the egg. Without removing any trays it can easily incubate goose...
  5. monarc23

    No longer in coturnix quails atleast not for a while *update*

    Hey guys, To update here I thought i better make this post about my quails. It will be short n sweet because I'm still very sick. I don't know if any of my buds that were able to get in contact with me said but ive been really sick morning sickness, is more like 24/7 sickness. And to top it off...
  6. monarc23

    My east indies (vid of them following me)

    Ignore my tootsies also the weird noise in the background is oddly enough my not loud at all 70 year old incubator. That camera really pics up sounds. makes it sound like theres a truck outside my window! LOL! The cup on the floor is one of those medium sized bathroom wrinse your mouth out...
  7. monarc23

    Duck Behaviour: Duck and Drake Video and PIcture

    Nevermind, answered my own question by doing some research online (my second post shows the answers). I'll leave it up though for anyone interested in duck behaviours... If you notice my mallard hen is snaking her neck down and going a machine gun type clucking at the same time if the other...
  8. monarc23

    Does anyone know how Blue and Black works in ducks?

    I was curious if anyone knows how blue and black works in ducks. I have 3 blue and one black duckling from a black east indies bantam duck pair. I am curious if blue is recessive in ducks just like it is in chickens. Also if anyone knows of a good website I can look up the duck genetics on. Or...
  9. monarc23

    Ever deal with a customer like this?

    MONTHS ago I sold a bunch of chicks to what I thought was a very nice couple. I told them and I quote (in an email): " >> " I hope I did a good job on them all being hens, and like I said if ANY turn out to be roosters bring them back and I'll give you a new chick(s) when I have any, OR a...
  10. monarc23

    "Enslaved By Ducks" anyone read this book? I can only imagine the cute discriptivness in this books esp if it talks a lot about ducks quirks and antics I deffinatly need to get this book!!!
  11. monarc23

    Black East Indies pipping in the bator! First Out! Picson:19,30,40

    My second chance at Black east Indies this time from a good friend of mine who was more than giving when she sent me some of her own personal black east indies eggs after my mishap with other BEI I had bought from a breeder that had the double crested gene. These BEIs are not crested so I am so...
  12. monarc23

    BEWARE coturnix buyers (for anyone interested in BIG birds)

    It has come to my attention that friends of mine are being scammed by bragging breeders (not on BYC) who SAY they have the original birds.... theres more than one breeder who claims this of A & M stock. And get this... the one breeder who claims this doesn't even know how big his breeding stock...
  13. monarc23

    I am SO SICK of MRSA!!! :( Worried.

    Got a call this morning from my aunt. Mymom picked up the phone as she was almost out the door for work. Here, my grandma (her mom) looks like she may have had a stroke... her blood pressure is extremely high and she's unresponsive as are her pupils. They tested her for MRSA i guess immediatly...
  14. monarc23

    $10.35, anyone want to experiment?

    I have several eggs here from the end of last week up to today. If someone says they *WANT* these I will put them in the fridge and keep collecting eggs for you until i get your $10.35 (which covers priority usps box shipping). Eggs will include Tuxedo (which include: Tuxedos in dark range...
  15. monarc23

    Broody Coturnix (in spain) :)

    Well this first one is probably in Africa (if I heard them right) these are a wild subspecies of coturnix... they are just one of the birds that went together to produce our domestic coturnix. Shows a hen going and brooding her eggs then her young...if only i could completley understand what he...
  16. monarc23

    Citalk2much- Your coturnix eggs are pippin :D

    I should expect some boogers in the morning im sure I will update with pics when theres enough and they're dry and in the poofy/cute stage
  17. monarc23

    Anyone watch Wild Russia on Animal Planet? Coturnix on there :)

    They were showing a clip on a Jungle cat, and guess what it was hunting? Coturnix It's the Caucausus series if you'd like to see it. the clip of the coturnix only shows for less than a second but i was excited to see them lol! They didn't even say the species but they were most deffinatly...
  18. monarc23

    Faint Positive with EPT!

    I'm pregnant!!!!!! This is only the second month trying I am so happy because I'm a pretty impacient person lol (can't you tell? as i took the test BEFORE my missed monthly).
  19. monarc23

    Blasting the mountain in front of our house....

    I assume the family area is the place to post this as it involves my family. In the begining of spring blasting people went around to other peoples homes to get approval to blast the mountain infront of our home (we live on the top of a mountain on the side of a valley (so we're high up facing...
  20. monarc23

    Because I'm bored new coturnix chick pics

    What im calling Dark Golden Range: I love how this tuxedos markings point to the eye pretty cute: These two came from my Red Range (cinnamon range) over an A & M roo carryiing brown.... the resulting chicks are much lighter than the rosetta tuxedos they were producing from a golden A & M...
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