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  1. KimKimWilliamso

    Starting to Winterize, have some Questions!

    In an effort to winterize our chicken coop/run for our first winter with chickens, I have a few questions, and hope that the more experienced poultry keepers will take the time to answer my questions, even if you feel like your beating a dead horse and repeating yourselves! :) I HAVE 1 BUFF...
  2. KimKimWilliamso

    Reduced food consumption after laying begins?

    I have 4 Hens and a Roo. Bantam breeds. When I brought them home as chicks, I free ranged them to grass and bugs etc and offered a feeder with Chick Crumble until the entire 18 Kg bag was gone. Then I switched to Starter Feed, same brand, and fed that until the bag was entirely done. At this...
  3. KimKimWilliamso

    Is Scratch necessary?

    I have been feeding my chicks NatureWise brand pellett/crumble feed from the start, firstly on the starter, then on the grower, and eventually they will be on the layer. It is the only brand available for sale for miles, so it was an easy choice. However, I have not been able to locate a...
  4. KimKimWilliamso

    Coop is Complete - Pictures

    So, for some reason my computer freezes up everytime I try to add a photo to this thread, so instead I have attached a link to a Facebook Album with all the coop pictures for now until I figure out why my computer wont allow me to do it like eveyone else :) Even if you dont have facebook, this...
  5. KimKimWilliamso

    Screws Poking through Roof?

    When you shingled your chicken coop, did your shingle nails protrude on the inside of the coop, and if so were you concerned with this??? We are about to shingle my coop, the last step, and we have realised the nails will stick through about 1/2 an inch. Is this an issue? i would worry that...
  6. KimKimWilliamso

    3 Heavy Set Girlies and 1 Itty Bitty Rooster?

    7 1/2 Weeks ago, I brought home 4 chicks with the hopes they'd all be hens when fully grown. Well, one passed, leaving three. Since then, my FAVORITE chicken, my Mille Fleur named Rose.....has matured into a BEAUTIFUL ....................................rooster. So now I have one Buff...
  7. KimKimWilliamso

    6 Week old Chick with Mass/Abcess on chest - UPDATE!

    Sorry about picture quality. I have posted a couple times in recent days in random threads about one of my Buff Orpington chicks behaving ill. Even after Tetracycline in the water for several days, syringe fed mash and water, she is not recovering. She sits in a sleepy, wobbly state all day...
  8. KimKimWilliamso

    Pot Belly Pig - Adequate Accomodations?

    We are looking into adopting a rescued pit belly pig to add to our "hobby" farm in the next few months, and I was curious what type of shelters people provide for these guys. I will probably section off a peice of the Hens run for a shelter and muddy area for the pig to use until we become...
  9. KimKimWilliamso

    Medicated Chick Feed - bad for wild Birds?

    We are rurally located as such that we get ALOT of interesting bird traffic. Grouse, Ringnecked Pheasants, Partridge, Starlings, Sparrows, Robins, etc. Now, when I bought the medicated chick feed, there was only one MASSIVE bag of starter feed available. I have but FOUR chicks, and they are...
  10. KimKimWilliamso

    What else lives with your chickens?

    Im sure many people have mixed species flocks in the same run area. What have you got living in with your chickens? other birds? Other livestock?
  11. KimKimWilliamso

    Managing Coccidias with Diary?

    Soooooo Sorry for beating a dead horse! I know there are tons of threads here on BYC about treating Coccidias. I have searched the internet and the forum about effective ways to try to "cure" Coccidias with diary products as apposed to meds. But Id really appreciate some real time advice based...
  12. KimKimWilliamso

    Pig Protector?

    We stopped by a Peavey Mart (farm supply store) to grab some chick feed on sunday, and one of the clerks started asking about our chicks, and how we intend to protect them from pedators. We explained our coop and pen concept, and the motion sensor light we planned on having in addition to a few...
  13. KimKimWilliamso

    Rookie Coop Building Mistakes?

    We are new to chickens, and have our 4 little chicks in a brooder in doors for the time being. We are starting the coop this coming weekend. Im curious as to what some "rookie" moves would be. You know, things we will regret later on down the road, things we wish we had known, etc.
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