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  1. blondiebee181

    My bumblefoot frequent flyer

    This is Petrie. Petrie has had surgery before . My question is, I removed the icky scab mass from her foot, but it was bleeding pretty bad, so I couldn't see much else. I packed Neosporin onto a gauze pad and wrapped up her foot and called it good. Keeping her in the hospital box tonight, and...
  2. blondiebee181

    "RRR" (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle) Let's hear it!!

    Hello BYC World! I want to hear how YOU are implementing "RRR" in your chicken keeping routines! Here are a couple of my most recent ideas: Now, in the past I've typically just thrown my shells onto the compost heap, but I've finally decided to save and crush them to either feed back or...
  3. blondiebee181

    Leghorn with issues, advice please.

    Hello all! I have a Leghorn (why do I keep getting these again?) and I've been monitoring her for frostbite as it's been quite cold here in Boise last couple nights. So here's a pic of that I've been treating it with neosporin and vaseline the last few nights...anyone have extra pointers? Also...
  4. blondiebee181

    Work at a feed store, looking for a hatchery to order stock from next spring

    Hello chicken world! I live in Boise, Idaho and work at a local feed store. Every year we order chicks to re-sell to customers and I am in the market for a new hatchery to try. We have used Dunlap in the past and they are okay, but their selection isn't always great. We used Privett for a...
  5. blondiebee181

    Speckled Sussex Roo in Idaho

    Hello chicken world! I have a 4 month old Speckled Sussex Rooster free to a good home. I bought 4 chicks (sexed pullets) at the feed store I work at this spring....and 2 out of 4 were roos!!! How about those odds! Speckled Sussex, Blue Andalusian, Cuckoo Maran and a White Leghorn and the...
  6. blondiebee181

    Chickens not laying

    Hello poultry land, I am posting this on behalf of a customer who called me ( I work at a farm and feed store) worried that she bought 4 chicks in April of this past spring and only 1 of them has laid an egg. We went over any possibility of sickness, the chickens appear to be healthy. All...
  7. blondiebee181

    Durvet Strike III poultry wormer feed, thoughts? Opinions?

    I am curious about this product and intrigued especially because there is supposedly no egg toss...anyone used it before?
  8. blondiebee181

    Idaho breeders??

    Hey chicken land! Anyone out there who breeds heritage stock in Idaho? I am interested in hardy egg layers that are less prone to the types of reproductive problems I keep seeing in hatchery chicks are a must, as I have no incubator but I am certainly open to coming to get them or...
  9. blondiebee181

    Saying goodbye to Daisy-In need of some support :(

    My poor, sweet little Leghorn hen Daisy used to be the perkiest, most boisterous little sassypants you ever did see. Last July she suffered her first case of what I believe to be egg yolk peritonitis, or something similar. She wouldn't lay, she wouldn't eat much or drink, she started to get...
  10. blondiebee181

    HELP PLEASE!!! Wild duckling!!

    Okay guys, so while I do really enjoy keeping my own flock of ducks and chickens, I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can for this little youngster who was brought into my store today!!! He/she is a lone wild duckling not more than a couple of days old (judging by the presence of the egg...
  11. blondiebee181

    Arthritic Foot

    So I have a SLW approx. 8-9 yrs. She has laid a few eggs this year so far, but she is getting older...anyhow, I think she has arthritis in one of her this fairly typical? When I feel the foot, it has a hardened calousy lump in scab, no bumble, no break, no's just...
  12. blondiebee181

    So, I took on a rabbit...very little knowledge here...

    So, you will typically find me in the chicken section of things on here, BUT I took on a rabbit today. I work at a Garden and Feed store here in Boise, ID and some customers came in today to get their rabbits' nails clipped. I started idly talking to them about him (Charlie) because he was so...
  13. blondiebee181

    Teaching Chicken Class! Advice plz.

    Hello all, I just got a job at my local feed store, and am SUPER excited about it. They are a great company, employee centered and focused on sustainable and pesticide free practices. ANYWAYS, they know how crazy and passionate I am about raising chickens and they will be getting their...
  14. blondiebee181

    Mites! Permethrin 10% safe to spray on?

    Hello, I am dealing with a mite problem and I have already cleaned out all bedding and used a 10% Permethrin spray on the housing (1.2oz for 1 gal of water) and I dusted DE around the place to help but many people say DE doesn't get rid of them on the birds if they are it okay to spray...
  15. blondiebee181

    Lethargic, poopy, not hungry, HELP!

    Hello all. My Leghorn Daisy is about 3 yrs....and always she has been boisterous, active, the first to get up and the last to go in, and an absolute GLUTTON. Today I happened to notice when I let the girls out that she doesn't seem to be feeling well. She is usually jumping at the gate to get...
  16. blondiebee181


    I think the girls have decided to go started a couple weeks ago...they started sitting in the chicken boxes and will only go out to eat and drink a little. Willow even feathered one of them...if I take away the chicken eggs, they will simply sit on the fake ones I have in there...
  17. blondiebee181

    SORE FOOT, Possible dislocation...advice plz.

    Hey all, I just noticed one of my Runners, Willow limping so I caught her and sure enough, it looks like she dislocated the central knuckle of the first toe of her left foot...there is a swollen patch on the pad of that area and it appears that the toe was bent in a backward direction too far...
  18. blondiebee181

    The Chicken's "Natural" Diet

    Okay guys, so we've all been to the store and seen the packaging on chicken products that says "All-Natural, vegetarian-fed" But I can't help but laugh a little because chickens are by no means vegetarians! Right? My chicken eat everything from their grain feed, to seeds and nuts, bugs, grass...
  19. blondiebee181


    Hello all, A friend of mine gave me what I believe is a Bantam Cochin hen, approx. a year old. She and her husband are moving away and have been trying to find home for her hens. I guess I have 2 questions: Firstly, I have 4 standard size hens already and 2 Runner Ducks...will the newbie be...
  20. blondiebee181

    D.C. a mixed breed Rooster

    Hey all. I just posted a thread in the "Animals in Need of Free Re-Homing" forum. I have a rooster of mixed breed that I took in from my grandma as a chick. She got them straight-run from a friend and after finding out that her dog had been killing the chicks, she reached out to me to take care...
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