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  1. Pullet Pimp


    My father is making me build him a new shed because this one is too small and doesn't make a good workshop. The new one he wants is the Taj Mahal so this one has to go. I figured I would offer it here to my "Chicken loving family" before offering it to the preditors on craigslist. If I didn't...
  2. Pullet Pimp

    Which birds should we take to the fair 4H & open class show?PIC HEAVY

    We are about a week and a half away from show time and I wanted some feedback from you experienced show folk. My daughter chose to show chickens for her 4H project and we hatched some Mille Fleur d'Uccle eggs we got from wwmicasa1 and they are 18 weeks now. I have never shown a chicken, but...
  3. Pullet Pimp

    FS-NW OHIO - Favorelle Trio Standard - Pick up

    I have a Trio of Standard Favorelles that I hatched out on April 15 of this year for sale. I purchased other eggs from a fellow BYC member and theses Salmon Favorelles were an added bonus. As nice as they are I am just not into them so I offer the trio for $20.00 which is less than I paid for...
  4. Pullet Pimp

    FS-NW OHIO - Two BLRW cockerels (not hatchery stock) Free - Pick Up

    I ordered a few BLRW eggs from a fellow BYC member to hatch out because I wanted to add a few to the hen house. Well, Murphy was with me because of the 5 or so eggs I got only two hatched and wouldn't ya know it BOTH are roos. Anyway they are very good looking birds, but I cannot keep roos...
  5. Pullet Pimp

    should I remove the early hatchers or not *UPDATE* I decided to remove

    I have been very good at not touching the bator since day 18. Temps and humidity have been spot on the entire time (using a Genesis 1588). On day 19 (Tuesday at 8pm) I had one of the Mille Fleur d'Uccles hatch and it has been in the bator since. It is now day 21 (Thursday) and we have a total...
  6. Pullet Pimp

    Dayton, Ohio Fancy Feathers Club Show - Who's gone? How is it?

    I saw a listing for the Dayton Fancy Feathers show which is April 25-26, 2009 and was wondering if anyone has gone? How many birds can I expect? What types (I assume 'fancy feathers' it would be Silkies, polish, and others of the like) but want to be sure? Is is worth a 2 1/2 hour one way...
  7. Pullet Pimp

    WANTED pictures of Mille Fleur d'Uccles at any age

    Does anyone have any photos of their Mille Fleur d'Uccles at 5 months old? DD got some eggs in the bator now and just wondering what they will look like when the fair comes around for 4H. I know that their best appearance won't be until after their first molt, but just wanted to see if they...
  8. Pullet Pimp

    how long is the Cutler Supply Shipping time frame

    I just ordered the 1588 bator with the 1610 turner and can't wait until it gets here. So I was wondering how long it took you to get your bator from Cutler? I have a feeling that my mailperson and I are going to be fast friends for the next week or so whether they want to or not. "is it...
  9. Pullet Pimp

    For Sale - NW Ohio (Port Clinton area)- 8x12 Chicken Coop Craigslist

    Saw this good deal and thought I would pass it on Someone else pick this up because I am tempted....
  10. Pullet Pimp

    7 month pullet with broken toe and bone exposed WARNING GRAPHIC PICS!

    I noticed yesterday that one of my RIR pullets had a swollen toe on her foot. My first thought was bumblefoot but after looking closer I realize that was not the problem. I inspected her closer and noticed that the toe was broken and the bone was exposed. She was running alright and she eats...
  11. Pullet Pimp

    Pullet WAS getting picked on/HAD missing feathers Thanks silkiechicken

    I noticed tonight that my EE pullet, Sara, has missing feathers in a spot about the size of a golf ball at the base of her tail between the wings. There is no scabbing to speak of and it doesn't appear painful to her. I have no Roo in with them so it is not a loss due to mating and I have seen...
  12. Pullet Pimp

    Is it possible have light frizzle or 1 that is only somewhat frizzled?

    I'll start by saying that I know nothing about genetics and breeding, but I have been reading and learning. I have found nothing on this question using the search (even the new Google one ). I remembered a post on here a while back of someones bird that was only half frizzled. I mean it...
  13. Pullet Pimp

    How many of you have done this on your own

    I found this video on Break and never realized this about chickens until I saw the video. I had to try it for myself and it DOES work. Weird. Who else has done this?
  14. Pullet Pimp

    Silkie Chicks for sale NW Ohio My wife said NO! so I thought I'd share

    Found this craigslist ad and sent an email. Wifey said no more chicks so I thought I would share with you if someone wants some silkies. His email said they would be bearded and he has 3 brown and 3 white that are a week old and then 1 white...
  15. Pullet Pimp

    Building coops to sell.....good or bad idea?

    I love construction and building. It is my hobby in my off time from my "real job". After reading here about everyone buying and modifying the Lowe's playhouse coop and wanting to find and re-use other structures for their coops, I began to wonder if there was a need for pre-built coops and...
  16. Pullet Pimp

    Layer's Lodge. Updated Pics Grand Opening Tomorrow

    This is my first attempt at building a chicken coop. I have plenty of construction experience but have never attempted a chicken coop. I decided to call it Layers Lodge since I will be having all laying hens and I wanted it to resemble a lodge or weekend retreat. The coop is 160 sq ft and is...
  17. Pullet Pimp

    Rehoming my Cockerels Free for the taking (NW Ohio) **PICS ADDED**

    Well, out of my all pullet order so far 4 are confirmed roos with suspicion of a couple others and I would like to rehome them. Before I post the ad on Craigslist I thought I would offer them to you folks first. I have had them since day old chicks (from Ridgeway Hatchery) and they are...
  18. Pullet Pimp

    Chicken Gadgets/Things I saw and thought I could use for the chickens

    Every now and again I find something in a catalog or on the web that is supposed to be used for something else, but my first thought is how I could use that for the chickens or the coop. I thought I would start this thread for everyone to post such findings to share with everyone else. Make up...
  19. Pullet Pimp

    Final cuts for my Chicken Sorority. Rooster cuts starting PICS

    I posted a couple EE's a couple weeks ago and got some that said both were roos and others were not sure and wanted to see photos a couple weeks later. Here they are and all birds are 7 weeks and 1 day old today. I couldn't get good shots of my SLW's last time but got some decent ones tonight...
  20. Pullet Pimp

    5 1/2 week EE's Gender? Whatcha think?

    I have gotten pretty good at figuring out my RIR, NHR, and BR roos from hens. But my SLW and EE's have me scratching my head. I got photos of 2 EE's to start with and the SLW and other EE's are tough to photo but I will keep trying and add them here if I get good ones. With the genetic...
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